Threads of little blue and purple snakes swam inside Yunying's body, breaking all the aura she had managed to accumulate. Finally, they even rushed into the bones, turning into blue and purple thunder fire, burning part of the cold air.

How could Yunying tolerate the situation she had worked so hard to create to be broken so easily? She immediately mobilized her spiritual energy to walk in her meridians - the moment the thunder filled her body, the invisible barrier between the blood vessels in her dantian disappeared, and her spiritual energy could flow unimpeded. Entering every part of her body, but at this moment, her strength was defeated by the thunder. It was not easy to do this.

Yunying had experienced many strong winds and waves, and she didn't care about this loss of strength at all. She immediately made the decision to let Cui Zun condense the wood energy to stab herself.

Although Cuizun, Yinxue, and Yangbo were also affected by the thunder, they were not as numb as Yunying and could still mobilize some strength.

Cui Zun was struck so dizzy that he didn't know exactly what happened to Yunying, but he immediately followed her instructions, condensed the wood energy into a short thin needle, and rushed to Yunying's most painful acupuncture point to poke it.

Yunying inhaled in pain, and had no time to complain about Cui Zun's sincerity. She immediately mobilized her energy according to the painful feeling. First, she turned her spiritual energy forward and transformed it into the majestic energy of chaos. Then she gradually reversed it and transformed the energy of chaos into majestic energy. It turns into cold air and is sent into the bones.

In this race against time, it took three or four breaths to think of a remedy, which made Yunying quite worried.The situation is indeed not good. When her cold energy is sent into the bones, the frost bones that have just been fused with the blood of the phoenix are already tending to disintegrate again.

This is too dangerous. Fortunately, the two drops of fused blood have dissipated and merged into the bones. It is impossible to be peeled off again, and it is impossible to take the opportunity to resist yourself. Otherwise, you will just wait for death.

Having said that, if those two drops of blood knew anything, they would have clapped their hands and applauded when they saw this situation. Just now, Yunying tried so hard to make them taste the bitter fruit, and now she finally tasted it herself.

In the rolling thunder and fire, the cold air was of no avail, and it dissipated in an instant as soon as it pounced on him.

But Yunying also saw that although it was powerful, it could not burn her bones immediately, and would eventually play a tug-of-war with her.

As for the tug-of-war, he has never lost.

Just as she patiently adjusted, absorbed the thunder snake to temper her body, and continued to increase the amount of cold air circulated, another ray of light struck straight down from the sky.

"how is this possible!"

Not only Cuizun, Yinxue, and Yangbo shouted in surprise, but everyone outside the tent also shouted in surprise.

This is just a small thunder catastrophe for the mortal realm to advance to the melting realm. A thunder can reach the sky and the earth and open up barriers. Why is there a second one?
"Is there anyone else who is advancing?"

"Impossible! How can anyone survive the thunder tribulation at the same time!"

People who didn't know what was going on were talking about it, but Su Minglang and Sheng Kui were so surprised that they couldn't speak.

"Little junior sister...this is no longer human..." Sheng Kui said tremblingly.

In front of him was the evil cultivator who had been stabbed in the chest by thousands of swords and was nailed to the ground unable to move.

Originally, Daogang Talisman could only block his red light with difficulty, but at the moment when the thunder landed, all Daogangs seemed to suddenly increase in strength, suddenly doubled in size, and their speed and sharpness were also different from before. Xiu easily suppressed the Dao Gang Talisman, but he was a little slack, and his car was overturned by this unexpected change.

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