Chapter 6

Here in the old house.

Lin Liqing and Chen Meiyun boiled hot water and cleaned the three children carefully before carrying them into the house.

Lin Changmin had already tidied up the room where the mother and son lived. The quilts and mattresses were all clean, and there was a kettle with hot water beside the bed. You didn’t have to go out to drink water when you got up in the middle of the night. No smell.

After putting the children to sleep, she also lay down, reorganizing her thoughts.

The development of things now is completely different from the previous life, but it is still not enough. She always feels that she has no idea if she does not do something, especially if she has no money.

While thinking about it, she got up again, and took out all the money she brought out today from her bag. The bundles in the plastic bag combined totaled 1000 and [-] yuan, which was not enough to build a house, and the combined change was only a hundred yuan. After patching things together, they still couldn't come up with a thousand and three, except for the money, which was a pair of silver bracelets, a thin gold ring, and a pure gold pendant, which Yan Jianguo bought for her when she got married.

It doesn't have much weight, and it's not worth much if you sell it, but the meaning is different.

She carefully put away the jewelry, stared at the money for a while, and sighed softly. She still had to find a way to earn money, but the most important thing now was to wash away her grievances.

Early the next morning, Lin Liqing fed the baby and put her to sleep before leaving the room. The eldest son was already sitting on the small stool in the main room, his face was fair, his hands were not like the black-bone chicken feet before, and he was still holding a banana with great relish. eating.

She narrowed her eyes with a smile, stepped forward and squatted in front of her eldest son, and teased, "Can Xiaochao give mom a bite?"

The little guy really handed over the banana.

Lin Liqing felt a warm current in her heart, caressingly touched her son's little head, got up and said: "Mom is joking with you, Xiaochao can eat by himself."

With that said, she walked outside the house.

Lin Changmin's leg was injured and he couldn't walk. He was sitting in the yard and was breaking glass ropes.

Chen Meiyun was busy going in and out of the stove house, and the second sister-in-law Yu Xiaoping was coming out of the stove house with a basin of water. When she saw Lin Liqing, she immediately greeted her with a smile, "Wake up, there is hot water in the pot, and you can eat after washing your face." gone."

Lin Liqing was a little surprised, "Second sister-in-law, why are you here so early!"

It's only past six o'clock, and Yu Xiaoping usually cooks breakfast for her two children at home at this time.

Yu Xiaoping smiled heartily: "I'm not thinking of you bringing the children back and giving them some bananas. It just so happens that Mom left some chicken for the two children and asked me to take them back."

Originally, Chen Meiyun was going to let Lin Guoan take it back last night, but after thinking about it, he couldn't see the road clearly at night, and if he spilled the meat, wouldn't it be a good thing for nothing, so he stayed.

Lin Liqing smiled, stepped forward to give Yu Xiaoping a hand, and said by the way: "Second sister-in-law, do you have work today?"

"What's the matter?" Yu Xiaoping asked in surprise.

Lin Liqing took a look at Lin Changmin, "Second brother has to go to work, younger brother has to go to school, elder brother and sister-in-law are not in the village, so I have nothing to do, so I want to take dad to the hospital to have a look at his leg, and take a look around the city by the way, mom is alone Seeing three little ones is enough, so I want to ask my second sister-in-law to help my mother."

Hearing Lin Liqing say this about Yu Xiaoping was quite novel. In the past, Lin Liqing was like a young lady in her mother's house. She didn't touch the spring water with her ten fingers, and she was picky about everything. She had to be strong. This time, she was cheated by her husband's family. It's a change of sex. Now that she has changed, she naturally won't keep holding on to her past, and said bluntly: "It's rare that you miss your parents so much, success! I'll come over after I go back and tidy up, and the child will be brought to you for sure." That's right."

Seeing Yu Xiaoping being so talkative and not showing any reluctance, Lin Liqing once again lamented that she was blind in her previous life, and her mother's family was so nice, why didn't she cherish it at all!Even always thinking about competing with them.

After discussing with Yu Xiaoping, Lin Liqing hurried to the kitchen to wash up, took two mouthfuls of sweet potato porridge, and walked straight to Lin Changmin.

"Dad, let's hurry up and try to come back for lunch at noon."

Lin Changmin trembled, raised his head, and looked helpless, "Girl, why don't we take it easy? Look, I don't know if the money is enough."

"It's not enough for me to come out!" Lin Liqing said arrogantly.

Lin Guoye just heard this when he got up and went out. He grinned and said, "Dad, it's rare for my second sister to be generous, so you just listen to her."

"Go, go, your second sister still has to raise a child! Why is she, a married woman, paying for your father's medical treatment? Are all three of your brothers dead?" Chen Meiyun poked her head out of the kitchen and scolded angrily. One sentence.

Lin Guoye shut up in an instant. He wanted to be a filial son, but he was still studying. He didn't make money by spending money, and he didn't have the confidence to speak.

Lin Liqing turned her head and stared at Lin Guoye for a while.

Lin Guoye was taken aback, and asked vigilantly, "What are you doing?"

On the main road leading to the city, a tricycle with three people was slowly moving forward. Lin Guoye sweated profusely with all his strength, but the tricycle only advanced two or three meters.

Lin Liqing frowned in disgust, "Little brother, you eat so much in the morning, why can't you even step on a tricycle, your body is not good enough!"

Lin Guoye glared at her resentfully, and continued to grit his teeth and stomp hard, "Second sister, don't look at your weight, you should be laughing if you can pedal a tricycle."

Speaking of this, Lin Guoye was filled with grief and indignation. Originally, he could easily go to school by bicycle, but Lin Liqing stopped him to work as a coolie. Not only did he have to send them to the city, he had to walk back after school, which was unreasonable.

Lin Liqing was a little guilty, pretending she didn't hear it, she turned her head and said to Lin Changmin who was silent and serious, "Dad, I'll take you to the hospital on a tricycle when I get to my little brother's school."

Lin Guoye immediately said: "Second Sister, I think I should take you to the hospital. If you come up, what if the tricycle overturns? Our dad's legs can't bear the second injury."

Lin Liqing became angry instantly, and pinched Lin Guoye's thigh severely, "Your skin is itchy, don't you dare laugh at me!"

"Hiss!" Lin Guoye grinned in pain, begging for mercy.

Lin Changmin's nervousness was relieved a little by the bickering between the siblings.

When approaching the city, the main road turned into a cement road, and Lin Guoye heaved a sigh of relief, finally he didn't have to step on it so strenuously.

Lin Liqing kept staring at the surrounding environment.

In [-], when the economy just started, many small merchants sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and many individual businesses opened small shops. The streets were very lively.

The sound of bicycle bells kept coming and going without stopping.

Lin Guoye rode a tricycle through the crowds and took them to the hospital after seven o'clock.

She still wanted to explain, but Lin Guoye said: "Second Sister, you just take Dad to see a doctor. I will ride the tricycle to Sister-in-law's pork stall, and I will let Big Brother pick you up later."

(End of this chapter)

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