Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 499 Bao Na's Ending

"I didn't expect her to have such a good fortune!" Cai Wei sighed.

Chen Ju sneered and said, "What good luck! I think it's a crime!"

As she spoke, she glanced at the kitchen and saw that Li Fen was still working, so she lowered her voice and said, "I heard that the father and son are not human, the incest, and the child born by Bao Na doesn't even know who it is!"

"Pfft!" Zhao Xinghua spit out all the water in one gulp, stupefied with shock.

Cai Wei frowned, "No one cares about this kind of thing?"

"What do you care!" Lin Ayue said with a look of disgust: "Grandma Bao Na has been dead for many years, and I heard that she was killed by her father-in-law. She doesn't care if she loses her father-in-law. Anyway, she has a son. Continue to engage in women outside, but don't get married. Bao Na is married, and her father-in-law is not as lonely as before. Those people in their village speak badly.

If it wasn't for something, how could Second Aunt come to the door confidently every time and bring back a bunch of things every time?Even a beggar can't do it like this!Just wait and see, the second aunt was kicked out by you and she must have gone to Bao Na's side, but I don't know if Bao Na has the face to come back and make decisions for her mother. "

Everyone, you look at me, and I look at you, without saying a word.

Zhao Taohua really complied with what Lin Ayue said and went to Bao Na to file a complaint. When Bao Na found out that Cai Wei's family had come back, her face became visibly sullen. Liu Hengsan said: "My mother and my younger brother were kicked out by my cousin's family, and they were not allowed to continue living in my grandmother's house."

"Your cousin? Who is it?" Liu Hengsan subconsciously became angry.

Bao Na said blankly, "It's my aunt's daughter, and it was my aunt and my cousin-in-law who were hit by my father's car."

Liu Hengsan's eyes widened in an instant, and he gasped, "Their family! Your mother is so unlucky! Since she came back to settle accounts, she should hide for now."

"You won't stand up for my mother and my brother?" Bao Na felt very angry, if the man in front of her who could be her father promised to agree to her any request, she would not have agreed to sleep in his bed.

It didn't take long before this man backtracked.

Liu Hengsan snorted coldly, "What's the matter? Your father hits someone and doesn't want him to vent his anger? Or are you dissatisfied that our family has not fallen into the same misery as yours?"

Bao Na's face changed slightly.

Liu Hengsan warned: "Don't cause trouble for me, if you dare to make trouble, I don't mind changing my son for a woman!"

How can there be such a coincidence, Bao Yong just bumped into someone in the morning, and was disemboweled in the evening. Liu Hengsan has always believed that Bao Yong's death was not that simple, but there is no evidence. The family has always been very afraid.

Liu Hengsan refused to stand out, no matter how angry Bao Na was, it was useless.

Seeing her daughter enter the room, Zhao Taohua hurriedly asked, "What did Liu Hengsan say? Should he make the decision for us?"

Bao Na shook her head, and sat down on the bed angrily, "Not only did he not help, but he also warned me not to mess around. If I cause trouble for him, Liu Kai will divorce me."

Speaking of that wimpy man, Bao Na angrily thumped the pillow twice.

Zhao Taohua also sank her face, thought about it and got up and said: "No! I have to go to Liu Hengsan and talk about it, even if it's not for your sake, I will support us for your father's sake. If it wasn't for your dad, he would be here today!"

Bao Na hurriedly grabbed Zhao Taohua, the pent-up anger seemed to burst out, "Mom! Don't make trouble! I really want the Liu family to divorce me!"

Her reputation has been ruined, and if she is divorced by the Liu family, it will be over. Although Liu Hengsan rejected her request, she has never been short of money, and she is the master of the Liu family. She can't bear to live such a good life. lost.

Zhao Taohua refused, "You are so happy, what will you do with your brother? Can you still live in your house for the rest of your life? If your grandparents don't let us live, where can we go?"

"You won't go back to the village!" Bao Na muttered.

Zhao Taohua was so angry that she poked Bao Na's forehead fiercely, "If I can go back, I still need to live under the fence to see your aunt and the others' faces? You mean to make me feel uncomfortable, don't you!"

"If you can't, go out and rent a house! Didn't my aunt take Cai Wei out to rent a house by herself back then? Why can't you if she can?" Bao Na was angry, as if you couldn't affect me no matter what.

Zhao Taohua got angry, took a deep breath, and said, "I have no money!"

"You have no money?" Bao Na seemed to have heard some unbelievable joke, "Even if the truck is sold, my dad should still have tens of thousands of yuan, how could you have no money! When I married you didn't even give it to me. Dowry!"

This matter caused Bao Na to worry about it. At that time, she was eager to get out of the predicament, and she muddleheadedly agreed not to dowry, but she regretted it to death afterwards.

Zhao Taohua was a little guilty, but she still said stubbornly: "You also know that there is only so little money left in the family, so you still have the nerve to ask for a dowry? If I give you a dowry, my brother and I will drink the Northwest Wind! This money cannot be moved, You have to keep it, your brother will need money to marry a wife in the future."

"My brother, my brother, my brother. Whatever you think about is my brother!" Bao Na complained dissatisfied.

Zhao Taohua was also unreasonable, and spread her hands and said, "It's okay not to mention your brother. In the future, you will give me my pension and die, so I will give you all the money. But we have to make a document first and ask some people to testify, so as not to You will regret it in the future."

Bao Na fell silent for a moment, how could she support her mother's family!Really helpless, she stomped her feet angrily, and asked, "Tell me, what do you want?"

Zhao Taohua immediately beamed with joy, "I don't want to do anything, but I really have no money. If this goes on, your brother and I will starve to death. You won't just do nothing!"

Bao Na depressedly took 300 yuan to Zhao Taohua, gritted her teeth and said, "This is the last time, and I won't have any more."

Zhao Taohua immediately blushed, displeased, "What's wrong? You still want to buy out the family relationship for three hundred!"

Bao Na was angry, "I can't make any money! All the expenses are paid by the Liu family. My father-in-law is not happy every time you come here. I can't hide it from you if I give you three hundred all at once this time. Do you think there is still money?" Next time? It’s impossible to rely on me for long-term support, so hurry up and find a job to earn money to support my brother.”

"All right, all right, long-winded." Zhao Taohua put away the money impatiently, and left with her son. As for Bao Na's talk about making money, she never thought about it. She never worked when she was young, and when she was old How could it be possible to suffer that hardship again!

Cai Wei's family stayed in Zhaojia Village until evening before driving back. Before leaving, she reminded Li Fen and Zhao Chang'an not to let Zhao Taohua come back.

While Li Fen and Zhao Changan nodded repeatedly, they went back.

The Spring Festival has been lively and lively, and the new year has passed. Tong Tong was diagnosed with pregnancy. Chen Meiyun and Lin Changmin were so happy that they wanted to go to the capital with them.

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