This matter was finalized in this way, Yue Wuxia once again told Yunying to be careful, and gave her many magic treasures and talismans, including a talisman that wrapped her thoughts. Go all out.

Yunying was very grateful for these gifts, but she also reminded Yue Wuxia that these might not be of much use.

After all, Liu Changqing is not a fool, and he will definitely strip off all the foreign objects on the disciples before doing it.

For a monk in the Void Realm, a group of disciples in the Yuanyuan Realm and the Mortal Realm are as weak as ants, and it is easy for him to get rid of the foreign objects on them.

Yue Wuxia said: "I know that too, but if I don't give you anything, I always feel like letting you die."

Yunying originally wanted to smile, but suddenly realized that Yue Wuxia was by no means the kind of person who would do useless work just to make up for her guilt, so she couldn't help but realize it seriously, and looked at her seriously.

"Sovereign, what else do you want to do, you might as well just say it."

Yue Wuxia sized her up with an appreciative gaze of "I can't hide it from you", and said, "Why don't I give you an idea too?"

Her tone seemed to be joking, but there was no half-joke in her eyes.

This made Yunying couldn't help thinking seriously.

In fact, it is not impossible, letting Yue Wuxia's thoughts planted in his own sea of ​​consciousness will not disturb Liu Changqing's thoughts, and when he is in danger, Yue Wuxia's thoughts coming out of his own sea of ​​consciousness can also catch Liu Changqing by surprise.

It's good to think about it.

But Yunying shook her head after serious thinking.

"I'm not at ease. What if Liu Changqing has a technique that can detect thoughts? Doesn't he think that he has planted thoughts in the disciples of Chupo Mountain without anyone noticing? I think his research in this area must be very deep. , it’s better not to take that risk.”

Yue Wuxia smiled and said: "It makes sense, then, I can only wait for your news."

"The suzerain doesn't have to worry. It's hard to say anything else about the disciples. There is always a way to protect yourself."

Yue Wuxia just smiled: "Go, go for a stroll outside first, try to delay going back as late as possible, meet everyone you want to see, and tell everyone what you want to say."

"Sovereign, I'm really not going to die!"

Yue Wuxia ignored Yunying's sincere words, and sent her directly to the foot of Chanjuan Mountain with spiritual energy, and didn't even give her the time to talk to Ziwan.

Presumably, in Yue Wuxia's eyes, she is now standing at a bifurcation, one step to freedom, one step to hell. On the eve of this bifurcation approaching infinitely, among the many things she has to do, chatting with Zi Wan is not included.

In fact, she is not only a very good suzerain, but also a very good friend.

Yunying thought about it, and walked towards the outer door.

In fact, nothing happened, but I haven't seen Old Pharmacist Zhu for a long time, and I want to see him.

What's more, if something happened to these delicate things in my beast card, Yixiang would definitely starve to death if no one else said anything about it.

So it's better to arrange a short-term breeder for her first.

When her thoughts turned to this point, Yun Ying couldn't help laughing, and secretly sighed that she was relaxed on the lips, but there was still a lot of pressure deep in her heart.

Yue Wuxia probably saw this more clearly than she did.

The Yaoshengtang is still the same as before, but most of the handymen are faces that Yunying doesn't know very well, and so is the pharmacist. Except for Lin Jiang, she has no impression of anyone else.

It can be seen that no matter the ordinary life or the ups and downs, the days are moving forward steadily, people come and go, and this is the case everywhere.

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