The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1136 Stone Forest Camp

Chapter 1136 Stone Forest Camp
Bai Zhen looked at Yunying carefully and said to her, "Come with me."

Yunying was slightly startled: "Thank you for taking care of me, senior brother, but I want to walk by myself for a while..."

"Sheng Kui and Su Minglang are looking for you." Bai Zhen said one sentence and Yunying could no longer refuse.

She sighed, knowing that Bai Zhen was different from other senior brothers and sisters. This person was a pure swordsman who spoke and acted decisively, with no room for turning around.

Of course, I don't have the ability to bring him back now.

That's still with Su Minglang.Sheng Kui and the others should go together.

Thinking like this, Yunying could only agree with a smile and follow Bai Zhen in the other direction.

Bai Zhen didn't even consider whether Yunying had practiced high-level light body techniques. He stepped on two sword intents and streaked across the sky like meteors, traveling thousands of miles in an instant. Yunying could hardly keep up.

"Senior brother of yours is very attractive." Cuizun couldn't help but say, "Even more attractive than when your father just escaped from the Xuanming Palace."

"Don't compare like this." Yunying said helplessly.

Her father was just learning to be a human being at that time, and Senior Brother Baizhen probably had never thought about the issues of being a human being.

Even among sword cultivators, this Senior Brother Bai is considered extremely weird.

Because Bai Zhen's "guidance" was almost as fast as traveling through time and space, Yunying soon saw a stone forest.And the moment Yunying saw the stone forest, Bai Zhen in front suddenly disappeared.

It turns out that senior brother just slowed down to accommodate her.

Yunying smiled helplessly, knowing that a person with Bai Zhen's personality would not be impatient to do trivial tasks, so he lured her to the stone forest and naturally went to do other things, without any further delay here.

She immediately put aside Baizhen and looked at the ocher-red weathered stone pillars in front of her. Although Yunying had never seen them in person, she felt very familiar with them.

Isn't this... isn't it the important place where Sui Shan said that he and Chu Cui fell in love.

There is actually no problem for the disciples of Mingyue Sect to choose to settle here.

The stone forest here is densely covered, which is very suitable for hiding and setting up formations, and the depths of the stone forest are rarely disturbed by quicksand and storms, so wounded soldiers can recuperate... In short, this is indeed a good place.

But when she thought that Sui Shan fell into Chu Cui's gentle hometown here, Yunying always felt that the feeling given to her here was a little subtle.

When they walked into the stone forest, they saw several senior sisters in yellow robes patrolling in groups. As soon as they saw Yunying, they all showed their magic weapons, and then someone saw clearly who was coming.

"Junior Sister Yun! How did you find this place? Did Senior Brother Bai bring you here?" The senior sister who spoke was named Luo. She was a disciple of Yugong Mountain and had a good relationship with Yunying.

Yunying, who was also indifferent to everyone else, put away their magic weapons one after another.

Yunying nodded and said: "Exactly."

The female cultivator next to Senior Sister Luo said: "We have set up a formation here. I'm afraid that Junior Sister won't be able to get in alone. Why don't Senior Sister Luo lead her in, and also explain the rules here to Junior Sister."

Senior Sister Luo nodded, and Yunying naturally would not refuse.

She followed Senior Sister Luo's footsteps and passed through the tall and towering stone pillars. She let go of her spiritual sense and observed carefully, and she found the fluctuations belonging to the formation.

She also discovered at the same time that each stone pillar was engraved with ten special runes, engraved in extremely secret corners.

There are tens of thousands of stone pillars in this stone forest, which is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of runes carved on them.

The power of these runes combined together is indeed unpredictable.

It is truly amazing that there are such skilled formation masters in Chupo Mountain who can build such a huge formation.

(End of this chapter)

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