When Yue Wuxia heard these words, she raised her eyes slightly and looked directly at Yunying.

Zhuo Jingxiu looked at her even more directly: "Then, what happened?"

Yun Ying murmured anxiously: "I don't know what to do, I just said that I can't just leave like this, and Feng Jing can't just leave like this, otherwise everyone will worry about his whereabouts in the future."

Having said that, she coughed a few times.

Zhuo Jingxiu raised his eyebrows slightly, and listened to her excuse.

"But at that time, Feng Jing seemed to be trapped in some kind of great terror. She was insane and couldn't listen to me at all. When she saw that I didn't obey him, she raised her hands."

Yunying bit her lip slightly, not knowing whether her acting skills could fool these powerful people, but she turned pale according to her original plan, and said the words she had prepared.

Zhuo Jingxiu's complexion was deep, and he couldn't tell whether he believed it or not. He only heard him ask: "He did something to you? Can you see how he did it to you?"

Yunying shook her head: "At that time, I only felt a red light in front of my eyes, and then I lost consciousness, and then there were many warning signs in the burning pain, forcing myself to wake up. I..."

Her face became even paler, as bloodless as porcelain.

"I just felt the pain in my body was unbearable, and I was about to be burned in the next moment. I just thought about running my spiritual energy to protect myself, and I couldn't remember anything else."

After saying this, she felt a stiff body, and the feeling that her internal organs seemed to be gouged out came again, making her back stiff involuntarily.

Zhuo Jingxiu withdrew his spiritual consciousness and looked at Yunying thoughtfully.

Her talent is very good and can be said to be rare in the world.

But talent is talent, cultivation base is cultivation base, no matter how good the talent is, it will appear insignificant under the difference of cultivation bases of several great realms.

Zhuo Jingxiu was confident that Yunying could not deceive his spiritual consciousness. She was indeed seriously injured, and her body was filled with unsuppressed divine fire.

If Feng Jing hadn't hurt her impulsively, it would be difficult to have a second proper explanation.

It's impossible for a little Bone Forging Realm disciple to hide Feng Jing who is burning with divine fire.

Logically speaking, it should be so, but Zhuo Jingxiu didn't know why, he just felt that something was wrong with Yunying.

There must be some other secret hidden in her.

The owner of Fengni Valley, the peak of Dongming Realm.

The former represents that he has been in power for many years, and the latter represents that his spiritual pressure is unattainable.

Such a person's eyes were fixed on her body, Yunying could only lower her head, and try her best to show a posture that was probably in line with her choice at this time.

She trembled slightly, but forcibly held back the trembling, the spiritual energy in her body was constantly circulating, not only to suppress the two drops of blood in the bone marrow, but also to make her trembling and pale face look just right.

Although she doesn't know if it's really just right, she can only do this at the moment.

Feng Jing, Feng Jing, you, an adoptive father, should not be underestimated.

This time, I paid an unimaginable price to protect you.

Yun Ying bit her lip and thought.

Suddenly, the invisible pressure on her body suddenly relaxed. Yunying was stunned, but she did not raise her head to look at Zhuo Jingxiu, and only checked his expression through her spiritual sense.

But Zhuo Guzhu's expression was still calm, and he couldn't figure out what the old man was thinking.

He shot a flash of spiritual light into Yunying's palm, and said: "The dog went mad and hurt the little friend so far, I am really ashamed, I will use this thing as a little compensation, and I hope the little friend will accept it."

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