Chapter 1039 Giving Blood

Feng Jing looked at Yun Ying in disbelief, seeing the tenderness and sincerity in her eyes clearly, her eye sockets gradually became moist.

Yunying pinched his cheeks, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled: "I know you are very moved, but now is not the time to be moved, and there is no time to be moved, you should get rid of the situation you are facing as soon as possible." tell me."

At this point, she remembered that Feng Jing might still be in a state of great fear at this time and might not have the sense to analyze it in detail with her, so she condensed all the problems into two simple stationery items.

"Can I tell anyone that I've seen you, or can I keep track of you to no one?"

"Do I need to tell people I'm on good terms with you, or is it okay to fake a breakup?"

Feng Jing didn't expect her to ask such a question, but after thinking for a moment, she immediately replied: "No matter who you are, don't reveal it."

"It's better to pretend that you have broken with me, so it will be safer for you."

After finishing speaking, Feng Jing's eyes were filled with fear and uneasiness. He didn't know how she could cover his tracks when his flame was so blatant and his aura was so turbulent.

Yun Ying also noticed that the two Feng Jing's bodies were burning with raging flames.

Although they may not treat Feng Jing like the elders of the Phoenix Clan, Feng Jing has already formed a deep-rooted fear.

Otherwise, she might not be able to hold on to her face in the face of the burning of these two divine fires under the serious injury situation.

Feng Jing was slightly taken aback, but nodded immediately: "It's a bit dangerous, but it's okay."

Holding his face, it was like holding a round of sun, with the illusion that his hands were going to be roasted in a second.

Fortunately, there was a cold pool behind her, and the surrounding air was filled with cold air. Although the two different fires could not be suppressed, it protected her to some extent, so that she would not be really roasted.

"Shoot an arrow towards the back mountain."

So you can't let him go back.

Yun Ying pointed in the direction of the back mountain and said.

Such a powerful flame will naturally leave traces wherever it goes, no matter where Feng Jing escapes to the ends of the earth, as long as the people of Feng Nigu follow the breath of the flame to search all the way, they will eventually drag him back.

"Sure enough, it's not an ordinary magic weapon. Can it withstand the rockets condensed from two kinds of divine fire?" Yun Ying asked again.

Yunying raised her eyebrows slightly, the red-feathered nine-phoenix bow actually split with Feng Jing's split.

The two Feng Jing nodded at the same time, and took out the big golden red bow at the same time.

"Is your Red Feather Nine Phoenix Bow still usable?"

Feng Jing obeyed her words.

Yunying had already thought about this and prepared a place for Feng Jing.

Otherwise, Feng Jing's inner demon alone would be enough to torture him to death.

Phoenix True Fire and Nine Nether Flames are not something that ordinary people can touch at will.

The two arrows shot through the sky again, and the flames illuminated the sky again. The deep night sky was reflected with a bright golden red, like a magnificent sunset, but it was fleeting.

At the same time as the two flames were shot out, the red-feathered nine-phoenix bow in Feng Jing's hand also made a crisp sound, and the bowstring broke.

Yunying nodded slightly: "Good job, now give me a drop of your blood, blood from both bodies."

Feng Jing did not hesitate to force out her heart and soul to him, the two bodies moved together, two bright red blood drops swirled in their palms, and then flew into Yun Ying's palms like a bird throwing a forest.

(End of this chapter)

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