Chapter 477 Su Yuan Tucao
Lin Liqing comforted her, pulled Su Yuan and Su's father and mother together and said, "Uncle, aunt, I have to go to my parents' place, I just brought so many things, you will come over for tea later, Yuanyuan and I Take it away first, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's talk quietly."

Su Yuan's eyes lit up instantly, thinking that Lin Liqing really wanted to find her for something good, so Pidianpidian followed her.

Su's father and Su's mother didn't think much at all, and sent them out enthusiastically.

Lin Changmin and his group saw that Lin Liqing and his wife had another intimate meal. Chen Meiyun rubbed her tears and scolded, "I'm here to collect debts! How can you be a daughter and a mother like you, and you won't be able to stay home for two years because of a job? No matter, the child doesn't ask! Pity my four grandchildren, they haven't seen their parents for a long time! Why are you so cruel!"

Lin Liqing was screamed by Chen Meiyun's poke, Wen Jianguo hurriedly protected her behind him, "Mom, we have seen the child, we have seen it."

Chen Meiyun raised her eyebrows and put her hands on her hips, obviously she didn't believe it.

Wen Jianguo hurriedly begged for mercy, "I've seen them before! I will visit them once a month, no matter how busy I am. Liqing can't leave. Let the child go to visit her, just like before, I swear!"

"Waste of money!" Chen Meiyun glared at the couple, but did not poke Lin Liqing again.

Lin Liqing carefully moved next to Xu Hui, keeping three steps away from Chen Meiyun.

Su Yuan couldn't help laughing and said: "Sister Liqing, when I saw you on TV, I thought you were as unattainable as a fairy in the sky, just look at it now"

"What does it look like?" Xu Hui asked jokingly.

Su Yuan immediately said: "Fairy descends to earth! Down to earth!"


Everyone laughed out loud, even the corners of Xiong Ren's mouth twitched upwards.

Lin Liqing pinched Su Yuan's face affectionately, sat next to her and asked, "Is that why you don't like the person your elder brother introduced?"

Xiong Ren immediately pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Su Yuan looked distressed, "Don't mention it! I think my elder brother has been brainwashed by that man, and my sister-in-law has turned against him, and he is still close to that Li Chunlai. Do you know how shameless Li Chunlai is? ?

Before my brother was kicked out, he even ran to my parents and said that my eldest brother is their only son, let my parents say good things for my eldest brother, and even arranged my sister-in-law in front of my parents, saying that she is a woman Then it’s useless to make money from the conference, and he said that my sister-in-law made my elder brother lose face, which means that my sister-in-law owes discipline. "

Hearing this, Lin Liqing immediately sank her face, "And then?"

"What's next! My parents didn't like Li Chunlai in the first place. They couldn't bear it when they heard this, and they didn't give him any face at the moment. My mother said to him loudly, 'Who gave you such a big face? My family is talking about my daughter-in-law, isn’t it? What do you want to do with your hands stretched out so long? Don’t think that you can come to my house to make irresponsible remarks because my son is a colleague. The tongue of a gossip is not as long as yours!'

At that time, I was on the third floor listening to my mother scolding Li Chunlai, not to mention how cool it was, watching him being kicked out by my mother, ouch!But it made me more happy to eat a bowl of rice! "Su Yuan is happy when she thinks about that day, and laughs so hard that she doesn't care that there is a stranger here, Xiong Ren.

Lin Liqing breathed a sigh of relief and smiled a little, "What about your brother? He didn't say anything?"

"How is it possible! Li Chunlai complained to my brother after being deflated at my mother's side, saying that my mother had a mental problem and would not help her son to help her daughter-in-law, and that my brother's life was miserable. My brother was so scared that his face turned pale. I came back in a hurry and begged my mother to forgive me. My mother said happily, "I give you two choices, choose one between me and that bastard." The fateful mandarin ducks!"

Lin Liqing clutched her stomach and almost burst out laughing, Wen Jianguo couldn't help laughing, Xiong Ren didn't know everyone well, so he couldn't laugh too presumptuously, just by looking at his flushed face, you could tell how hard he was holding back.

Xu Hui interjected and said, "Su Yi's kneeling like that alarmed the neighbors in the neighborhood. We also passed by. After knowing the cause and effect, no one went up to help. Guess what Su Yi said."

"What did you say?" Lin Liqing rubbed her face with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Xu Hui cleared her throat and performed for everyone, "He said: Mom! You are my own mother! I will definitely choose you! He, he, he is my colleague, colleague! I promise, I will never let him come Let's go home! I won't force my sister to go on a blind date anymore!"

"Isn't this great?" Wen Jianguo said.

"That's good! That Li Chunlai is just a piece of dog skin plaster, once it sticks on, it can't be torn off!" Chen Meiyun complained angrily.

Su Yuan nodded, "I don't know what my brother told him when he turned back. Less than five days later, Li Chunlai came to the door with something again, saying that it was an apology to my mother, and my mother was impatient to talk to him. Coupled with the busy business at the end of the year, the two of them directly regarded Li Chunlai as air.

In the end, the man didn't have the slightest vision, and he said he wanted to help, but my dad turned his back on him and drove him away. The old couple were completely angry because of this, and even ran to my brother's work place to make a big fuss. I told Li Chunlai in front of their director and colleagues, and my brother came back that night, saying that he was embarrassed by their director.

Instead, my parents blamed my brother, saying that he was letting go of his good life but causing trouble for the family, and then scolded him. My sister-in-law hasn't talked to my brother yet, and he can be said to be a man inside and out up!
Why!I wondered why I just carried it like this!Look, girls are good men on casual blind dates, why do I always meet such rotten peach blossoms!After the new year, I will leave Baishui City, and my parents' ears will be clean by then. "

"Nonsense! Where can you go if you leave Baishui City?" Chen Meiyun was the first to object. It's hard enough for the little girl's family to live outside, and she doesn't have a stable job yet. If she goes out, she might be bullied!
Su Yuan shook her legs and didn't take it seriously, "Ma'am, I have education and education, I can go to many big cities, and if I'm not good enough, I can go to the capital to join sister Liqing. covered by people."

Lin Liqing nodded approvingly, "Perhaps your horoscope is in conflict with our boys here, just walk out."

"Hey! Don't say it, it's quite reasonable." Xu Hui spoke quickly. After she finished speaking, she realized that she seemed to have said the wrong thing. She quickly covered her mouth and glanced at Xiong Ren from the corner of her eye. Is this your friend? Are you going to spend the New Year with us?"

Wen Jianguo nodded slightly, and introduced: "My roommate is from Yu Province. After graduating from university, he was assigned to work in the capital's industrial and commercial department. His family kept urging him to get married. He didn't want to go back. It was too deserted to be alone in the capital during the Chinese New Year, so I asked him to come with him." Come and play."

(End of this chapter)

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