Chapter 47
The village chief frowned when he heard these words, and shouted, "Yongfu, what do you think?"

The village head called, Yan Yongfu couldn't continue to hide in the room, he simply tidied up and came out with a straight face, his thoughts have not changed, "I'm still going to live with the boss, the child is going to live with the fourth child, It also saves her from being unhappy, and there is no rest all day long."

"Old man, are you going to leave with me?" Liu Cuifeng's voice came from the room, sounding aggrieved and unwilling.

"What's the matter?" the village chief asked puzzled.

Yan Yongfu explained casually: "I sprained my ankle and can't get off the ground."

As he said that, he looked at Yan Jianjun, and pondered: "Our house is already tense, otherwise the fourth couple wouldn't do anything wrong for a room. If you want to repair the wall, you have to separate me from your mother. How will we live then?"

Yan Jianjun was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that Yan Yongfu was making things difficult for him.

An evil fire burned straight up from the bottom of his heart, and he was so angry that his head became hot, and he immediately let go, "Don't worry about this dad, I have to build the house even if I borrow money from everywhere!"

Yan Yongfu shook his head and sighed for a while, "Young people just don't know how to live. It costs three or four hundred to build a house. You have to spend all your money to pay back the money. When the time comes, Mingqiang will marry a wife. What if you marry someone so cleverly?" ?”

Yan Jianjun, on the other hand, held back his energy and insisted on doing this.

When he got back to the room, he started to worry, sat on the bed and waited for Huang Yulian to enter the room, and complained: "Our father is so cunning and cunning, and his methods are much better than our mother. He even said that he wants to live with us, and mother with the fourth child. You need two rooms if you separate them, so you're embarrassing me here!"

They used to share a room, separated by wooden boards. The couple slept inside, and the two children slept outside. Their son Yan Mingqiang was about to graduate from primary school, and he would have to arrange a marriage for him in a few years. I have to grit my teeth and save money, and try to build one or two houses in the backyard in a few years. If I get another room, the money will definitely not be enough.

Yan Yongfu was determined that he would not be able to spend so much money before he dared to say in front of the village chief what the old couple had said about their separation.

Huang Yulian was also disgusted, and put down the wooden barrel depressedly, "Do you think that all your brothers except the fourth child were picked up? I have never seen anyone in the village who plots against their son like parents!"

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to force the third child like that!" Yan Jianjun exhaled twice, and muttered: "I thought the third child was too heartless before, but now I find that the third child is not heartless at all. , People are transparent! If it were me, the roof might be blown off.
no!This matter still needs to be found by the third child to find a solution, as for our parents who bully the soft and fear the tough, it is still necessary for the third child to suppress it. "

The more Yan Jianjun thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, so he hurried to find Yan Jiandang, and the two brothers went out together.

Here in Jiaonan Village.

Yan Jianguo came back late last night, Lin Liqing wanted to make some snacks, so he could only go back to the city by himself, and the children stayed in the old house of Lin's family.

Yan Jianguo got up early to pack his luggage, planning to take his three children and his father-in-law and mother-in-law to meet Lin Liqing in the city.

"Mom, why did you bring so many things?" Yan Jianguo moved the luggage to the lobby, and when he checked it, he found that Lin Changmin's luggage was only a change of clothes.

Holding the child in her arms, Chen Meiyun raised her mouth and said with a chuckle: "Your father will come back after two days, and he won't live in the city for a long time. Why do you bring so many things?"

Lin Changmin went to wash his hands, stepped into the room and said: "There is still a lot of work at home, and I have to help Liqing's second sister-in-law to collect the goods. There is absolutely no need for people here. Two days is too much."

Yan Jianguo nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Dad, there are still some bananas and sweet potatoes that need to be delivered to the city, right? I'll deliver them later, and you can take your children with you?"

"Success!" Lin Changmin didn't dare to use too much force on his legs, so naturally he wouldn't be polite to Yan Jianguo.

When Yan Jianguo was still trying to move bananas, Yan Jianjun and Yan Jiandang came.

Seeing his two elder brothers, Yan Jianguo, he thought they were here to sign the receipt, so he immediately took out a pre-written receipt from his arms, and handed the pen to Yan Jiandang, "Second brother, I wrote it all, take a look, If there is no problem, sign it, each of us will have one copy, and the eldest brother will keep one copy, so as not to be confused in the future."

Yan Jiandang nodded, took the documents and went to the side to ponder.

Yan Jianjun took the opportunity to tell about the monastery wall, and the more he talked, the more angry he became, "Why do you think our father is so disgusting! We are not his sons, but the fourth child is his own! The more he makes things difficult for me, the more I The more you want to do this, the more you will disgust them!
Third child, I know that you are the smartest in our family, so please give me an idea, what should I do better? "

Hearing this, Yan Jianguo gained a new understanding of Yan Yongfu. Originally, he was a little unhappy because he had fallen out with them, but now he felt a little more fortunate. This kind of thinking is very dangerous. He shook his head quickly, and looked at Yan Jianjun again. "Brother, what do you think?"

Yan Jianjun was in a hurry, "I have no choice but to ask you for advice! Isn't your second uncle at the brick kiln factory? Can you tell him that selling red bricks to me is cheaper, or... can you first I owe a little. I will pay it back slowly."

Yan Jianguo fell into deep thought, before saying for a moment: "He should not be at work today, I'll take you there."

"Okay, okay." Yan Jianjun was so happy that he quickly called Yan Jiandang who was still reading the documents.

The three brothers arrived at Lin Guoan's house and found that he was receiving the goods, and the yard was full of bananas and sweet potatoes.

After sending the villagers away, Lin Guoan invited them to the hall and poured some warm water for the three of them.

Yan Jianguo briefly talked about Yan Jianjun's situation, and said, "Second uncle, do you have any good ways to help my elder brother?"

Lin Guoan smiled gently and said: "I thought something big happened. You can just come and talk about this kind of small matter. At the end of the year, other units' business is booming, but our brick kiln factory is different. There are no orders at the end of the year. They are all dealing with inventory. It’s not much cheaper on the market, but it’s different for defective bricks. Three defective bricks are worth one qualified brick, and if they are broken in half, they can be delivered together.

If you only repair the courtyard wall, you can use defective bricks. First, it will not cost a lot of money, and second, it is stronger and more durable than adobe. According to the area you mentioned, I guess it will be enough to spend more than ten yuan. If you Repair also saves labor. "

Hearing that the courtyard wall can be repaired for a total of more than ten yuan, even Yan Jiandang laughed from ear to ear.

Seeing this, Lin Guoan rolled his eyes, and said, "Actually, the room the old man lives in doesn't need to be that big. If you live alone, build a small room that can fit a bed, a cabinet, and a urine bucket. I still have that kind of room over there." The defective bricks with broken corners are the same as the qualified bricks, but the price is half cheaper than the qualified bricks, but the quantity is not much, and everyone is staring at it.

(End of this chapter)

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