The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1123 Nine transformations of divine power

Chapter 1123 Nine Transformations of Divine Power
Yunying opened her eyes slightly and looked at the Shangqing Sect monk who was entangled by two Zixia Palace disciples.

How about taking a look at his memory?
Thinking about it, she couldn't help but use "Nine Transformations of Soul".

When she saw the Lian Xiantai monk take action just now, Yunying realized that her vision had become more profound. Later, when she saw the Qing Sect undercover and his love bug, Yunying directly comprehended the opening chapter of the Prison Transformation Sutra. I am even more certain that I have unintentionally opened up a new direction of eye contact.

Speaking of which, although "Nine Transformations of the Soul" roughly explains the function of each realm, in fact, the mysteries of the human world cannot be defined simply.

Everything you see is visible, so can invisible things be seen?

The so-called skills are, after all, changes in cause and effect. If these causes and effects can be understood, wouldn't it be possible to deduce the skills in reverse based on the monks' abilities?

If Yunying really cultivates her wisdom eye to the extreme, she might be able to penetrate all the monks' skills at a glance. At this level, she is just a small step forward after finding the correct usage.

But even this small step is enough to benefit her endlessly.

Yunying couldn't help but wonder how such a wonderful technique fell into the hands of the monk.

How stupid and afraid of pain must the monk be to ignore such a powerful technique and not learn it.

Yunying had many doubts in her heart, but she really had no way to refuse the "Nine Transformations of the Soul". She could only practice while wondering, could something secretly give this skill to her on purpose?

Can't blame her for thinking too much, this technique is too powerful and suitable for her.

Yunying did not dare to ignore these doubts lightly, because in the past, she had relied on these doubts to save herself from fire and water time and time again.

No matter when she was in the Qin family or when she was Liu Changqing's apprentice, these doubts helped her survive until the end.

If she ignores these doubts and blindly regards these benefits as gifts from fate, she is afraid that she will end up in a big mess.

Liu Changqing...Liu Changqing...

Yunying looked at the monk and couldn't help but trembled when she thought of this name.

When his eyesight was further advanced, when he looked at the monk from Shangqing Sect, he turned from virtual to real again. His Dantian, his meridians, and his spiritual source had substance again.

Therefore, Yunying clearly saw the flow of meridians in this Shangqing Sect monk's body.

Every meridian, every subtle flow of spiritual power.How the different colors of the seven emotions and six desires are infiltrated into his spiritual power, and how they are played out with his moves.

Looking at these, the skill called "Seven Desires Demonic Palm" was slowly generated on the golden bamboo slips.

But what surprised Yunying the most was not these, but the evil cultivator's Dantian.

In his Dantian, in addition to the main spiritual source, there is also a small spiritual source lingering around.

His own spiritual source was deep red, but this small spiritual source was colorful and sparkling.

The small spiritual source was hidden behind the big spiritual source, surrounded by various spiritual powers and seven emotions, so Yunying didn't see it just now.

Now she looked at it carefully, and the little spirit source showed its existence from the many colors.

This large and small layout reminded Yunying of Liu Changqing.

There is also a blue-gold spiritual source in his Dantian, which is a small spiritual source born from practicing the Chung Lin Lai Chun Gong.

(End of this chapter)

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