Feng Jing's heart gradually calmed down, and Yunying was about to start thinking about her plans for this year.

She had already had a hunch that her Xuanrong dharma body was not a very righteous dharma body. Instead, it was most likely a dharma body that was refined through heresy like the Blood Demon.

Therefore, many problems in the body could not be explained in Mingyue Sect Wanjuanzhai, and they could not find answers in Zhu Laoyao Master. They could only take the wrong approach and look at these evil cultivation methods.

Moreover, Man Luo's appearance made Yunying feel that there might be many people like her hidden among the evil cultivators.

Even if he can't fully display his strength, he can still pass on his skills to the Monan evil cultivators, greatly broadening their horizons.

For example, the art of refining weapons cannot be understood by evil cultivators in the world of cultivation.

If she could hunt down one or two monks who had received guidance from evil cultivators in the demon world, explore their memories, and study their techniques, she might be able to find some direction.

Feng Jing’s strange fire also needs to continue to be collected.

Although the totem is still there, the strange fire has been severely damaged. To regenerate the fire, it needs the nourishment of majestic and abundant fire spiritual energy.

Although Yunying had some fire spiritual materials in her hands, it was far from enough to support Feng Jing in regenerating fire.

Therefore, you also need to deal with some fire-attribute cultivators and exchange some fire-attribute spiritual items from them.

There are even many unexplored secret realms in the Kelan Desert. If you are lucky enough to find one, you might be able to find enough fire spiritual materials.

Killing evil cultivators, engaging in firefights, and exploring secret realms are probably the three goals.

If they were lucky, they might have solved each other's problems by the time they walked out of the Kelan Desert.

But the premise is that they work hard enough.

Yunying didn't want to waste time and started to leave immediately.

Feng Jing was already at the peak of the Fusion Realm, and could freely use two kinds of divine fire. Even if she encountered a monk in the Divine Realm, she would be able to fight.

And in this Kelan Desert, the most powerful one is the realm of gods.

Feng Jing can be said to be invincible.

However, he has to spend a lot of time and energy to stabilize the totem and re-breed the strange fire. He can't always take action, let alone show up in front of outsiders. These are limitations for him.

He stayed with Yunying for three days. He first went to hunt down a few powerful evil cultivators. After three days, he returned to Hongyu Mountain to concentrate on stabilizing the totem. When Yunying encountered irresolvable danger, he came out to help her. .

After discussing it, the two began to attack the evil cultivators.

The desert is extremely cold at night, the full moon shines thousands of miles away, and the boundless sea cannot be seen.

Trekking in such a desert is really unpleasant.

Seven men in blood-clothed clothes walked in the desert, leaving a series of footprints.

One person at the end complained: "Why do you have to choose a place where birds don't lay eggs to fight? There are not even meat and vegetables, and the mouth will fade away from the bird!"

"You're not the idiot from Mobei who keeps talking about being a true cultivator and wants to protect those mortal beasts!"

"Besides, if we don't choose a place where no one is around, we brothers will use a secret technique to turn a hundred miles around into a sea of ​​blood. How can any meat and vegetables escape our grasp? Neither are those idiots. It’s really stupid, knowing that we have the ability to turn decay into magic, there’s no way we would be allowed to get close to those animals!”

After the man finished speaking, the other people burst out laughing, not even noticing that there was a vague shadow standing quietly a few feet away from them. (End of chapter)

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