The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1148 Soul Searching Accident

Due to the sensitivity of the restriction, Yunying could not help but be cautious, slowly bypassing the restriction bit by bit, remembering its appearance, and then slowly cracking it bit by bit.

This process took a full hour. When the restriction was finally worn away by Yunying, Yunying also felt that her spiritual consciousness was drying up.

She used the Qingling Kung Fu to replenish the dried spiritual consciousness, and looked at the already confused soul again.

Without the trouble of restriction, the silver light of this soul is purer, but it is also significantly weaker.

It seems that the restriction has the effect of prolonging the existence time of the soul. Otherwise, with the fragility of the soul, it would be impossible to maintain it until now.

"Why is the restriction useless for self-destruction?" Yunying frowned slightly, not daring to immediately search for the evil cultivator's soul.

Cuizun also felt something was wrong: "This restriction can be said to be extremely powerful. I just felt it. If you accidentally touched it just now, the power it would erupt would be enough to strangle you into powder. But with such power, It’s really weird that the restriction doesn’t have the ability to self-destruct.”

"It's not necessarily weird." Yinxue suddenly said, "If the person who controls the ban is not in this world, then the ban will naturally not explode."

Yunying's heart moved when she heard this.

Not in this world?

Cuizun's reaction was even greater: "You mean, this restriction is left by the demon world?"

"It's just a possibility." Yinxue said lightly, the solemnity in her tone obvious.

Yang Bo also said: "This is the most likely guess. In the past, many people in the spiritual world were affected by the spiritual consciousness of evil cultivators in the demon world, and became neither humans nor ghosts. The methods of evil cultivators are really special. I am afraid that these evil cultivators Xiu’s control over Monan far exceeds the intersection between the spiritual world and your Zhengxiu.”

Yunying actually knew this.

Yue Wuxia revealed to her that she had actually known for a long time that the evil cultivators were very aggressive. The reason for the big fight in advance was to attract the attention of the evil cultivators so that they could secretly investigate the evil cultivators' situation.

Yunying shook her head, shook these things out of her head, and searched the soul carefully, still cautious, for fear that there would still be some restraint left.

Another half an hour passed like this, Yunying once again exhausted her spiritual consciousness and saw all the evil cultivator's memories.

Seeing Yunying's eyes tightly closed and motionless, Cui Zun couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Yunying slowly opened her eyes and smiled nonchalantly: "It's okay."

Many of the memories of this evil cultivator were as she imagined, but there was one scene in it that Yunying could not let go of and could not let go lightly.

However, she could no longer think about that scene. If that scene stayed in the spiritual platform for a moment longer, she would feel a kind of throbbing pain trembling from the depths of her soul. Compared with practicing the nine changes of the soul, the sting caused by this stimulation was more painful. She couldn't stand it.

She clenched her hands tightly to dispel the scene.

But the many mysteries in my heart cannot be dispelled.

who's that person?that person……

She bit her lip, but her body twitched involuntarily.

"Something's wrong!" Cui Zun shouted, "A Ying! A Ying, come to your senses quickly!"

Yinxue's movements were even more crisp, and a stream of silver light rushed straight to the spiritual platform, shattering the storm of spiritual consciousness rising in the sea of ​​consciousness, making Yunying fall to the ground with a low cry.

However, the twitching on her body did not stop.

She lay on the ground, slowly curled up, hugged each other with her arms, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

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