Feng Jing obeyed Yunying's orders and immediately injected spiritual power into it.

Suddenly the eyes of the two phoenixes were filled with light, and Yunying had to close her eyes to avoid the dazzling light.

When she opened her eyes again, the holy light emitted from the two phoenix eyes condensed into two patterns.

The nine-color long-tailed phoenix formed a round shape and slowly rotated forward and backward.

"Isn't this the totem you made before?" Yunying looked at Feng Jing.

Feng Jing was also excited: "Yes, it's that totem!"

Although the strange fires have disappeared, their fire seeds have been contained in the totem. As long as the totem is re-mastered, those strange fires can be regenerated.

Feng Jing stared at the two totems blankly, almost crying.

He thought that the totem and the strange fire had dissipated together, but he did not expect that they did not dissipate, but were smelted into the Nine Phoenix Bow.

Seeing how excited he was, Yunying patted his shoulder gently: "Don't be too excited, the anger in you is a little bit out again."

Hearing this, Feng Jing hurriedly tried her best to control the two divine fires and tightly contained the fire energy within her body.

Yunying still pressed his shoulder: "The totem has been transferred to the Nine Phoenix Bow. This is very strange. You said before that the Nine Phoenix Bow is made from the ancestral Phoenix spine and the phoenix feathers of the elders, so the Nine Phoenix Bow should They are also from the same origin as you... Did you let this Nine Phoenix Bow shed its blood to recognize its master?"

"No." Feng Jing shook her head.

He used to be very irritable and was full of dissatisfaction with all the arrangements of the Phoenix Clan. Although he was quite affectionate towards Jiufeng Gong, he still loved and hated the Phoenix Clan because he hated it, so he did not shed any blood to recognize it as its master.

Of course Yunying knew about his temper and said with a smile: "Forget it in the past, you can't be willful in the future. To be honest, I'm not sure if you can get through this, and if you can really be reunited , then you are the supreme body that combines the Heavenly Netherworld Phoenix and the Nine-turn Nirvana Divine Phoenix, and your power is not much better than the original Ancestral Phoenix. Thinking about it, you know that such a powerful power cannot be endured by those with great perseverance. Maybe this Everything is a checkpoint given to you by God, you have to cheer up and use all your strength to survive this disaster, do you understand?"

Her voice was very soft, but it struck Feng Jing's heart like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

Feng Jing said solemnly: "I know that I will no longer feel sorry for myself. I will follow your footsteps and get through this hurdle!"

Yunying shook her head and smiled: "What are you chasing after me? You have your own path. Your footsteps should be on that path. If you always look to the side, you will definitely go astray."

She sighed and said sincerely: "Afeng, everyone has their own path. No matter how powerful the power you get from others, it is not your own after all. I am not talking about cultivation, but will. You know my I mean."

Feng Jing was silent.

Of course he understood what Yunying meant.

He once tried to imitate Yunying. Every time he did something, he thought that Yunying would be able to persevere, so he persevered too.

He thought he was strong enough then.

But a split finally brought him back to his original form.

He was so dependent on Yunying. When his mind was blank, he just wanted to throw himself into Yunying's arms and seek her protection and guidance.

But Yunying is just a monk who has not yet broken through to the mortal realm. What obligation does she have to help herself bear all this?

This is one of the reasons why he has been so upset these past few days. (End of chapter)

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