The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1017 Bamboo Slip Deduction

And in the center of these gray spiritual sources, there is a line that is so thin that it is almost invisible.

The color of each line is different, but Yunying can recognize it, it is the color of each disciple's spiritual source on Chupo Mountain.

49 disciples, 49 gray spirit sources.

At the moment when she passed by them, Yunying saw the mycelium-like things on their bodies.

Sure enough... it must rely on these things to absorb their flesh and blood.

Looking at those weird looking things that looked like spiritual sources but not spiritual sources, Yun Ying felt a wave of nausea in her heart.

But she calmed down immediately, and waited patiently again, waiting for Liu Changqing's spiritual source to move to this place again, and to take those strange things into the eye sockets again.

She firmly memorized the order in which they were arranged, and the disciples represented by each spiritual source, and read them three times to ensure that she remembered nothing wrong, and then slowly returned to her spiritual source along the evil spirit.

Opening his eyes, he saw a soft light that was fleeting, and behind the light was Yue Wuxia's concerned face.


"Hard to say……"

Yunying simply pulled out this part of her memory, and stored it in the jade slip for Yue Wuxia to see clearly.

At the same time, she also distributed this part of memory to Cuizun, Yangbo and Yinxue, especially Yangbo.

She is a wood spirit, she has sensed Zi Ying's memory, and she must be able to see more problems from it.

Sure enough, Yang Bo was the first to speak: "Soul-locking array! Who on earth can combine soul-locking array and purple cherry art!"

Before Yunying could reply her, Yue Wuxia also put down the jade slip, her face was a little solemn: "If I read correctly, this seems to be the soul-locking array of Monan Yugui Mountain."

Yun Ying also knew that this was the soul-locking formation, and even she could see that this formation had been modified, and what could be plundered was not only ghosts, but also some more mysterious and mysterious things.

However, the soul-locking and seizing-soul array can only be truly displayed with a hundred ghost banners. If Liu Changqing has such an extremely sinister ghost like a hundred ghost banners, it is impossible not to be noticed.

Yun Ying thought to herself, Liu Changqing might have hidden the Hundred Ghost Banner somewhere, and would call it back when he needed to use it.

However, it is said in the Mingming Formation book that if the Hundred Ghost Banners want to use the Soul Locking Formation, they need to absorb enough earth energy, otherwise the Yin energy in it cannot be stimulated, let alone condensed into a cage, so it is also necessary to temporarily hold Buddha's feet impossible.

So, where will the Hyakki Banner be hidden?

Yue Wuxia was also worried about this issue: "If Liu Changqing hides the Hundred Ghost Banner in Mingyue Sect, then he really has a mouth and can't explain it clearly."

Yunying nodded slightly: "So the suzerain doesn't need to act in a hurry, we might as well wait and see what happens."

"Wait and see what happens?" Yue Wuxia said with a smile, "What if you are sucked into being a human when you go there today?"

Yunying's expression remained unchanged: "I will return to Chupo Mountain as late as possible, and... the golden bamboo slips in my disciple's knowledge sea seem to have undergone some changes."

Yue Wuxia had heard her tell the strange story about the inexplicable birth of this golden bamboo slip, and knew that it seemed to have a weak deduction ability, but its deduction ability was not strong, and it was not very useful at the moment, so Yun Ying I don't take it too seriously.

But to Yunying's surprise, the golden bamboo slips quickly deduced the second half of the Chonglin Diechun Kung Fu hidden by Liu Changqing. (end of this chapter)

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