As the sun set, the long pearl on Yue Wuxia's table glowed softly. She finished all the chores and leaned on her head tiredly, running her spiritual energy to relieve the fatigue on her body.

In fact, she is not suitable to be the suzerain, just as Yun Ying thought, she should be like Bai Zhen, as a genius disciple, devote herself to hard work, become a major weapon of the sect, or ascend to the sect as soon as possible, and become the glory of the sect.

But by chance, she finally embarked on a path that was different from what she had originally thought.

The position of suzerain is not suitable for me, and handling the miscellaneous affairs of the sect is much more difficult than practicing earth-level exercises.Although there were very few things that would be sent to her, every time she tried to find a way to deal with them, it exhausted her energy.

She wants to be free, but she can't put the sect in danger for her own freedom.

She promised Master.

Laughing at herself, Yue Wuxia sat up straight again, her elegant and incomparable face showed the noble grace that belonged only to the suzerain.

She raised her eyes to look at Yun Ying, and said with a smile: "You have seen this kind of gaffe, I have to seriously consider whether to kill someone to silence me."

Yunying shook her head and said: "It's definitely not worth killing people to silence people. Although people like me are dangerous, they can help us accomplish many things. The Suzerain will definitely be reluctant to do anything to me."

"Listen to this, are you determined to eat me?"

Hearing this, Yue Wuxia's slightly frowning brows were instantly released, she looked at Yunying tenderly, and said with a smile: "I really didn't misread you."

Did she follow Liu Changqing's line to find many clues? --of course.

But all of this must be done after Liu Changqing's plot is thoroughly figured out.

"Then will the suzerain agree?"

Yue Wuxia didn't say anything immediately, she pondered for a moment before saying, "What do you want to do by saying this all of a sudden?"

"If there is anything that needs me to do, I will do it. I hope to use my credit to give my brothers and sisters a chance."

"I can't promise right now, but if the whole thing becomes clearer in the future, and I know what step you can help me with, maybe I can promise you."

Is Liu Changqing related to evil cultivators?Does Yue Wuxia know the source of the evil cultivator in her body? ——Related, otherwise Yue Wuxia would not stop asking what Yunying meant when she said that she could help.

Yunying looked at Yue Wuxia sincerely: "So, please allow me to ask, Liu Changqing's problem was discovered by the suzerain early in the morning, so it's true that no clues have been found?"

Yunying is an excellent candidate, even though Yue Wuxia didn't intend to send her there, but if Yunying really insisted, she would still agree.

She had an idea, an idea to lurk inside Monan Xiexiu.

"No, it's just that the suzerain has always been kind to me, so it's unavoidable that I don't know how serious it is."

Then Yunying understood what Yue Wuxia meant.

Yue Wuxia spoke vaguely, but perfectly answered every question Yun Ying had.

And Yunying herself, wanting to lurk in Monan is not entirely to earn a living for the brothers and sisters who have hurt their roots, she also has her own plan.

She could never forget the vague aura on Xian Yuyi's body that was similar to her father's.

Now Liu Changqing has passed away, leaving only some small mysteries, which can be solved in time.

Then the father's matter must be put on the charter.

The secret of Monan Xiexiu, the secret of Shangqingzong, she must find out. (end of this chapter)

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