The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1115 Draw a knife to help

Chapter 1115 Draw a knife to help
Yunying knew from Xian Yuyi's memory that the evil cultivators of Shangqing Sect were all masters of playing with the seven emotions and six desires. They used the furnace cauldron to replenish their Qi and blood, and more importantly, to make them indulge in the sea of ​​love and desire. In order to replenish his seven emotions and six desires.

This kind of cultivation method is extremely unique, and what you can do after you succeed in cultivation cannot be underestimated.

The sound of Yu Simeng's Shang tune was extremely chilling, but the evil cultivator just waved his hand and fired out a burst of pink spiritual power, which was like a gauze covering mosquitoes and flies, covering the sound of the piano easily.

Taohong's spiritual power shook out, and the sound of the piano was completely digested with a slight movement.

The whole process didn't even take a moment, and it didn't stop the evil cultivator at all.

Yu Simeng also knew that he was no match for this evil cultivator, so the colleague who played the piano took Yunying's hand and immediately retreated.

Yunying took advantage of the opportunity that Yu Simeng had won and used the Water-Fire Hunyuan Dao Gang.

Two swords, one red and one blue, were like sharp arrows flying across the sky, piercing Taohong's spiritual power, and aimed at Xie Xiu's palm that was reaching towards Yunying.

The evil cultivator never took Yunying to heart. Only when the sword approached was he realized that it was extremely sharp and could not be underestimated. He quickly grabbed a whisk in his hand and waved it with his backhand, and the three thousand silver threads came with a soft force. Heading towards Daogang.

The silver thread seemed powerless, but when it hit the sword, it caused the sword to tremble slightly.

Daogang persisted for a quarter of an hour and immediately collapsed.

Yunying and Yu Simeng seized the opportunity and retreated together. When the evil cultivator eliminated Dao Gang, the two of them had already reached the Fusion Yuan Realm monks in Zixia Palace.

It's not that they want to divert trouble, but the two of them obviously can't go head-to-head with the evil cultivator, so they can only find someone to help.

"Senior brother, please do me a favor, and I will thank you in various ways later!"

The two monks from Zixia Palace were both physical practitioners and had already eliminated several evil cultivators in the Fusion Realm around them. Seeing Yunying and Yu Simeng coming over, they laughed and said, "It's easy to talk! It's our responsibility to eliminate demons and protect the Tao." !”

The evil cultivator who was catching up heard what the two said and sneered: "You speak arrogant words without weighing your own weight!"

The two monks took action together, with their figures like the wind, attacking the evil cultivator from left to right. While taking action, they laughed and said, "You will know if you are arrogant or not!"

As the two of them spoke, one punched and the other clawed, and they started fighting at close quarters with the evil cultivator.

Yunying and Yu Simeng were dealing with other evil cultivators while closely watching the fight over there. Yunying even used the nine-changing eyesight of the soul to the extreme.

The three people fighting together gradually lost their skin and flesh in her eyes, leaving only three human-shaped clouds of smoke.

Those smokes are constantly flowing, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth from the surroundings, and blowing out their own spiritual energy.

In the smoke, the existence of Dantian and Lingtai can be seen at a glance.

The two Zixia Temple monks were both physical practitioners, and their spiritual power was a ball of dazzling gold. As they punched and palmed, their spiritual power changed in many ways, and there was a faint image of a lion's head in their dantian.

King Kong roars like a lion!
Yunying immediately recognized the skills of these two people.

Looking at the Shangqing Sect monk again, his Dantian was indeed colorful, a dizzying mist, with countless faces of infatuated men and resentful women floating in it.

Inexplicably, Yunying felt that the spiritual platform was knocked hard, and Fu Zhi also knew this evil cultivation technique in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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