Chapter 1024
But it seems that God knows that her time is very urgent, just after leaving Yunyuzhai, before returning to Chupo Mountain, Yunying received another jade slip.

The letter was sent by Nan Gongsun, and there was a small grain of dust inside.

This dust is nothing but sky flint.Although it is not as big as a soybean, it is definitely a circle larger than the common sky flint. If it is integrated into the magic weapon of space, it can at least open up a small space with a radius of ten miles.

If it is integrated into the Five Jade Cave, although the small space opened up can only be said to be better than nothing, but with such a small buffer space, if something goes wrong with Feng Jing, she can hide in it.

If he himself has not lost his ambition, he can even use the buffer of this small space to gradually adapt to the chaotic and violent atmosphere of heaven and earth in Baiyu Cave and Hongyu Mountain, so as to temper his body and go further.

Therefore, Yun Ying couldn't help but be happy about the harvest of this sky flint.

She wrote the words of thanks seriously, and then condensed a Dao Gang spirit ball, added several seals and put it into the jade slip, so that the messenger jade slip could be turned back again to find its owner.

In this way, it seems that there are really no other problems.

Yun Yingzai thought about it carefully, and after making sure that he didn't miss anything, he boldly rushed towards Chupo Mountain.

Even if Liu Changqing is going to do it now, she is not afraid at all.

When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, each according to his ability.

After returning to the disciple's residence, Yunying heard from Ling Shuangrui that Liu Changqing had not returned.

"Maybe it's to see some senior sisters Bai." Yun Ying didn't care much about it.

Ling Shuangrui pursed her lips tightly: "I really don't understand why Master favors the four of them so much!"

Yunying smiled and said, "It's just because the four of them are more able to dance, so it seems that the four of them are favored. In fact, in the eyes of the master, all disciples are treated equally."

"Really?" Ling Shuangrui obviously didn't believe it.

But Yunying knew that what she said was absolutely true.

All disciples have the same status in Liu Changqing's heart.

All consumables, no exceptions.

Ling Shuangrui also deciphered Yunying's hidden meaning, couldn't help laughing, wanted to say something to her, but thought of the thoughts in her dantian, she still fell down.

Yun Ying didn't speak, leaning against the trunk of the pine tree, looking up at the incomparably clear blue sky and white clouds.

In the land of immortals, there is no such thing as four seasons. As long as the monks are willing, the flowers and plants outside the cave can be frozen forever for a moment.

So now that Liu Changqing suddenly turned the flowers and plants on Chupo Mountain into autumn colors, he must have some other intentions.

Autumn, for gold, is the main spirit of killing.

This word flashed across Yunying's mind.

She took out the book of formations from the storage bag, placed it on her forehead and studied it carefully.

This book of formations was given to her by Yue Wuxia, and after hearing that she had a certain understanding of formations, Yue Wuxia gave her a book of formations that was as thick as the book in Feng Nigu Guzhu's collection.

It can be regarded as giving her a little direction to work hard. Maybe she can just rely on her excellent understanding and understanding of the formation before Liu Changqing makes a move, and deduce what he wants to do next.

But the result of this direction is bleak in the end. No matter how familiar Yun Ying is with the book of formations, she can only memorize it by rote. Facing Liu Changqing, who is so much taller than herself, she has no way to start. She has been thinking hard for the past few days, what should she do? It is better to cut in place.

The autumn colors in her eyes suddenly gave her a revelation.

(End of this chapter)

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