Zhou Shujuan remained calm, "Let's forget it's impossible, we'll see you in court! Extramarital affairs, and the Wang family suing you for rape, it must be enough for you to drink a pot. You don't need this unit anymore! Hehe"

When it came to work, Fan Ming froze instantly.

Zhou Shujuan said coldly: "After thinking about it, we will meet at the Civil Affairs Bureau at nine o'clock tomorrow morning and divorce the marriage together. I don't need your three melons and two dates as compensation. As long as you sign the agreement, if you don't agree, we See you in court, Fan Ming, I don't intend to return without success this time!"

Fan Ming was taken aback by the expression on Zhou Shujuan's face, knowing that Zhou Shujuan was not joking with him, so he fled immediately.

Lawyer He asked beside Zhou Shujuan: "Do you think he will go tomorrow morning?"


Lawyer He had an expression of willingness to hear more about it.

Zhou Shujuan turned and walked in the other direction, explaining to him as she walked, "Fan Ming grew up in a single-parent family. His family used to be extremely poor, and he was often looked down upon by others. This happened until he got a decent job. Only after he improved, people who looked down on him before will flatter him, and when he is used to enjoying the envious eyes of others, when he comes back to be looked down upon by others, do you think he will be willing?

Besides, he is a person with strong self-esteem, and he absolutely cannot accept being fired by the unit. I think between killing someone and being fired, he would rather choose to kill someone than keep his job. So what is a divorce?
As for the child, it's just that Wang Yan didn't want to give up custody because Wang Yan hadn't given him a son. If he and Wang Yan had a son, he would probably forget that I gave him a son. It's not that she can't have a baby, besides, it's impossible for her to agree to raise someone else's son. I don't need to object, Wang Yan will be the first one to jump up when she knows, no matter how you look at it, Fan Ming will appear tomorrow. "

Lawyer He had no choice but to give Zhou Shujuan a thumbs up.

At the same time, Fan Ming returned home with a sullen face and went back to the room without saying a word, not even responding to his mother Li Zhu's greetings to him.

He took out the marriage certificate from the drawer and looked at it for a long time. Thinking of Zhou Shujuan who seemed to be a different person today, he regretted that he should not have forced her to run away from home. If Zhou Shujuan was still there, their family should be able to live a well-off life now Come on!What Zhou Shujuan was wearing today was not something he could afford, and he didn't have the mobile phone she was carrying.

At this time, the conversation between Li Zhu and Wang Yan came from outside, Fan Ming's face darkened even more, and he was holding his marriage certificate tightly and wanted to take it back.

Wang Yan's proud voice came in, "Damn old woman, you have to figure it out, it's your son's problem to have a boy or girl, and it's your son's incompetence if you can't have a son, it's none of my business!"

"Fart! Zhou Shujuan gave birth to a son, and you are the one who hurt my son because you didn't have a son! Bah!" Li Zhu spat at Wang Yan unceremoniously.

Wang Yan was not easy to provoke, so she immediately splashed dirty water on Li Zhu, "Now that you know Zhou Shujuan? It's too late! People probably hate you to death, you old woman, why don't you bring Zhou Shujuan back, please?" She lived with your son! Hahaha"

"Wang Yan! You son-of-a-bitch bitch, I'm going to fight you!"

There was a sound of fighting outside, and the scolding between Li Zhu and Wang Yan continued. Fan Ming closed the drawer expressionlessly, holding his marriage certificate tightly.

The next day, he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau according to the agreed time. Zhou Shujuan didn't say a word to him the whole time. It was lawyer He who was negotiating, including the custody of the child and other agreements.

After consulting the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Fan Ming hesitated for a moment and signed.

The marriage certificate has become a divorce certificate, and nothing else seems to have changed.

However, Zhou Shujuan was ecstatic, and happily said to Lawyer He: "This time I really trouble you. In order to celebrate our victory, I invite you to dinner tonight."

"Then I'll have the cheek to rub Miss Zhou for a meal."

The two left the Civil Affairs Bureau talking and laughing, this scene irritated Fan Ming.

He ran over, blocked Zhou Shujuan's way, and scolded: "Zhou Shujuan, I didn't expect you to be such a shameless woman! A broken shoe dares to talk and laugh with a strange man, I am ashamed for you!"

Lawyer He stood in front of Zhou Shujuan and looked at Fan Ming coldly, "Mr. Fan, you must be responsible for what you say, and you must know that you can go to jail for defamation."

"The adulterer, the adulterer, damn it!" Fan Ming cursed furiously.

Zhou Shujuan strode forward, looked at the people working in the lobby of the Civil Affairs Bureau and said loudly: "You all heard it, he scolded me first, and you can all testify."

After finishing speaking, she took off her high heels and threw them at Fan Ming.

The people in the Civil Affairs Bureau were stunned by this change, and they forgot to react for a while.

Fan Ming covered his head in pain, cursed and rushed towards Zhou Shujuan with all his strength.

Lawyer He deliberately stretched out his legs and tripped him, and Fan Ming fell so badly that he couldn't get up.

Realizing that Fan Ming might be going to the hospital, Zhou Shujuan quickly grabbed Lawyer He and ran away.

Fan Ming was finally sent to the hospital by enthusiastic people. The result of the examination was that the lumbar disc was herniated, and he needed to stay in bed for a few days.

After receiving the news, Li Zhu and Wang Yan knew that Fan Ming and Zhou Shujuan had divorced.

Li Zhu asked anxiously: "Where is my grandson? Where is my eldest grandson? Why didn't you bring my grandson back?"

Fan Ming was in so much pain that he doubted his life. He lay on the bed with his brows tightly frowned, and he had nowhere to vent his anger. Hearing Li Zhu's words, he said angrily, "Zhou Shujuan has given the custody of both children."

"What? Are you crazy? That's the grandson of our old Fan family! How could you let Zhou Shujuan take him away? How dare you!" Li Zhu was so angry that he wanted to beat Fan Ming, realizing that Fan Ming was seriously injured, Unable to do anything again, he collapsed on the side of the hospital bed and began to howl: "Why is my life so hard! Our old Fan family is going to be extinct! Huh, huh, how can I live?"

"Mom! Can you calm down a little?" Fan Ming shouted impatiently.

"No! I want my eldest grandson! You go and bring my eldest grandson back, or I'll never end with you!" Li Zhu began to make trouble for no reason, and she didn't want to make others happy if she didn't like it.

Other patients in the same ward couldn't take it anymore and complained to the nurse, who asked Li Zhu to leave.

Li Zhu became violent, "You all bully me, you all look down on me, my life is so miserable."

In the end, the security guards came and forcibly took Li Zhu to the downstairs of the inpatient department before everyone was quiet.

Wang Yan didn't say a word before, and when Li Zhu was taken away, she smiled relievedly: "You have a conscience, and you know not to take a bastard! Don't worry! We will work hard in the future, and our son will be there."

Originally, she didn't plan to have another child. After all, Li Zhu is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and Fan Ming is not a good man, and the two are still having sex without a matchmaker. If she has another daughter, this life will definitely be difficult.

But it's different now, Fan Ming is divorced, and soon she will be Fan Ming's legal wife, even if she has another girl, the Fan family can't do anything to her, and she will have a son to rely on in the future.

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