Chapter 45 Brothers Eat
Three adults and one child went to a newly opened restaurant in the town. This restaurant has been open for more than half a year, but most of the people who go in and out are rich people. Almost no ordinary people like them eat here.

Looking at the obviously high-end restaurant, Yan Jiandang was a little timid, "The food here should be very expensive, why don't we just eat outside."

After he finished speaking, he looked around and found that someone had set up a stall on the side of the road to sell fried rice cakes. The fragrance wafted far and wide, and he could smell it even standing here.

On weekdays when they come to the town to go to the market, they can't even bear to eat fried rice cakes. Now they can't move their legs when they want to enter the restaurant.

Yan Jianjun was also a little apprehensive, he wanted to take the opportunity to eat something good, but he was not so bold as to deceive Yan Jianguo.

After all, Yan Jianguo had traveled far and seen the world, so he probably knew the price of the hotel, so before they continued to persuade him, he went in by himself, and Yan Jianjun immediately followed. Yan Jiandang, who was holding Yan Yuanyuan, hadn't decided whether to take it When I went in, I was pushed in by the little daughter in my arms, so I had to bite the bullet and go in.

But when he entered the restaurant, he didn't dare to look at the menu, so he hugged the child tightly and stared at the upper of the shoe, almost staring at the shoe. It was Yan Jianjun who bumped him with his elbow, and he looked up suspiciously. two brothers.

Yan Jianguo handed him the menu and said, "Second Brother, let's see what you want to eat. If Yuanyuan wants to eat, you can also order it. Third Uncle treats you to dinner today."

Yan Yuanyuan narrowed her eyes with a smile, but Yan Jiandang hugged her tightly, not allowing her to mess around.

In the end, he ordered a stir-fried vegetable. Yan Jianjun was bolder. Yan Jianguo thought he was going to have a big meal when he saw him writing and drawing on paper, but when he got the menu, he found that there was only a plate of fried peanuts and a plate of rice. Braised pork.

Yan Jianguo shook his head amusedly, looked carefully again, and ordered half a salted duck with minced garlic, steamed fish, stir-fried pork slices, and ordered a few taels of rice and a clear soup.

It was agreed that a few bottles would be indispensable for drinking, and Yan Jianguo had to go back to Jiaonan Village in the dark, so he didn't dare to ask for liquor, so he ordered a few bottles of beer.

But in the eyes of Yan Jiandang, it is extravagant beyond bounds.

Yan Jianjun, on the other hand, was as happy as if he had picked up a big bargain. When the meal came to the table, the three brothers clinked glasses and ate happily, but the three of them didn't bother to bang the plate of duck meat.

Yan Yuanyuan's eyes were almost glued to the duck meat, but she was still too reserved to stretch out her chopsticks. It was Yan Jianguo who added two pieces of duck meat to her and kept persuading her to eat it before she dared to eat it.

Yan Jiandang reminded repeatedly: "It's your luck today. I met your third uncle to treat you and let you have a good meal. You can't talk about it when you get home, you know?"

Yan Yuanyuan nodded vigorously, she would not dare to talk about eating meat at home, she would be beaten to death by grandma.

Yan Jianguo doesn't like Yan Jiandang's way of educating children, but he won't interfere too much.

After the meal, there were still some dishes left, especially the plate of duck meat. Everyone was reluctant to eat more than half of it. Yan Jianguo asked the waiter to pack it into three portions and said, "Each person in your family has one portion, and the remaining portion is Give it to your parents, if they don't eat it, you can share it."

"It's really embarrassing to eat and take." Yan Jianjun grinned and took the things politely.

Yan Jianguo paid the money and led them out of the restaurant. It was almost dark by now, and the stalls selling pan-fried rice cakes were doing a good job, and there were people staying all the time.

Yan Jianguo led them to the stall, took a look, and said, "Give me four servings, three of which are two each, and the other get me six sticks, both sweet and sour sauce and sugar juice."

Yan Jiandang weighed the child with his back on his back, and said, "My third son, why did you buy so much?"

Yan Jianguo glanced at Yan Yuanyuan, who was inhaling the fragrance vigorously, and didn't make a sound. He waited for the boss to pack the three bags before handing them over, "We'll share the same, and I'll take the rest of the bag back to my father-in-law."

"I can't make it, I can't make it." Yan Jiandang repeatedly declined and dodged.

Yan Jianguo gave it directly to Yan Jianjun, and said, "Big brother and second brother, I don't think I will go back to the village to live in the future, unless I save enough money to come back and build a house. If you have anything to do, you can go to the house of my old father-in-law or second brother-in-law in Jiaonan Village and give me a message."

"What? Don't you care about the fields in the village?" Yan Jiandang asked anxiously with wide-eyed eyes.

In his deep-rooted thinking, Tian is the ancestor, and he must be taken care of carefully, otherwise he will starve to death.

Yan Jianguo sighed helplessly, "If I'm in the village, I will definitely plant it well, but if I'm not in the village, I can't help it. You two can see whoever wants to plant it. Let's sign a contract. If I return to the village in the future, I will come back. "

Yan Jianjun was a little embarrassed, "I really want to grow it, but my parents live and eat with us, and I have to take care of their share, I'm afraid I will be too busy."

Although he is not lazy, he is not as diligent as Yan Jiandang. He is guilty of planting these lands, so how can he dare to trust him.

Yan Jianguo looked at Yan Jiandang.

Yan Jiandang weighed the child embarrassingly, and said, "Then plant it for me, but the third child, how can you support a large family if you don't plant the land, the third sibling can't do heavy work, and there are three children to support."

This burden was so heavy that Yan Jiandang was worried about him, thinking that the life of the third child would be too difficult in the future.

Yan Jianguo smiled and said, "It's okay. Now that the country is developing its economy, there are ways to make money even if it doesn't cultivate land. I'll explore the way first."

"Third brother, if there is a way to get rich, don't forget about our brother!" Yan Jianjun put his arm around Yan Jianguo's shoulder, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Yan Jianguo nodded and watched them leave on a tricycle before turning around and leaving.

On the way, Yan Jiandang held the child in his arms and said disapprovingly, "Brother, why did you accept so much from the third child? He doesn't farm now, but lives in the old man's house, so the pressure must be great."

Yan Jianjun drank some wine and his mind was clearer than usual, his eyes were frighteningly bright at night, "Second, you don't understand this, do you think when did the third have been in the ground all these years? He just lived a good life. Alright, I guess he didn't think about farming in the first place, plus he's been in the army for so many years, so it doesn't matter? Rather than worrying about him, we might as well worry about ourselves."

"What do we have to worry about?" Yan Jiandang didn't understand.

"Stupid!" Yan Jianjun scolded, and said, "Parents are so eccentric, even if I keep watching them, they will secretly subsidize the fourth child. If the fourth child is not doing well, as long as they are still living under the same roof, they will not have to let him go. Are we helping?"

Yan Jiandang's complexion turned pale, and his mood instantly changed.

Yan Jianjun murmured: "I was wondering if we should spend some money to divide the house, and build a wall in the middle. Your house passed yours, and our house is separated from the old four's house, and another door is opened. From now on, everyone will not disturb each other and be clean."

"But... I don't have much money!" Yan Jiandang frowned. The couple hadn't saved any money at all over the years, and the hundreds of dollars they shared were already their entire family property.

(End of this chapter)

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