Seeing that she didn't answer for a long time, old pharmacist Zhu thought she was not happy, so he smiled and said: "If you don't want to, just say it, I'm not the kind of unreasonable person!"

Yunying came back to her senses when she heard this, shook her head and smiled, "No, it's not that she doesn't want to, it's just that she didn't realize it for a while, and felt... flattered."

"I'm so flattered!" The old pharmacist felt that she was so easily moved, and he hated iron and iron, "Will that kid Fengjing be able to abduct you with just a few sweet words in the future?"

Why did it go to Fengjing again?
Yun Ying couldn't help but doubt herself, and only then did she and Feng Jing analyze their inner communication a little bit, how did everyone know about it?

She immediately said: "Grandpa, didn't you say you want to give me a word?"

"Turning so bluntly, I'm afraid I don't know if you and that kid really have ghosts!"

The old pharmacist made a joke, but he knew very well that this topic should not be discussed too much, otherwise the quiet little girl would be upset.

So he sighed under Yunying's helpless gaze, and regained his composure: "Okay, let's talk about the word I gave you! Listen to it and see if you like it."

"The word still has to be quoted from the name. Your 'Ying' means the radiance of jade. If you want to take the word, you have to take it from this."

Seeing him shaking his head and twirling his beard, Yun Ying couldn't help laughing out loud: "Grandpa, looking at it this way, you really look like a man who has read a lot of poetry and books."

The old pharmacist nodded complacently, then came to his senses, angrily scolded: "What is resemblance! Look down on your grandpa, don't you!"

He dipped a pen into the cinnabar, wrote two characters on the prescription, pushed it to Yun Ying and said, "Look! I wrote the characters!"

Yunying took it, and saw that there were indeed two big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes on the top.

"Wen Hua."

She read it softly, thoughtfully.

The old pharmacist still shook his head and explained: "If you read a gentleman, you should be gentle like jade. Jade wants to be moist, and the brilliance of jade should be gentle."

Listening to his explanation, Yunying looked at the two large characters on the prescription, but couldn't connect this beautiful and gentle character with herself.

But I wish the painstaking efforts of the old pharmacist, she understands.

She has hostility, murderousness, and sharpness, which can certainly keep her forging ahead, succeed and survive every fight, but after all, this should not be the most fundamental pillar of life.

No matter how sharp things are, there will always be a day of rust. The teeth will fall out, but the tongue will not fall off. Life cannot be lived only by an unyielding hostility, as sooner or later there will be problems.

The old pharmacist hopes that she can cultivate her own brilliance, that she can be gentle and virtuous, and that she can live a stable, comfortable and peaceful life.

This is a very precious exhortation and admonition, Yun Ying has no choice but to dare not move.

"Thank you grandpa, I like this word very much. For this word, I will survive."

The old pharmacist Zhu looked at her deeply, and then sighed: "I told you that you didn't do good things! You can't say such things indiscriminately, it's written in the story book, and people who say this often don't survive in the end."

"But I'm not from the storybook!" Yun Ying smiled brightly, "I'm Ah Ying, and I'm still Wen Hua, and my fate is ultimately up to me!"

The old pharmacist also smiled and said: "Then finish your work early, and come back early to help me, I just need one."

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