The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1161 Completely Eliminated

Since he came to the conclusion that there was no obstacle, Yunying was not going to waste time and immediately decided to completely cut off the former gray glue and the current charcoal ash.

Even if they are really Kong An Qi and very powerful beings, the path Yunying is currently taking is completely different from the destructive guidance of Kong An Qi. Since it is different, there is no need to worry about it like a miser.

No matter how powerful a monk is, he cannot master everything in the world, not even a monk with a mysterious body.

Yunying knew very well that there was a limit to the capacity of Xuanrong's body. Even if she expanded this limit to the maximum, it would not be infinite after all.

This is the limitation of being a monk, but looking at it from another angle, this is the luck of being a monk.

Only Heaven can be big enough to accommodate all things, but humans cannot.

People are limited, and they only need to complete their own part of the work.

Even the Fifth Ancestor Emperor, whom Yinxue and Yangbo admired very much, in the end, they just did what they wanted to do and then obeyed fate.

Fight as hard as possible and then compromise with the world. This is the way of a monk.

Yunying had vaguely felt this for a long time, but it wasn't until now that she truly understood this truth.

So, she did not hesitate to scrape away the "charcoal dust" inside the bones.

These charcoal ash may seem like a lot, but if you really clean them out, they are only as large as a palm-sized jade bottle.

Yunying looked at the jade bottle full of charcoal ash and breathed a sigh of relief.

"After cleaning up, I felt so relaxed."

"Perhaps you should have relaxed in the first place." Cui Zun said, "After all, it is a completely different part from your origin."

These words made Yunying thoughtful again.

"Yes, they are completely different things. Keep it, maybe the yin and yang will be more balanced, but without it, my path will become purer."

The understanding that was already clear suddenly took on a new level.

Yunying thought a lot of things clearly during her epiphany, so she no longer hesitated and took out the jade slip of the White Bone Mountain's martial arts technique, "Frost Bone Penetration Technique", and decided to use it as a blueprint to transform her own bones.

In "Frost Penetrating the Bone Art", the so-called bone marrow is the most important thing, followed by the bone.

Marrow is a gel formed by a mixture of Yuan Qi and Xiantian Qi, and bone is a self-protective shell produced by this gel.

Because people are at different times and places in the process of pregnancy, the process of forming innate true energy is different, and the final impurities contained in the bones are also different.

There are some very lucky people. The impurities in their bones cannot be called impurities, but are quite beneficial to their spiritual practice. What such people need to do in the realm of bone forging is different from others. They should try their best to put their own Maximize the advantages.

But apart from White Bone Mountain, few monks have studied bones to such an extent. Judging whether impurities in bones are beneficial is also an overly delicate and time-consuming process.Therefore, most monks do not waste time identifying them, but directly eliminate them.

In fact, what Yunying is doing right now is the same. The air of emptiness may not be beneficial to her cultivation, but she has no time to waste it, and she can't take the risk of letting something that may be harmful and cause endless troubles stay in her body, so she chooses it. Dropping is the best option.

Now, her bones are empty. According to the technique, a lot of cold air is needed to fill and consolidate them. This is a pure water grinding technique.

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