"She was the one who seduced Bao Yong, right?" Zhao Taohua gritted her teeth with hatred. She thought that Bao Yong was just playing with girls or sleeping with widows outside, but she never expected that guy to be so bold as to hook up with wives, or three of them!She had run out of patience.

The policeman glanced at her and shook his head expressionlessly, "It was Bao Yong who went to drink at Li Donghai's house, and put Liu Mingyan to sleep while he was drunk. Give her some money every time, with this money she can buy a lot of things.

In the beginning, Liu Mingyan still had scruples, and she didn't dare to buy too much, but people's desires will expand, and if there is one, there will be two. She bought more and more things, even Li Donghai, who didn't care much about the things at home, found out Abnormally, under his persecution, Liu Mingyan lied and fooled her.

But Li Donghai paid attention to it, and Liu Mingyan became more and more good at dressing up, so it was impossible for Li Donghai not to worry. On the day of the incident, Bao Yong asked Liu Mingyan to open a room, and Li Donghai received the news in advance to catch the rape.

Sure enough, Liu Mingyan was caught in the hotel they frequented. Li Donghai was furious when he learned from the hotel owner that Liu Mingyan often had a room with a strange man.

That night, he killed Liu Mingyan before finding Bao Yong. The murder weapon was his usual fish-killing knife. According to Li Donghai's confession, he was used to killing fish and disembowelling Bao Yong. "

Several people couldn't bear it, turned around and vomited.

Zhao Changan endured the intense discomfort and asked, "Where is that Li Donghai? Have you caught him yet?"

"Unfortunately, when we found him, he was very emotional. He kept waving the fish-killing knife, accused Liu Mingyan and Bao Yong, and finally wiped his own neck. We sent him to the hospital, but unfortunately he was not rescued."

Li Fen lay on the table and wept. The news made her feel extremely heavy, and her shoulders were crushed.

Zhao Kangming was better, he thought of some key points, "If Liu Mingyan died before Bao Yong, why did you find out now?"

The policeman looked at everyone seriously, took a deep breath, and said, "Because Li Donghai beat Liu Mingyan violently at home that night, the commotion was so loud that the neighbors nearby heard it. After Liu Mingyan stole someone, everyone hugged Li Donghai." Injustice, cast aside Liu Mingyan, no one cares.

Because everyone helped Li Donghai, Li Donghai felt more and more that Liu Mingyan was incompetent, and his attacks became more and more serious, and eventually he accidentally killed Liu Mingyan.

Liu Mingyan's death was an accident, but because of her death, Li Donghai's mind was distorted, and he transferred all his hatred to Bao Yong. According to Li Donghai's statement before his death, he buried Liu Mingyan's body in the vegetable field in the backyard of his house, and then Go find Bao Yong.

Arriving at the gate of Xu's house after eight o'clock, he originally wanted to rush in and kill everyone inside, but because he heard several people in Xu's family talking, he was afraid that others would take care of him before he killed Bao Yong.

That's why he has been hiding outside Xu's house and waiting for an opportunity. When Bao Yong decided to go back alone, his fate was already doomed.

Li Donghai killed someone and didn't escape at all. He left in a big way, but it was because he was too calm, and in the middle of the night, no one looked at him carefully, and no one suspected him. "

After everyone came out of the police station, everyone was downcast. The news that Bao Yong was killed for stealing his wife had spread. Uncle Bao Yong wanted to sever ties with his family, and Zhao Taohua didn't dare to go back with his two children. I'm afraid that people will point fingers behind their backs.

Xu Daya ran to Xu Jianwu's house with her brothers and sisters, forcing Xu Jianwu to divorce Bao Cuiping.

Bao Cuiping was crazy and attacked indiscriminately with a broom, as long as outsiders who came to his house were beaten, the police came to inform Bao Cuiping to pay the remaining fines. After being attacked by Bao Cuiping, they all Draw the gun and subdue Bao Cuiping.

When Xu Jianwu came back from Xu Jianwen's home, what he saw was Bao Cuiping's hands being handcuffed.

He entered the room with a pale face, and asked cautiously, "Comrade policeman, what happened to my wife?"

"She attacked the police, and we are going to take her away. In addition, we are here to notify you to pay the fine, and Bao Cuiping still needs to pay 3 yuan for medical expenses." The policeman said seriously.

Hearing the 3 yuan, Xu Jianwu swayed and almost couldn't stand still. His throat rolled dryly twice, and he asked, "Why so much? Didn't you already pay [-] yuan?"

"The wounded were too seriously injured. Zhao Xinghua was transferred out of the intensive care unit yesterday. Eighty thousand is not the whole medical expenses. It really doesn't count that 10,000+ can't come down. Just be content!"

"Bah! That bitch should have died a long time ago. It's a shame that Yong Zai didn't kill her for giving birth to that kind of vixen! If you want money, it's a dream! I can't give her a penny even if I die! Poor" Bao Cuiping cursed.

The policeman also lowered his face and looked at Xu Jianwu, "If you can't pay the money, the court will seize your house and some fixed assets and bank deposits. The other party has already sued Bao Yong and Bao Cuiping The court, whether to apply for enforcement is a matter of one sentence.

Teacher Xu, we also know that it is not easy for you to have such a daughter-in-law, but you are still husband and wife, and now everything belongs to your joint property, and you cannot afford this money. "

After speaking, the police took Bao Cuiping away directly, and assaulting the police was enough to sentence her for several years.

Bao Cuiping hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem, and was still making a fuss when he left.

It was Xu Jianwen who found a lot of relationships and thought of a lot of ways before he came up with an idea of ​​divorce, so that at least part of the family property could be kept, and at least the house would not be sold.

Two days later, a lawyer went to visit Bao Cuiping and coaxed her to put her handprint on the divorce agreement. Xu's family divided the property into two as quickly as possible. The house belonged to Xu Jianwu, and Bao Cuiping divided 4000 yuan.

4000 yuan is a drop in the bucket, and it won't do anything.

Yan Jianjun definitely disagreed, but he had no choice but to endure the current situation.

After Bao Cuiping learned that she was divorced, the Xu family's house was saved, and she only paid 4000 yuan, she was extremely proud, as if she had won a battle, and she didn't know why her brain circuit was so weird.

Here in the capital.

Zhao Xinghua, who had just been transferred out of the intensive care unit, watched her daughter's tears fall without warning. After learning the cause of the car accident, Zhao Xinghua was heartbroken.

When only Cai Wei was left in the ward, she said with difficulty: "I'm sorry for dragging you down."

Cai Wei shook her head frantically, "Mom, it's all my fault! If it weren't for me, you and Ming Qiang wouldn't have been bumped. They're right, I'm a beauty, and it's all my fault!"

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