The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1058 Exchange Conditions

Yunying took the storage bag and opened it. She saw that they were all spiritual treasures and elixirs, and she couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

Yue Wuxia collected almost all the waste elixirs in Mingyue Sect and gave them to her, but it was still not enough for Yunying.

Longyin Trading Company is the richest place in Mobei Zongxiu, and there should be a lot of waste elixirs in their treasury.

Yunying secretly told Lin Heyang and asked him to mention this matter for her.

Lin Heyang couldn't help but look strange after hearing this, but he still hesitantly told Han Xiuzhu this request.

There is no other reason. He is a disciple of Huishuo Mountain in Gaoyi.

When I came here, Master told me to pay special attention to this little junior sister from Chupo Mountain.

"Waste elixir?" Han Xiuzhu was a little confused when he heard what he said.

Lin Heyang nodded bravely.

Bai Zhen turned his head slightly and looked over, and Lin Heyang felt that his hair was about to stand on end.

This guy Bai Zhen has been his neighbor for more than ten years, and he knows very well what kind of jealous temper Bai Zhen has.

You must quickly make it clear that you are not using your power for personal gain or accepting bribes, otherwise Bai Zhen can kill his relatives on the spot!

So Lin Heyang said: "One of our junior sisters is seriously injured. She practices special techniques. Waste elixirs are more effective than good elixirs, so I would like to ask Young Master Han for a favor."

He didn't name anyone, but Han Xiuzhu could guess who he was talking about.

Han Xiuzhu's eyes passed over the people in front of him, and finally landed on Yunying accurately.

When Lin Heyang saw this scene, he couldn't help but want to raise his hands to his forehead.

But he could only forcefully smile and said: "Young Master Han Er has a really accurate eye for people, it is my junior sister who needs the pill."

Han Xiuzhu didn't immediately agree or refuse, but for an irrelevant question.

"Is this junior sister's surname Yun?"

Lin Heyang nodded: "Exactly. Could it be that Young Master Han has heard of my little junior sister's name?"

Han Xiuzhu smiled slightly: "How could you not have heard of it? Mingyue Zong Yunying is a newly rising spiritual seed in Jinfang City."

Having said this, he tilted his head slightly and his eyes fell on Bai Zhen.

"The limelight is second only to Senior Brother Bai."

Baizhen's face remained motionless and he didn't answer. He had the air of an immortal who ignored worldly affairs and just drank the dew and the wind.

Coupled with the touch of white clothes, no matter how you look at it, it makes people feel unapproachable.

Han Xiuzhu didn't expect Bai Zhen to pay attention to his words. He smiled at Bai Zhen and turned back to continue talking to Lin Heyang.

"There is something, I don't know if it would be presumptuous to ask it like this. But I am thinking about my friend's concern, so I have to ask it rudely."

Lin Heyang heard that he was speaking so carefully and felt that what he was going to ask next was probably very confidential. It was more likely to be what happened in the Mingyue Sect on that night when the fire fell from the sky, so he immediately wanted to politely decline.

You know it's presumptuous to ask, so don't ask!
But Han Xiuzhu's next words made him refuse.

"The waste elixir matter is quite troublesome, but with X's qualifications, it is not difficult to collect tens of millions of waste elixirs. In exchange for non-committal, can I get a chance to ask Junior Sister Yun alone?"

He guessed that he would refuse, so he didn't plan to ask himself at all. He wanted to ask Yunying directly!
Lin Heyang cursed in his heart, but still had a gentle smile on his face: "I still need to ask Junior Sister Yun for her opinion on this matter. Second Young Master Han, why not go and ask directly?"

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