Chapter 415 Value

Everyone got in the car and still couldn't get enough of it, they all praised the Zhang family's well-organized banquet. Liu Dayi's younger brother Liu Dacheng also followed this time. After seeing the Zhang family's wealth, he saw that his nephew's eyes were bright, "Tomorrow Jie really married a good wife, brother and sister-in-law, you will be blessed in the future."

Xu Fen covered her mouth modestly and chuckled, "If anything, even if you are blessed, Ajie is also blessed. They live their lives, so we can at most save our worries."

Even so, Xu Fen was so happy from the bottom of her heart that she almost had the words "I'm very happy" written on her face.

Zhu Xianzhi on the side was holding back his anger. Seeing that everyone was exaggerating Linlin, she couldn't help pouring cold water on her, "What's the matter! People don't look down on us poor relatives at all! They still targeted me when I was eating, and they didn't give me any favors." I eat!"

"What's going on?" The corners of Xu Fen's mouth suddenly curved down.

Immediately Zhu Xianzhi cried aggrievedly, "Auntie, it's Zhang Yingying and her cousin, they will grab whatever I want to eat, I was not full just now."

As soon as the words fell, she hiccupped and quickly defended, "I'm already drinking soda."

Zhu Xianzhi's original intention was to provoke the relationship between Xu Fen and Zhang Linlin. Who knew that Xu Fen didn't think about Zhang Linlin at all, but frowned at her niece, "Did you have a conflict with Yingying and the others?"

Xu Fen knows a little bit about her niece's temperament, she is not generous, and today she has not changed her clothes according to her own wishes. Thinking of this, Xu Fen frowned even deeper, and asked in a suffocating mood: "Didn't I ask Ah Jun to call you to the bus to change clothes? Why didn't you change?"

Liu Mingjun made up the knife in time and said: "Mom, she told me to take the clothes down to change, there are so many rooms in the villa, you can go to any one to change, but she didn't take the skirt out of the car at all, how to change it? "

Zhu Xianzhi turned pale, and glared at Liu Mingjun angrily, "Auntie, I...I just think it's too troublesome."

Xu Fen waved her hand impatiently, interrupting Zhu Xianzhi's defense, "Forget it, I don't care what you wear, as long as there is no trouble."

These words clearly pushed Zhu Xianzhi out.

Zhu Xianzhi became more and more jealous and dissatisfied.

Liu Dayi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said to Xu Fen, "I gave Jianguo another one thousand and six, which is the money to mend the earrings."

"So many?" Xu Fen was shocked, and said in pain, "The pair of earrings we bought cost more than 1000?"

Liu Dayi shook his head, he chose the items, and he knew the price, "The pair of earrings that Yongsheng made up temporarily are much better in workmanship than the ones we gave. When I came here, I asked Jianguo how much it was, but Jianguo didn’t tell me how much it was. In the end, I was so entangled that Jianguo called the designer over.

What the designer meant was that the pair of earrings are from Xiangjiang Fusheng Jewelry. The design and craftsmanship are not comparable to ordinary jewelry stores. 2000 should be the base price. If you really go to a physical store to buy it, I guess it will cost more than [-].

Jianguo said, if you don’t want to accept it, you can charge [-] yuan, if there is too much, I will give [-] yuan to the designer in the end. "

Liu Mingjie patted his head dumbfoundingly, "No wonder a woman went to Linlin with a bunch of things after the banquet, and gave Linlin a roll of money. At that time, I wondered why the follower didn't make a red envelope. I guess it was me. My father-in-law has already paid for the earrings, and my father will give it back to Linlin."

"So that's how it is!" Liu Dayi came to a sudden, lay down comfortably, closed his eyes slowly, and spoke in a lazy voice, "We should have done it in the first place, there is nothing to say."

Xu Fen opened her mouth, very confused, "Why did you say that the earrings that were good are gone?"

"Auntie, maybe they are guarding against themselves and trying to trick us!" Zhu Xianzhi speculated maliciously.

No one answered these words, but Liu Mingjie's face was sullen, very unhappy.

Liu Mingjun sneered twice, looking contemptuously.

Zhu Xianzhi was annoyed, "Am I not right? Everyone watched the things when they brought them over! They didn't lose them, but they disappeared after they got them. Who else did it?"

Liu Mingjun ignored Zhu Xianzhi, turned to look at Xu Fen, "Mom, do you know how much the jewels my sister-in-law is wearing today are?"

"How much?" Xu Fen blinked blankly, she was quite concerned about this matter.

Zhu Xianzhi didn't take it seriously, what could be as valuable as gold jewelry!
"You ask my elder brother." Liu Mingjun left some suspense, and threw the question to Liu Mingjie, looking like he was watching the show.

Liu Mingjie said with a straight face: "Jewelry plus clothes, the total is [-]."

"Sixty thousand!" Xu Fen's pupils trembled, just as the car swayed for a while, she only felt her mind buzzing and went blank.

Zhu Xianzhi said meanly: "Cousin, you must have been cheated! Just that little thing, [-]? Why didn't the Zhang family go and grab it!"

"Long hair but short knowledge!" Liu Mingjun mocked.

Zhu Xianzhi blushed, angry and annoyed, and quickly looked to other people for approval, "Tell me, just that little thing is not gold, how can it be worth so much! Even gold is not worth [-]!"

Sixty thousand!Ordinary people can't save so much money in a lifetime, and her family probably can't even come up with 2000 yuan, so why Zhang Linlin!
Zhu Xianzhi did not believe from the bottom of his heart that someone would give such a valuable thing to marry their daughter.

Although the others were also suspicious, no one said anything. Just like Liu Mingjun said, everyone has opened their eyes today. It is not impossible for the Zhang family to be so rich and give their daughter so much dowry.

Seeing that no one agreed, Zhu Xianzhi was so angry that her facial features were distorted.

Xu Fen came back to her senses at this moment, excitedly took the hand of the eldest son, and said incoherently: "Ajie, explain to mom quickly, why is it so valuable? I just looked at Linlin's head gold crowns are worth more."

Liu Mingjie was amused in his heart, and lowered his eyes and said: "Mom, the most worthless jewelry she wears today is the crown. I asked Linlin, and she said that the gold crown was made by my mother-in-law according to her wishes. The old gold was melted down and struck by someone. The pearl on it was worth a few hundred yuan, and the overall wages were only five or six thousand.

But the pair of jade bracelets in her hand is worth 6 yuan, the pearl necklace around her neck is worth [-] yuan, the earrings are worth [-] yuan, the dress is handmade and worth [-] yuan, the brand-name leather shoes are [-] yuan, and the handbag is from Italy. Imported ones cost [-] yuan, and overall [-] yuan is required. "

"That bracelet looks pretty, but it won't cost [-] yuan! Your father-in-law and mother-in-law are willing to do so." Xu Fen sighed and was puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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