The two were so tactful that they even put the brothers and sisters on Chupo Mountain in danger, just to capture Liu Changqing alive and extract his life memories completely.

Yue Wuxia led the others to attack Liu Changqing, although it could kill him, but it might not be able to prevent him from exploding himself and blowing up all his secrets.

That's why Yunying decided to obey Liu Changqing's arrangement, weakening his resistance step by step, so that Yue Wuxia could block him as soon as he made a move.

With such a lot of effort, if it was all in vain in the end, Yun Ying would be stunned to death.

Yue Wuxia smiled and said: "Liu Changqing's soul has been drawn out, and the elders are processing it. In about three or four days, the essence will be sent over."

Yun Ying frowned and asked: "Then..."

"I already understand Liu Changqing's purpose. This is what I collected from his space magic weapon."

As Yue Wuxia said, a green bracelet appeared out of thin air in her hand.

The bracelet is the color of sapphire, with a slight aura, one can tell it is quite a magic weapon at a glance.

Yunying subconsciously wanted to reach out to get the jade bracelet, but Yue Wuxia had already put the jade bracelet back, and smiled at Yunying, "Let's see when you recover. You shouldn't think too much when you are recuperating."

"If the suzerain doesn't tell me, I will think too much."

While talking, Yunying tried to check the current situation with her spiritual sense.

It's a bit miserable.

The Void Realm is by far the most powerful enemy she has faced with her body.

If she hadn't helped the old man deal with countless assassins from the Xuanming Palace when she was possessed by her father, and she had developed a fearless mentality in the face of danger, she would definitely be crushed and beaten by Liu Changqing, and she would not be able to fight back until she was beaten to death.

Although she was quite calm at the time, and took the most correct measures at every step - the power of Xuanrong, the bloody aura, and slamming, but all these were only temporarily weakening Liu Changqing. If Yue Wuxia didn't come in time, she After all, death is inevitable.

Fortunately, her hole cards are all useful, and her calculations also have results.

But this is not without cost. Broken meridians and shattered dantian are minor problems, and they have not experienced it before, and they have long been used to it.The more serious problem is that her realm seems to have fallen.

The gray glue that had been half cleaned out had spread in the bones for some reason, making her aura quite stagnant.

It was as if she had been knocked down again to be able to refine the blood.

"Sect Master." Yunying knew that Yue Wuxia must have found someone to help her treat her. She must know what's going on in these situations better than herself. something?"

"Yes, but your situation is very special."

Yue Wuxia smiled and said: "The fall of a big realm will often cause the foundation of cultivation to be shaken together. If it is light, the spiritual source will be loose, and if it is serious, the dantian will be shattered. Although your realm has fallen right now, the spiritual source is fine, and the injury to the dantian is also small. a lot of."

Speaking of this, she asked Yun Ying sincerely: "Can you tell me, what are the backgrounds of those seniors in your dantian?"

Sure enough, it was discovered, Yunying sighed, and said slowly: "The suzerain tells me what Liu Changqing is planning, and I will tell the suzerain the origin of these people in my dantian."

"I really don't want to suffer." Yue Wuxia smiled slightly, her glazed eyes narrowed into crescent moons, "Then I'll reveal it to you."

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