"I will keep this secret for you, but as a price, you must let me know if you absorb the magic body of the sixth grade or above in the future. Especially the evil magic body like the blood demon spirit source, you must be careful."

Yunying nodded in agreement, as early as when she decided to tell the truth, she guessed that she might be subject to such restrictions.

There is nothing wrong with this, Yue Wuxia's cultivation base is far superior to hers, and her vision is also higher than hers. Although it may not be comparable to Yinxue and Yangbo, it is better because they are both cultivators, and their cultivation paths are completely the same. It may be more suitable for Yunying.

Thinking about it, Yunying told Yue Wuxia about many things after leaving Haidong Secret Realm, Yue Wuxia heard it, and frowned slightly: "Someone is targeting you?"

"I think it should be so." Yunying smiled wryly.

"Being able to possess a body, but not seizing a body, no one in the cultivation world can do this kind of cultivation." Yue Wuxia bent her fingers, tapped on the table lightly, and said after a while, "Be careful when you go out in the future. Where is the Butterfly Valley, I will send someone to check it. But... it is better to find a way to get that magic knife fragment, otherwise it will always be a disaster."

Yunying nodded slightly in agreement, she also thought so.

It's just that the Void Biting Knife is not easy to deal with, and it may not be easy to subdue it. If you act rashly, it may alarm Monan Moxiu.

So it's better to think long term.

There is no need for her to remind this point, Yue Wuxia naturally understands, she put aside the matter of the Void Devouring Demon Knife, and just looked at Yunying curiously: "I found that you and Monan Xiexiu are always destined .”

Su Minglang reported what happened in Haidong's secret territory early in the morning, but what he explained was much rougher than what Yunying explained. After all, Su Minglang didn't follow Yunying closely all the way, so many actions and schemes that were rarely seen by Yi , he didn't even know about it, and he only learned about it through Yunying's report.

From this comparison, it can be seen that there is something wrong with Yun Ying.

There seems to be a special magnetic force on Yunying's body, attracting Monan Xiexiu to slam into her side like moths rushing to a flame.

This cannot be explained by coincidence. A person with a cultivation level like Yue Wuxia has gradually come into contact with some mysterious things. Among those mysterious and mysterious truths, there is something called numerology.

The fate of a person is sometimes determined from birth.All accidental coincidences, all unexpected dangers, maybe after careful consideration, you will find that it is already doomed.

Yunying's background must not be simple, just like the girl she saw before.

Yue Wuxia sighed, and said to Yunying: "I think you are a child with your own mind, and you have already decided in your heart what to do about these things. I don't force you to do what you do, I just hope You can remember that when you encounter something you can't bear, don't bear it alone, you can come to me, your senior brothers and sisters, or the third son of Fengni Valley for help."

Yunying was taken aback.

"You also know about Feng Jing?"

Yue Wuxia nodded slightly, and suddenly showed a mischievous smile: "Otherwise, what do you think? Even if Su Minglang doesn't tell me, Zhuo Pengju will tell."

Yunying thinks about it, but she still can't get used to Yue Wuxia's jokes.

It's like puppy love being caught by her parents. Although the cultivation world is not like the world where her mother lives, and she doesn't care if she falls in love early or not, and Yue Wuxia is not her very close teacher, but seeing her teasing herself like this, Yunying still feels that Weird, seems a little... ashamed? (end of this chapter)

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