The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1066: Broken Frost Recast

Chapter 1066: Broken Frost Recast
Waves of colorful lights fell from the clouds, like a meteor shower, and one of the light spots also landed in front of Yunying.

Yunying reached out to pick it up, and unexpectedly found that the light ball actually contained a repaired frost-breaking knife.

She looked up in surprise, but heard Yue Wuxia's message: "Elder Weapon Refining has been helping you repair it. I was afraid that I would not be able to catch up with the big fight, so I never told you before. Fortunately, I caught up."

Yunying said hurriedly: "Thank you so much, Master, for your love."

She did miss the frost-breaking knife a little bit, after all, she had used it for a long time.But the weapons donated by Liu Changqing and Liu Changqing finally "died together", which can be considered a good ending. Even if they miss him, people always have to look forward.

Unexpectedly, Yue Wuxia actually asked someone to help her recast the frost-breaking knife, which really surprised her.

The frost-breaking knife in his hand still looks the same as before, but the blade is as cold as frost and snow, the blade is sharper, and the aura on it is purer. It looks close to a magic weapon.

Yunying looked at it and sighed.

Even if the quality improves and you can accompany yourself for a while, there will still be a day when you can't keep up.

Many things in the human world are like this, not only between monks and weapons, but also between monks and monks. There is often a gap and a distance.

The world moves so fast. If you slow down a little, there will be a fear of being abandoned by the whole world.

Thinking of this, Yunying felt that she could understand Feng Jing's anxiety better.

He was almost abandoned when he was born, and then he finally integrated into the world, only to be "returned to his original shape". How could he not be depressed and despairing?

But the next year will be their opportunity!
In addition to Yue Wuxia, there was also a spiritual consciousness sweeping around her.

Yun Ying knew who it was, she didn't make a sound, and didn't make any movements, she was still calmly absorbing the power of the pill in the corner.

As long as she entered the Kelan Desert, even a power like Zhuo Jingxiu would have no way to monitor her anymore.

Except for that jade bracelet...

She glanced at the jade bracelet on her wrist.

The release of Feng Jing in front of Lu Changheng that day was a test.

Feng Jing was released, but Zhuo Jingxiu didn't notice it. Some of them were willing to think that Lu Changheng had arranged the formation to prevent the aura in advance, but Yunying believed that the reason why the jade bracelet didn't notice anything abnormal was entirely due to Yin Xue. .

Yinxue's mist is indeed powerful, and the ability to hide his breath that he is most proud of seems to be one of the effects of this mist.

But Yinxue probably didn't like hearing this.

Yunying was thinking about it when suddenly the spirit boat shook slightly and stopped in the sky.

The ten thousand monks who put on the armor all looked out of the ship to detect their spiritual senses, and found that under the spiritual ship was a huge silver formation.

The formation is woven continuously, covering nearly ten thousand miles of land, like a silver cloud floating in the air.

Inexplicably, everyone on the boat understood that this was the only way to enter the Kelan Desert.

In contrast, on the ground of the Kelan Desert, a similar silver formation will appear a year later. Only by passing through that formation can one successfully exit the Kelan Desert.

Just when the disciples were stunned by this vast formation, black dark clouds surged over in the distance, and their momentum was even greater than the colorful auspicious clouds here.

Monan evil cultivator is here!

Everyone's eyes moved to the south again, and among the black clouds rolling in, thousands of bloody figures stood out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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