Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 88 The police are here again

Chapter 88 The police are here again

After the police station accepted the case, they immediately sent someone to find Li Meihua. The first search point was Yan's house in Jiaonan Village.

When the villagers saw the police entering the village again, they looked as if they had seen bandits, and their faces changed drastically. They went straight to the village head's house in horror, crying all the way, "Village head, village head, it's not good, it's not good, the police came in again!" village

Those who don't know think the police are some kind of scourge.

The village chief was making tea comfortably at home, and when he heard this, he almost knocked over the teapot. He ran out of the house anxiously and asked, "What's going on? Could it be another incident caused by Yan Yongfu's family?"

"It's their home! I think the police went directly to them without asking for directions when they entered the village." The villagers said out of breath.

The village chief gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, and hurriedly led the people there.

When they arrived, the police had just entered Yan Jianshe's house.

There is a circle of villagers around the courtyard. Now they are familiar with the way to watch the excitement here. They know where the view is the best, where the fish will not be affected, and they can also open the way for the police comrades who are doing things. They have rich experience.

A few grandmas even started chatting with the police, and immediately asked, "Young man, who committed a crime in their family again?"

The two policemen were very speechless. They had no chance at all, and they all relied on Yan Jianshe to guide them.

Yan Jianshe usually didn't sleep until noon, and when he heard the police knock on the door, he was so frightened that he crawled open the door. Before the police could make a sound, he cried, "Comrade police, I've been very good recently, and I didn't do anything wrong!"

The villagers who came with them all laughed, and someone echoed, "We can testify that Jianshe now plays cards in addition to sleeping. He doesn't even go to his family's field. He's very obedient."

The two policemen frowned, and asked back, "Don't you plow in the spring?"

Yan Jianshe was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously, "If you want it, I'll go to work right away."

As he spoke, he walked out in a daze, muttering, "Hoe, hoe, where is my hoe?"

Because he couldn't find his own hoe, he snatched the hoe of the villagers who came to watch the fun.

Seeing him in a daze like a hangover, the policeman yelled, "Come back!"

Yan Jianshe ran over immediately, his body faster than his brain.

Seeing him like this, the police really wanted to punch him. The mud couldn't support the wall. Fortunately, they hadn't forgotten their identity, so they endured it and asked, "Have you seen Li Meihua since last night?"

"Li Meihua?" Yan Jianshe shook his head subconsciously with a blank expression.

At first, Liu Cuifeng hid in the crack of the door and peeked. Seeing that the police did not run out because they were causing trouble for their family, she nervously grabbed Yan Jianshe's hand and said, "No, no. Li Meihua has been back to her mother's house for a long time, and she doesn't even want children. How could it be possible to come back!"

Yan Jianshe only realized it now, and said, "She didn't come back. If she came back, our house wouldn't be so peaceful. As for the things she cheated on me, I would feel sorry for myself if we didn't fight! My family was so miserable yesterday. Nothing happened."

Although the police believed Yan Jianshe's words, they still went around his house and investigated the neighbors nearby to make sure that he was really not in Fengkoushe before preparing to leave.

Yan Jianshe asked cautiously: "That...comrade policeman, what did Li Meihua do?"

The two policemen glanced at him, but did not answer.

Yan Jianshe hurriedly said, "We haven't divorced yet."

Then the policeman said impatiently: "She stole something, and someone called the police. If anyone from your side sees Li Meihua, they must go to the police station and tell us immediately. If they cover up, they will be punished."

Yan Jianshe and Liu Cuifeng swallowed fiercely, and nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Watching the police leave, everyone sighed. At this moment, someone just said to Yan Jianshe: "What the hell are you marrying? It's not worth mentioning that you messed up our village. Even something happened to your mother's house. Tsk tsk tsk. I don’t know what kind of eyes you have! Give me back the hoe!”

Only then did Yan Jianshe realize that he was still holding the hoe, and when he wanted to return it, he found that one hand was a little weak.

The village head shook his head again and again, and said earnestly: "Jianjian, has your land been overturned? Have you planted it? If you don't plant the land, how will you pay the public grain this year? What do you and your mother eat?"

Yan Jianshe was still a little confused.

The village head shook his head and left, no longer caring about his mess.

Others also left one after another.

It took Yan Jianshe a long time to react, and he muttered, "I was scared to death! I thought the police even took care of farming."

Liu Cuifeng looked at him straight, and said: "The rice tank at home is out of rice, the sweet potatoes are also eaten, and there are still some pickled vegetables, what are you doing today?"

Yan Jianshe was stunned for a moment, then ran to Liu Cuifeng's room in disbelief, opened the rice jar and saw that the inside was really bottomed out, there was not enough left for the two of them to eat today, the house was so empty that even mice would dislike it.

He didn't recruit himself.

Liu Cuifeng lowered her eyes and said, "Jianjian, please give me the money, and I'll go to the village to buy some from others."

Yan Jianshe was stunned, subconsciously looked away from Liu Cuifeng's eyes, and said guiltily, "The money is all gone."

This answer seemed to be expected by Liu Cuifeng, and she said calmly: "Then find a way to borrow it, and return it when the grain in the field is harvested."

Yan Jian didn't want to go to the ground, he didn't intend to grow those places at all, but he couldn't say such words. Once he said no matter how Liu Cuifeng hurt him, he would be beaten.

Seeing that Liu Cuifeng was about to leave, Yan Jianshe had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Mom, why don't you go to my second brother to get some first, he took all of my [-] for surgery, and I will have it when he comes back." money."

But Liu Cuifeng turned her head and said quietly: "I want to go to you, I don't care about your brothers."

According to her previous temperament, it is absolutely impossible to say such a thing, but this time Yan Jiandang almost died and she was frightened, and she did not forget what the village chief said in front of all the villagers, so even Knowing that Yan Jianshe is having a hard time now, she doesn't plan to go to the big and second room to make trouble.

"Mom! You are the second brother's real mother. If you go, he won't say anything. If I go, what if he finds out and gets angry and calls the police?" Yan Jianshe muttered reluctantly.

Liu Cuifeng was unmoved, and Yan Jianshe was so angry that his nose was crooked.

Now there is no one in Yan Jian's party family, and it is easy to go over the wall to get things, but with Li Meihua stealing things and killing him, he dare not commit crimes on the cusp of such a storm. After struggling for a while, he can only go to Yan Jianjun's side Borrowing food, who knew that Yan Jianjun was almost beaten out with a stick.

Yan Jianjun was merciless towards Yan Jianshe. He beat Yan Jianshe until he screamed. Yan Yongfu could hear him clearly in the room, but now he has nothing to do.

In the end, Yan Jianshe was injured and was pushed into the field by Yan Jianjun. Yan Jianjun was working in the field next to him, supervising Yan Jianshe while working.

Yan Jianshe scratched the ground twice and howled twice, his waist ached, his legs ached, and he wanted to drink water.

In the end, Yan Jianjun couldn't take it anymore, and beat him up again before he stopped.

 Happy New Year, I love you all (′`)
(End of this chapter)

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