Chapter 55

Sifang's New Year's Eve is not like New Year's Eve, and it is worse than other people's ordinary life.

Zhou Xiao'e didn't say anything when she saw Yan Xiaoxiao, she frowned when she saw her clothes, and said to Yan Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, I remember that you have a jacket that seems a bit small, let Xiaoxiao wear it. look."

Yan Yuanyuan nodded heavily, handed her chicken leg to Yan Xiaoxiao for her to bite, and then led Yan Xiaoxiao to the room.

Most girls as young as her in rural areas live in the same room with other people, and few of them can have their own room alone. This is also a point of Yan Yuanyuan's joy.

After the two children left, Zhou Xiao'e's face darkened instantly, she glanced at the other side of the courtyard wall, and said angrily: "The old lady has been partial to such a bastard for so many years, I really don't know what she thinks , bewildered!"

Party chief Yan Jian sat down with a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, "We can't control it anymore, but it's okay to give the children a bite to eat. Adults can do whatever they like!"

When Zhou Xiaoe heard this, she really didn't say anything else.

On the Yan family's side, each family swept the snow in front of the door, but on the Lin's side, there were laughter and laughter, and the Lin Guoan couple took their children to the old house to prepare for the New Year's Eve dinner in the afternoon.

After Lin Guosheng sent the others back to the old house, everyone was busy immediately. The rice cakes were made, the chicken, duck and fish were cleaned up immediately, and Lin Guosheng brought back a big pig's head and a braised pig's trotter.

On the way back, Lin Liqing and Yan Jianguo specially went to the restaurant to pack some hard dishes, including seafood stew, beef rice, steamed crab and abalone soup.

When the two walked out of the restaurant, Lin Liqing couldn't help but click her tongue and said, "The seafood for Chinese New Year is also too expensive. These few dishes cost more than ten yuan. No wonder most people dare not go to this kind of place."

Yan Jianguo deeply agreed, and nodded vigorously, "Fortunately, this is only once a year, but this year we did make money, so we should reward our father-in-law and mother-in-law. Apart from anything else, the chefs in this restaurant are really skilled. It has to be said that the portions are enough, but there is only one shortcoming, expensive!"

"Hahaha" Lin Liqing laughed from ear to ear on the back seat of the bicycle.

When the two returned to Jiaonan Village, Chen Meiyun saw that there were so many vegetables and had to blame them for wasting them.

Yan Jianguo took the matter to himself, and said that his daughter and son-in-law would be gossiped if they didn't bring some good food to the old man's house for the New Year.

A lot of nonsense made Chen Meiyun lose her temper. Sure enough, in the evening, the old ladies in the neighborhood actually went to Lin's house to inquire. Seeing the packed food on the big table in the yard, someone asked curiously.

Chen Meiyun didn't hide anything, she reported the name of the dish, and said that it was prepared by her daughter and son-in-law, which made Yufen and others who were about to make sarcastic remarks jealous to the point of jealousy, and all of them left with unhappy faces.

Xu Hui and Yu Xiaoping saw clearly and secretly laughed.

In the evening, a group of people set up a big table, which was the most sumptuous meal in the history of the Lin family. The children were so happy that each of them gnawed with a leg, and the big brothers and sisters put them in the yard. Fireworks and firecrackers are in a hurry.

The men were drinking around the table in the main room, and the women were chatting and laughing.

Yu Xiaoping mentioned the matter of opening a store by the way, and she was a little entangled, "Sister-in-law, what will you do if I really open a store? Now there are not enough people, how can it work if I leave?"

Lin Liqing took a sip of the fruit juice and laughed, "Second sister-in-law, why are you still worrying about me? I told you that it was temporary at the beginning, and you can't keep you tied up in my shop. To put it bluntly, my shop is I need salespersons and shopkeepers, as long as they can sell things and are trustworthy, then you can help me find two or three people to come over."

Yu Xiaoping and Xu Hui kept frowning, "Trustworthy people are hard to find, who knows if they will pick them up secretly."

Lin Liqing didn't worry too much about this, "I know what's going on with the running water in the store, and there are receipts for the extra orders, so don't worry, as long as you have a trustworthy character and a few more words, you'll be fine."

Both of Yu Xiaoping heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and there was a smile on their faces.

"That's fine, this matter is on us. Parents can also inquire about it. There must be a lot of people who can work." Xu Hui smiled.

Hearing that they were talking about her, Chen Meiyun leaned over and asked a few words. Knowing that Lin Liqing needed someone, she immediately said, "Let your aunt's daughter go and try."

"Auntie's daughter? Hongxia?" Lin Liqing looked at Chen Meiyun in surprise.

Chen Meiyun nodded slightly, "It's Hongxia. Back then, your aunt had bad eyesight and insisted on letting Hongxia marry an educated youth. She also said that the man looked quite honest, but it turned out that when she returned to the city, she immediately turned her face and refused to recognize her. In the past few years, Hongxia and her two sons and daughters have had a difficult life, so what's the use of your aunt regretting the past!

Now that the child is growing up, it is too difficult for Hongxia to raise the child alone. If you can, you can pull it out. You know Hongxia's temper. It would make people bully so badly.

She helps you watch the store without worrying about dirty hands and feet, just how much salary do you pay? "

Xu Hui smiled and said, "Mom, why are you so straightforward, you just ask for salary."

"Now that your sister-in-law is rich, I don't feel bad about it. Besides, it's only natural for people to come to work and pay wages!" Chen Meiyun said proudly.

Lin Liqing laughed so hard that she couldn't speak, and she nodded in cooperation after a while, and said: "Mom, what you said makes sense. At the beginning, I invited my sister-in-law and second sister-in-law for half a day. I was too busy later, and they didn't bother with me, so I helped you." I have a lot, so I pay more for them.

If my cousin comes over, I will give her [-] a month, two days off, and a bonus at the end of the year depending on the situation. Is that okay? "

Chen Meiyun was tangled up again when she heard that it was [-] a month, "Is it too much? Your elder brother and second brother are also around [-] a month."

Lin Liqing shook her head earnestly, "Not much, the eldest brother and the second brother have many rest days, and the unit has benefits during the holidays. I don't have those things here, so it's just average."

Chen Meiyun nodded thoughtfully and said nothing.

After deciding on a Hongxia, Lin Guoan also recommended a person. He was his former comrade-in-arms. He was a little lame, so he received an allowance after being discharged from the army. He was not assigned to other units. During the slack time, I do odd jobs to support my family.

Because the lame man can't do farm work as well as other people, and his life is relatively tight. According to Lin Guoan, he is quite honest, and he is very principled, and he is not willing to accept gifts from others easily. This kind of character is generally fine. .

The more they talked about Lin Liqing, the happier they were, and they turned around and asked Lin Guoan to invite someone over for a chat.

Yu Xiaoping felt relieved when the matter of inviting people was settled, and began to think about her own store. A group of people insisted on discussing until late at night before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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