Chapter 67

Yan Jianguo came back after dark.

Knowing that he led Zhao Jianchuan to some customers, Lin Liqing didn't say anything, and asked him to go back to the workshop to help clean up and look after the children.

A group of people were busy until after ten o'clock before disbanding. When Lin Li was clearing the store, she looked up and could see the faint light from the window on the second floor. Obviously Ye Zhaodi was still lighting up the lamp to study hard. She stared blankly for a while and then quietly followed Yan Jianguo back.

When the two returned to the workshop, Chen Meiyun had put the children to sleep, hot water was burning in the kitchen, and Lin Liqing could go to bed as long as she washed up.

She took a bath comfortably, and when she climbed into bed, she couldn't help sighing to Yan Jianguo: "In the world, only a mother is good, and a child with a mother is like a treasure."

Yan Jianguo was immediately happy, and covered her with a quilt thoughtfully, saying: "Your husband is also very good, you are also my treasure."

Lin Li's face flushed red.

After a night of harmony, Lin Guosheng knocked on the door before five o'clock the next day.

Chen Meiyun angrily gave the eldest son a clue, "Die! I don't know if your sister was busy until ten o'clock last night, so she came here to call for someone at this time."

Lin Guosheng was innocent and wronged, he explained to Chen Meiyun helplessly before he was able to knock on Lin Liqing's door.

Get people back into the store like asking aunts.

The meat to be bought has already been placed on the stall, and the store is almost open, because it is still early, and they are not in a hurry.

I saw Xu Hui moving out a large aluminum basin from the backyard, and there was a large piece of pork that was three fat and seven lean, which was estimated to weigh about ten catties.

The ingredients are all ready, just waiting for Lin Liqing's guidance.

Since Lin Guosheng beat the meat yesterday, he already had experience and started to do his own work very consciously. Lin Liqing taught Xu Hui how to prepare the meat.

Xu Hui listened carefully, and said that she did all the steps by herself, and the last step was to squeeze the meatballs. At the beginning, she couldn't do it well, either too big or too small, and she finally found the feeling after squeezing half a pot of meat.

Lin Liqing watched from the side and nodded again and again. Xu Hui is worthy of being a butcher, and she still has a sense of proportion in her hands.

After the ten catties of meatballs came out of the pan, Lin Guosheng and his wife tasted them both. They were relieved to be sure that they tasted the same as yesterday. They immediately removed the wooden boards from the store and started selling them.

Seeing that she had nothing to do, Lin Liqing hurried back to work. Since everyone was up, she might as well preheat the oven and continue baking banana slices and sweet potato slices, hoping to deliver the goods as soon as possible.

The bakery can be handed over to Yan Jianguo and Li Hongxia. She has to slowly pull away from there and try to only do the work of the back kitchen, so as to free up more time for other things. There are infinite possibilities in the future, and she doesn't want to be trapped in this world.

The thought flashed across her mind, and soon she turned her attention back to doing her work.

Yan Jianguo took Li Hongxia and Zhao Jianchuan with him for three days, and they were almost ready to do what they should do. Sometimes Yan Jianguo took Zhao Jianchuan out to pick up and deliver goods, and Li Hongxia could support the business of the store by herself. After shouting, Ye Zhaodi and the three of them can always come to help.

When Zhao Jianchuan was able to work alone, Yan Jianguo was also preparing to leave for Guangdong Province.

Before leaving, he specially brought a lot of snacks to the Zhang family to find Zhang Yongsheng.

Zhang Yongsheng just came back from the car and was resting. The two made an appointment on the day and time of departure. Yan Jianguo didn't go back to the store directly, but went to Fengkoushe.

It has been several days since Yan Jianjun and the others were beaten. Yan Jianjun's injuries are already healed, but Yan Jiandang still has to lie on the bed, unable to do heavy work, and all the farm work at home is on Zhou Xiaoe. For a few days, I felt heavy, anxious and angry, and blisters grew around my mouth.

Liu Cuifeng didn't know how to be a monster, she went to the first room to fight for things, and then went to the second room to find fault, which forced Zhou Xiao'e to fight Liu Cuifeng, and no one could have predicted that honest people would get angry.

Liu Cuifeng and everyone in Dafang didn't expect the honest Zhou Xiaoe to beat someone, and it was her mother-in-law.

Liu Cuifeng was frightened and angry, and rolled on the ground, insisting that all the villagers come to make decisions for her. Zhou Xiaoe was forced to turn red, and even ran back to the kitchen to pick up a kitchen knife and wanted to touch her neck. She was determined to die and let Liu Cuifeng down A reputation for viciousness.

At that time, the kitchen knife had cut through the skin, which frightened a group of villagers who were watching the excitement. Fortunately, someone reacted quickly and stepped forward to grab the kitchen knife in time, so that no disaster was caused.

Zhou Xiao'e broke down and wailed in desperation, crying so hard that everyone present felt heavy. The two children were so frightened that they almost cried and convulsed. Yan Jiandang came out with his sickly body to dissuade Zhou Xiao'e.

The family of four seemed to be parting from life and death. It was so miserable. It was really sad to smell it and cry when it saw it.

On weekdays, the village women whose parents were in the East and whose families were short in the West couldn't stand it, and they all surrounded Zhou Xiaoe's persuasive persuasion, and scolded Liu Cuifeng a few times along the way.

Liu Cuifeng had been terrified when Zhou Xiaoe committed suicide with a kitchen knife. The situation had developed to such an extent that it was out of her control. Fearing that she would be killed by indignant villagers, she had already sneaked back to the fourth room to hide.

When the village chief came with a group of village elders, Zhou Xiaoe still looked like she didn't want to live, her eyes were staring and her lips were pale. It was useless for Yan Jiandang and the child to kneel beside her and cry for help.

In the end, the village chief's wife and several mothers-in-law persuaded her for a long time and asked Zhou Xiao'e for a long time before convincing Zhou Xiaoe, but the condition was that Yan Jiandang would be transferred to the late third uncle, who was Yan Yongfu's third younger brother who died young.

Because the third uncle died without getting married, and had no descendants, let alone property, Yan Jiandang was adopted in order to completely sever ties with Liu Cuifeng.

This kind of thing sounds rebellious and unfilial, but Yan Jian's family is well-versed in the village, and they all know that Liu Cuifeng didn't treat his son and daughter-in-law as human beings, so naturally he has no right to blame Zhou Xiao'e.

The village chief couldn't make a decision directly, so he asked people to find Yan Yongfu and Yan Jianjun Huang Yulian.

The commotion here is so fierce, as long as they are not deaf, they can hear it, but they feel ashamed and can't show up. Now that the village chief has sent someone, they can't be a coward.

The three of them went to the second room with livid faces. After knowing what Zhou Xiaoe meant, Yan Yongfu's first reaction was anger, but he could not criticize in front of the villagers, and had to express his views on a moral basis.

If he didn't agree, Zhou Xiao'e would really die, and their family's reputation would be completely ruined. It didn't matter how they made trouble before. After all, no one was killed. If someone was killed, their family would not even want to gain a foothold in the village.

No matter how scheming Yan Yongfu is, he has no other choice at this time. This is what drives him the most crazy. He wants to find Yan Jiandang and ask him what he means, but Yan Jiandang is not in good health. Zhou Xiao'e was taken aback, feeling very uncomfortable, and was sent to the city hospital by several villagers for examination.

Yan Yongfu couldn't use Yan Jiandang to delay time.

(End of this chapter)

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