Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 59 Lin Lishu Borrows Money

Chapter 59 Lin Lishu Borrows Money
If the other daughters-in-law were making trouble, she would have given up long ago, but not the youngest son, she couldn't let the youngest son become a bachelor and end up miserable.

Yan Jianguo didn't know anything about Liu Cuifeng's troubles, otherwise she would definitely have to quarrel with Liu Cuifeng again, and when he returned to Jiaonan Village, it was past midnight and it was already the second year of junior high school.

After Lin Liqing put the child to sleep, she couldn't sleep well, and there were still people in the village setting off firecrackers, so she couldn't even think about resting well.

With something on her mind, she sat up as soon as the door opened, "Why did you come back so late?"

Seeing that she was still awake, Yan Jianguo said distressedly: "I didn't tell you to stop waiting for me and lie down quickly. I'll tell you after I wash my hands and feet."

When he finished his work and went to bed, Lin Liqing also knew about the troubles of the Yan family, so he had to snort coldly, "Your parents are still biased, and I don't know what they think about asking other sons to support the fourth child during the Chinese New Year. We didn't live in the village, otherwise we would come and go every other day, and we wouldn't be able to survive!"

Yan Jianguo nodded in agreement, but heaved a sigh of relief, "Forget it, let's leave those things alone and go to sleep."

The next day was the second day of junior high school. Both Lin Guosheng and Lin Guoan followed their daughter-in-law to visit relatives. Lin Liqing got up early in the morning to help Chen Meiyun with work. It was around nine o'clock when Lin Lishu and Su Yi came over with their children.

As soon as they entered the door, everyone chatted affectionately. Lin Lishu took the opportunity to ask them about buying a house, and Su Yi was listening.

Lin Liqing didn't hide it from them, and gave the general situation, and finally said: "Second sister-in-law plans to open a shop after the Spring Festival, selling vegetables and fruits, as well as things for worship. The elder sister-in-law said that they sell pork, beef, and mutton. They If this store really opens, people nearby won’t have to go to the vegetable market, especially those who are busy with work.”

Lin Lishu's eyes widened, and she said in shock, "It's only been a while since they're going to open a shop! Didn't it mean that money is tight after buying a house?"

Lin Liqing nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "That's true, but during this time, the eldest brother and the second brother are not idle. Those who go to work go to work, and those who go out of the stall go to work. I can make money by receiving goods, and I have already paid off my foreign debts.”

Lin Lishu took a deep breath, looked at her husband with a serious expression, and then turned to Lin Liqing and asked, "Good girl, let me tell you the truth, is it really so profitable to buy a house and open a store?"

Lin Liqing didn't dare to be too busy talking, so she thought for a moment before saying: "Sister, opening a store depends on the people and what kind of business you do, but I want to say that there are many opportunities now, and it's still very interesting if you grasp it firmly. of.

Among other things, my sister-in-law set up a stall to sell pork before, and she earned more than the workers in the factory in just half a day. She is familiar with this business if she continues to do it. , but after helping me for a few months, I found out some tricks, plus her natal family catches river fish very quickly, and she grows vegetables and fruit trees herself, so she is not afraid that there is nothing to sell, and she can make some money, that is. Whether the business is good or bad is uncertain.

If you really want to make money, you can buy a house along the street like ours, and make a facade, even if you don’t open a store, you can rent it out, and you won’t lose money anyway.

Think about it, if you have a son, you won’t be able to live in just one house in the future. You only have so much money in the bank, and you might be able to appreciate the value of the house after buying it. "

Yan Jianguo also echoed from the side: "Liqing is right, I heard from my second uncle that we have to be on par with Shenzhen and develop commercial housing, and even if you buy a house and it is developed, you will have relocation compensation. It's just one more set of commercial housing.

To be honest, now it is also because of the good profits in the factory that the housing is allocated. Who knows if it will continue to be allocated in the future. "

Su Yi nodded in agreement and said: "It's true. We were also lucky to catch up with the first batch of housing allocation. I heard that the requirements for housing allocation are getting stricter, and there is no intention of building any more in the factory. It may not be easy for those who enter the factory to get a room!"

Lin Lishu immediately became nervous when she heard the words, "Then we have to hurry up and buy a house. I heard that bungalows in the city are not cheap! Some places have even raised prices."

Lin Liqing was very happy to hear that, "Sister, don't worry! There are many houses for sale near the family building, and I have never heard of anyone selling houses in other places, but if the nearby factories really don't plan to build buildings, It is estimated that the number of people selling houses will be reduced by more than half, you really have to hurry up if you want to buy."

When Lin Liqing said this, Lin Lishu immediately figured out whether the family had enough money to buy a house, and even talked about it with Su Yi in the room during the lunch break.

"I've saved 800 yuan here for so many years, how much do you have?" Lin Lishu frowned and asked.

Su Yi is an accountant in a garment factory, a regular worker, and her salary is much higher than hers.

Su Yi pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said slowly: "I have almost 500 yuan here. According to my sister-in-law, the house prices nearby are about [-] yuan, which is still a big difference. If I really want to buy it, I guess You have to borrow money."

Hearing what Su Yi said, Lin Lishu knew that he wanted to buy it, and the corners of her mouth immediately raised, "Leave the money to me. My sister said it. If there is not enough, she can lend it to me first, and then we can pay it back slowly."

Su Yi's eyes widened instantly, and he exclaimed, "We're nearly 1000 yuan short!"

"What's the matter!" Lin Lishu rolled her eyes, sat proudly beside Su Yi, and compared two fingers, "My sister already said that she can still get 2000 yuan!

Listen, how long has she been in business now? Not only did she buy two yards, but she also saved at least 2000 yuan, so she still has to do business. I was thinking about opening a store and letting my parents take care of it first. , if I can do it, I will quit my job in the sugar factory and take over. What do you think? "

Su Yi's eyes sparkled when he heard this, "Why do you open a store? You didn't even think about it, so you thought about resigning! If opening a store is so easy, everyone will go to open a store, and who will work!

In my opinion, houses can be bought, and storefronts can also be changed. Let’s talk about whether we can open a store or not. "

He is still relatively conservative.

Lin Lishu also knew that it wouldn't make sense for a while, but Su Yi's agreement to buy a house was a big improvement, and we'll talk about it later.

After the couple discussed it properly, Lin Lishu turned around and went to borrow money from Lin Liqing. She didn't ask for much, so she borrowed 1000 yuan, and Lin Liqing gave it right away, without asking Lin Lishu to sign an IOU.

After Su Yi knew the money was in hand, he felt a lot of pressure, and hurried to discuss with Yan Jianguo about opening a store.

Yan Jianguo took the opportunity to ask Su Yi about the truck drivers, not to mention, Su Yi really knew a few, and it happened that he was an accountant in a garment factory, and those drivers had to sell him some face. Lin Lishu's family didn't set off to go back until the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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