The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1170 The Melee Is Coming Soon

The evil cultivators silenced their voices and turned around to see a frosty female cultivator holding a long bow and looking at them coldly.

"It's still unclear who Yang Gu is, so why rush to exaggerate."

In this short span of time, Bai Zhen had already fought against the evil cultivator elder. Although Bai Zhen was only in the realm of divine connection, his swordsmanship was unparalleled. Three or four evil cultivators who were at the peak of the realm of divine connection had already been defeated. Yunying's Tribulation-Transcending Heavenly Thunder was dealt with, and the remaining people in the late stage of the Divine Realm believed that they would definitely die in the face of this sword intent, so they all avoided it and did not dare to meet it.

There was a large open space next to Bai Zhen and Elder Xie Xiu, allowing them to take action as much as they wanted.

One's sword intent shot straight up to the sky and the earth, and the other's cultivation was unfathomable. The two men started to move, and their momentum was no less powerful than that of Xiao Tianlei before. Regardless of whether they were cultivators or evil cultivators, they all looked a little crazy.

Su Minglang relied on fighting spirit to cultivate, and the hearty fight at the moment was naturally attractive to him, but he still forced himself to look away from above, always vigilant, and guarding the gray spiritual cocoon around him.

Due to excessive vigilance and nervousness, he did not notice his changes. The wounds on his originally broken arms slowly sprouted with granulations. The dripping blood and horrific wounds were gradually covered by new flesh and bones.

Not only him, but all the Bone Forging Realm monks around the spiritual cocoon were wrapped in an invisible and colorless force field, and the wounds on their bodies were being healed at a slow and slow pace.

The evil cultivator elder who was fighting with Bai Zhen in the distance seemed to sense something and glanced this way with a frown.

"It's so magical..." A flash of greed flashed in his eyes, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, dropped the white paper and rushed towards the gray spirit cocoon.

Chen Li, who was standing in front of the disciples, sneered when he saw this and raised his hand to do three or four formations.

"This is the first time someone has rushed directly towards my formation."

The four sets of formation patterns are colorful and wrapped in different spiritual objects, like four solid rings.

In the interlocking circles, extremely majestic power was flowing. The evil cultivator came towards this place like a meteor. It seemed that he had a huge force, but he did not break the protection of the formation at all. He was like a rubber ball. He bounced back and then stabilized his body.

In such a short time, Bai Zhen arrived with a sharp sword, and the evil cultivator had to turn around to fight him.

The man frowned and thought to himself: "When I came here, I only said that there was a little girl with extraordinary potential to devour, and I didn't say that there were these things!"

Seeing Chen Li throw out one formation after another, Bai Zhen's sword intent became more and more murderous. Even if his shoulder was pierced by his own claw, he still rushed forward as if he didn't know the pain, but he actually fell a little behind. After entering the lower wind, the evil cultivator felt very angry. He immediately shouted to the evil cultivator who was stunned: "What are you doing here? Why don't you quickly break the barrier and eat these sheep meats alive!"

When he shouted like this, the other evil cultivators came back to their senses and used various means to move towards the defensive formations of Chen Li's men.

Chen Li sneered, a hint of pride appearing on his elegant face.


He clicked several times in the air with his hands like playing a harp, and suddenly the collapsed and uncollapsed stone pillars were filled with heavy yellow light, and the wind blew everywhere, as if the hard power that had kept them alive for thousands of years had been drawn from the yellow sand, and all of it was instilled into himself. In the defensive formation in front of him, no matter how brazenly the evil cultivators attacked, the formation only rippled slightly and never showed any tendency to break.

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