Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 51 New Year's Eve

Chapter 51 New Year's Eve
Until New Year's Eve, Xu Hui and Yu Xiaoping, who were dizzy from their busy lives, suddenly remembered that they hadn't done any cleaning at home, hadn't bought New Year's goods, hadn't moved about with their relatives, or done anything.

Only then did the two panic, and hurried back to prepare. Unexpectedly, when they returned, they found that the house was quite clean, and there was no shortage of necessities for the New Year. After asking, they found out that it was Chen Meiyun who took the twins to the eldest and second's house to help clean up. prepare.

Xu Hui was moved, and cast a reproachful glance at the man, "Mom came to our house to help and you didn't tell me, these things cost a lot of money! Did you give it to Mom?"

Lin Guosheng smiled and said: "It's not that I don't tell you, it's that you are too busy to take care of me. It's useless to say it, but I also helped when our mother came over. The new year's goods are brought by my brother. The two went shopping, and I didn't ask my mother to pay for it. I gave my mother an extra 20 yuan.

Mom don't want it, I forced it. "

Xu Hui nodded, "It should be. I'm making money with my little sister for a while, and my family can't take care of it. It depends on my mother."

She worked hard for Lin Liqing, and Lin Liqing would naturally not treat her badly. In just half a month, she earned 80 yuan. After deducting the 20 yuan that was given to Chen Meiyun, there is still 60 yuan left, which can be sold to her for a month. Pork is almost the same, and the pork stall has been running all the time, and that part of the income is also there. That is to say, she has been busy for half a month and earned an extra 60 yuan, which is enough!

The conversation on Yu Xiaoping's side is similar, but there is one more task for the couple, which is reconciliation.

She is not in the village, so Lin Guoan can only hand over the work of receiving the goods. He goes to work during the day and receives the goods at night, and he is too busy to touch the ground. He doesn't even have time to cook, so he can only lead the children to the old house. While eating with Lin Changmin.

Because Lin Liqing is asking for more and more goods, they have already received Jiaobei Village from Jiaonan Village, and the daily quantity of goods is based on a thousand catties. Usually, they can earn a price difference ranging from forty to sixty a day. It was half a month, and the income from this piece was about [-].

After finishing the calculation, Lin Guoan was a little surprised, "So much! It's worth my salary for two years!"

Yu Xiaoping's heart was also full of enthusiasm, and she couldn't see her smile, "I just said my sister-in-law is capable. Look, we made so much money helping her receive the goods. She must be making a lot of money!"

Lin Guoan nodded in agreement, "That's Liqing's skill, others can't do it."

"That's it!" After Yu Xiaoping finished speaking, she quickly put the money into the tin box and said, "We will pay back the money owed to my brother when we go back to our mother's house in the second day of junior high school, and then give them a gift box, which is decent and beautiful. !"

The more she talked, the more Yu Xiaoping couldn't sit still, she stood up abruptly and said, "No! I have to think about how much snacks I want, and I'll go to Liqing's place tomorrow on the first day of the lunar new year."

Lin Guoan was dumbfounded by her, and quickly pulled him back, "It is said that the wind is rain, and we will talk about those things tomorrow, so we should pack up and go to the old house together. Maybe the younger sister and his wife will bring their children over for New Year's Eve dinner." It's not too late to talk about dinner."

Yu Xiaoping suddenly realized, "You're right, I'm going to my parents' place now, by the way, I bought some seafood and I have to take them with me."

Lin Guoan helplessly.

On the way, the husband and wife talked about opening a shop again. Lin Guoan had no such idea before, but after seeing the profit from opening a shop, he also moved his mind, especially when he heard that his eldest brother and sister-in-law sold pig heads for a month and made more money than the factory. Heartbroken.

He didn't expect to make a lot of money like Lin Liqing, it would be nice to be able to sell pork with his elder brother and sister-in-law.

"We will discuss this matter later, and prepare the New Year's Eve dinner first." Lin Guoan is not in a hurry when he has plans.

At the same time, Lin Liqing, who was cleaning the store, was also discussing with Yan Jianguo where to spend the night.

Seeing her hanging face, Yan Jianguo also knew that Lin Liqing didn't want to go back to Yan's house, so he took the initiative to say, "I'll take you to the father-in-law's place in the afternoon, and I'll go back to Fengkoushe, maybe I'll be back later."

Lin Liqing felt uncomfortable hearing this, hesitated for a while and gritted her teeth: "Forget it, I'll go back with you, let's go after the New Year's dinner, and my elder brother and sister-in-law will come to pick up my mother in a while, and let my mother take the children first." Going back, let’s go directly to Fengkou Society and it’s faster.”

Yan Jianguo was moved when he heard the words, and said, "Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I am also very angry with my parents, but after all, they are the ones who gave birth to me and raised me, no matter how much I disagree with them, I can't do anything."

"Okay! I understand if you don't tell me. Anyway, we only go back so many times throughout the year, and we can bear it. I have also prepared something for the old man. Let's take it back together so that no one else has to worry about it." Lin Liqing Interrupt Yan Jianguo's words.

The things for Yan Yongfu and Liu Cuifeng were all made by her, and she didn't worry about it at all.

Yan Jianguo nodded, and the couple turned around and told Chen Meiyun about the matter. Chen Meiyun responded readily, knowing that there might be troubles in the Yan family, and she tried to persuade Lin Liqing to ask Yan Jianguo to protect Lin Liqing more. Some.

After taking their things, the couple rode their bicycles and headed directly to Fengkoushe.

The Chinese New Year is coming, and the village is full of firecrackers, and there are many children playing and playing on the side of the road. The adults who have nothing to do are chatting on the side, talking about the family's shortcomings, and seeing Yan Jianguo and his wife riding bicycles When they came back, everyone looked over at the same time.

At first they didn't recognize Lin Liqing, they thought that Yan Jianguo had found a new partner, but when they got closer, they realized that Lin Liqing had changed a lot. Everyone started to tease Yan Jianguo as if they had discovered a new world.

"Jianguo! How did your daughter-in-law make you grow up like this?"

"Is it because the life of the father-in-law's mother-in-law's family is difficult!"

To be honest, Lin Liqing was very angry when she heard these words, let alone Yan Jianguo who was riding a bicycle. She suppressed her anger and persuaded: "Don't listen to their nonsense, what are you doing when you are full? thing!"

Yan Jianguo was unexpectedly calm, and even chuckled a few times, "I grew up in this village, and I know better than you what their nature is, but you are so skinny now that you don't know, you really think you're being abused." I abused you, or my daughter-in-law, let's get fatter."

Lin Liqing shook her head like a rattle, "It's not good, I finally lost weight, and I feel a lot better, but I can't gain weight."

During this period of time, she was so busy that she couldn't take care of it. She just ate a little less than before. Who knew that she weighed 110 catties when she was free today. She is not short at all. This weight looks just right and well-proportioned, neither fat nor thin.

(End of this chapter)

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