The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1158: Unclear Bone Name

Although the Qingling tribe is called Qingling, they are still a mixture of pure and turbid. Moreover, they do not have a physical body like monks, so the pure and turbid are all a kind of Qi, so they are easily destroyed by the turbid Qi caused by negative emotions.

The realm of pure spirits that monks pursue is genuine, carefree pure spirits.

Not only the body, but also the state of mind should be as clear as glass.

Although so far, Yunying has never seen anyone who is truly clear both inside and outside.

Even if they reach the realm of Emperor Zun, there are still countless things that bother them. Judging from the reactions of people like Yinxue and Yangbo, not only are they not carefree, but they have also worked hard to an extent that outsiders cannot even imagine.

But turning oneself into a pure spirit is still a very important goal for monks.

Even if the mind is not free, the body must be clear enough.

Therefore, the essence of the so-called bone forging is to forge turbid and heavy bones into light bones that can absorb more spiritual energy.

This is the meaning that the bone forging realm must exist.

But just as a clear spirit has become an elusive goal, the so-called forging the turbid into pure is just a description of a state, and few people can truly achieve it.

First of all, the so-called turbidity does not mean that there is really something heavy and dirty inside the bones, it just describes a state that is difficult to grasp.

Secondly, the talents of many monks are far from enough to support their slow carving, so where they can treat them perfunctorily, they can only treat them perfunctorily in order to shorten their time.

Therefore, over the years, the so-called bone forging has become to fill the bones with spiritual energy, drive out the obviously inappropriate parts, fill the holes with spiritual energy, fill the inside and forge the outside, and forge the bones to be more solid and tight.

Speaking of which, there are very few people like Yunying who do have gray glue in their bones. She has read all the letters from the Mingyue Sect and has never seen anyone who looks like her.

However, in these jade slips of the White Bone Mountain Kung Fu, Yunying saw about three hundred kinds of special bones, most of which were produced by refining the death energy of the White Bone Mountain.

One of them is called Bujinggu, which is very similar to Yunying's situation.

He said that the so-called impure bones are formed by the condensation of turbid and evil qi, and are filled with a lot of black turbidity.This kind of bone is either natural or something went wrong during the refining process. The dead energy cannot be converted into cold energy smoothly, and it just gets stuck in the bones.

For a living person, unclean bones are a very heavy burden.But for bone-controlling monks, this kind of impure bone is an excellent puppet material, so Baigu Mountain has been trying to improve the formation of dead air into cold air, hoping to condense more impure bones.

But this matter is not so easy to control. The dead energy directly washes away the bones and causes the bones to decay immediately. Therefore, the transformation of dead energy into cold air is a necessary process.

The amount of time it takes to forge bones with cold air is not fixed. It needs to be controlled by the person who refines the bones. Sometimes if you are not careful, the cold air will be excessive and turn the bones into ice cubes. If the time is not enough, the cold air will be interrupted. supply, then the bones will burst into slag directly between hot and cold.

So until now, the impure bones in White Bone Mountain were still created accidentally and were not successfully forged at all.

Yunying felt that her condition was very similar to that of unclean bones filled with dead and evil energy.

Of course, being like and being are two different things.

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