Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 63 A Message From Zhang Yongsheng

Chapter 63 A Message From Zhang Yongsheng

"Like me, I usually transport the goods to Guangdong Province, and then pick up the goods from there. It takes about two to three days to go back and forth. It depends on the actual situation. Usually, I can take a day off for a trip and a month's salary. It's 35 yuan, and occasionally the boss will give some tips. You don't know, the boss in Guangdong Province is very generous.

In order for us to protect their goods, sometimes it costs ten yuan for a shot, that's ten yuan!I earn more tips than my salary every month, and they don't even care about it! "

The "they" in Zhang Yongsheng's mouth refers to those relatives in the village who are related to relatives. Everyone's deep-rooted thinking is still to enter the factory, that is the iron rice bowl, and they would rather have a salary of [-] to [-] a month than set up a roadside stall. An income of [-] to [-] a month, because setting up a stall is unstable in their eyes, and earning more in a short period of time is better than being stable for a lifetime.

The freight industry has just started, and the older generation has never even heard of it. In their view, it is opportunistic and has no future. It is impossible for Zhang Yongsheng to talk about his tipping everywhere, so others will misunderstand it.

Lin Guoan asked curiously: "Then where do you mainly pick up clothes when you go to Guangdong Province?"

"That's a lot! There are clothing factories all over Guangdong Province, big and small, and the quality is uneven. Some factories buy second-hand clothes from overseas in the name of processing clothes. Those clothes look high-end, but they are actually expensive. The above are all unwanted by others, who knows if there is any disease or something.

Laymen like us can't understand it, and what's more, the water there is deep, and the competition between factories is fierce. Many small factories are related to each other, and they pull each other, otherwise there is no way to gain a foothold there, why?Do you want to do clothing business? "Zhang Yongsheng asked.

Lin Guoan didn't say anything directly, but just smiled and said, "I'm just curious, ask more, who knows if I will have this idea in the future, I bought a small yard in the city a few years ago, remodeled a facade, and plan to open a store Let my daughter-in-law do some business, if the clothing can be done, it is not impossible."

Zhang Yongsheng gave Lin Guoan a thumbs up, "I would say it's up to you, you can buy a house in the city now, but if you really want to start a clothing business, you have to prepare funds, a few thousand yuan will be indispensable at the beginning, And the vision of buying goods must not be bad, otherwise the clothes will not be sold and will not be returned, and all the clothes will be thrown into the hands!

Before, I also wanted to get some back to set up a street stall. It happened that one of my buddies did it first, but ended up buying a bunch of summer skirts that couldn’t be sold. In the end, the price was reduced and sold at a loss, so I barely made back some of the capital.

I stopped thinking, if you really want to do something, you can go to Guangdong Province with me after I get out of the car, and then you will say that it is my relative, and the co-pilot will not say anything. "

For the sake of relatives, and Lin Guoan's doing well now, Zhang Yongsheng can help as much as possible, and then he might be able to give him a hand because of these affections.

Lin Guoan and Yan Jianguo expressed their thanks again and again, and they chatted happily. They also had lunch with Zhang Yongsheng, and they didn't leave until around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Liqing didn't delay when she arrived in Jiaonan Village. She and Yan Jianguo took their children back to the city. The store will officially open tomorrow.

As for Yu Xiaoping, she has already gone to the city one step ahead of time, sending the things that will be sold at the store opening tomorrow, and then cleaning up, it will make her dizzy.

Lin Guoan went there with Lin Liqing and the others. When they arrived, they found that his two children were there. It happened to be winter vacation. They didn't start school until after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, so they could come over and help with some work.

Now that the whole family has come, the houses behind the store are all ready-made, and there are quilts and so on, so the family doesn't plan to go back.

Yu Xiaoping's family wanted to live here, and Ye Zhaodi naturally couldn't just hang on. Lin Liqing simply packed the things on the second floor of the bakery to the bedroom on the workshop side, and let Ye Zhaodi live in the other side, and let her help look after the shop.

Ye Zhaodi was also very discerning. She had just cleaned up the second floor of the bakery. Knowing that Lin Liqing was making pastries, she asked if she needed help. Knowing that Lin Liqing didn't need her to work, she wisely went upstairs and locked herself in the room.

Lin Liqing made some new pastries and sent them up to pay her back, only to find that she was reading a book under the window in the afterglow of the sky.

This diligence is very admirable. Lin Liqing put down the pastry, walked over to take a look, and found that she couldn't understand anything, so she asked curiously: "Is this the knowledge of the third year of high school?"

Ye Zhaodi nodded, and said shyly: "If you have nothing to do, read the book, the college entrance examination will be in a few months."

"Can I take the exam?" Lin Liqing asked with concern.

Ye Zhaodi shook her head honestly, with her head drooping slightly, "I don't know if I can take the exam. Lin Guoye told the teacher for me at the school. My parents didn't understand, so they didn't go to suspend me. The student status is still there, and I can continue. Studying, but only the teacher and Lin Guoye know about it. They let me review my homework with peace of mind, and I will do ideological work for my parents later.

But I know that my parents can't make any sense. Their patriarchal thinking will never allow me to go to college. In addition to delaying my brother's marriage, there is another point. My brother's grades are not good. Going to high school is difficult, and it is impossible for me to go to college in the future. If I go to college, my brother will be overwhelmed by me. This is what they can't tolerate. "

Lin Liqing frowned when she heard that, she had been with Ye Zhaodi for a while, and had always treated her like a younger sister, plus Ye Zhaodi was meek, sensible and motivated, she was very fond of her, plus she didn't want such a good girl Being delayed by the family, it is impossible to sit idly by regardless of emotion or reason.

"Then what are you going to do? You must take the college entrance examination, and you must go if you are admitted to a university."

Ye Zhaodi pursed her lips, her face was a little pale, obviously she had nothing to do.

Lin Liqing pondered for a long time, and asked, "Is there any sister in the family who has a better relationship with you?"

Ye Zhaodi raised her head, met Lin Li's clear and vivid eyes, and said unconsciously: "Yes, we sisters have a good relationship, maybe because we are in the same situation, everyone will help each other, this time my parents want me to marry It was also the eldest sister who received the wind and reported to me in advance, otherwise they must have succeeded."

"Then ask your eldest sister to help you. You need a household registration booklet to go to university. Can you ask your eldest sister to secretly bring out the household registration booklet for you, and send it back when the dust settles?" Lin Liqing suggested.

Ye Zhaodi was stunned by her bold idea, she stood up abruptly, shaking her head like a rattle, "No, if my parents find out, they will break my legs."

(End of this chapter)

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