The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1172 Gray light detoxifies

Su Minglang stared at Chen Li and thought hard before remembering that when these evil cultivators came in, they released a layer of blood mist.

In the blood mist, streaks of red light appeared and disappeared, and this was how the evil cultivator appeared.

I thought it was a trick by them to show off, but I didn't expect that it contained such a sinister intention.

Su Minglang's heart was in turmoil. He felt his chest was tight and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

He was busy warning himself, telling himself not to take it lightly, as he had been poisoned to some extent, and if his mood fluctuated too much, he would be hurt by the poisonous gas.

The reactions of other disciples were similar to Su Minglang's. They all quickly calmed down after being furious, for fear that they would also be attacked by poisonous gas and risk their lives.But there are always some disciples who are arrogant and unable to suppress their anger, so they vomit blood.

Although Chen Li was calm, he was the most deeply poisoned. His face could not hide the blue and black color, and his words were full of fishy and sweet meaning.

But he still gritted his teeth and supported it.

He was not trying to be a hero, but the eyes of this large array were on him. If he fell down at this moment, these hundreds of junior brothers and sisters would really be exposed in front of everyone like fish.

"In the end, I was still relying on my talent and being arrogant, and I suffered a huge setback."

Chen Li thought with a wry smile.

Although he looks as humble as a scholar, he is second only to Baizhen among the disciples of his generation, and his arrogance in his heart is no less than that of Baizhen.

The large formation currently arranged in the stone forest is the result of his painstaking study after he accidentally obtained a inheritance while traveling outside during this period. He is very proud of it and thinks that with this formation, he will be able to benefit everyone. Junior brothers and sisters create an extremely strong camp. No matter what accident occurs, this place will not be breached.

Unexpectedly, these evil cultivators taught him a lesson as soon as they met him.

It is true that his formation has never been breached head-on, but he has actually fallen into the opponent's trick. The opponent does not need to do anything, as long as he waits quietly for an hour or three, he can reap the benefits.

Chen Li sighed softly.

In the end, I was mistaken because of my own talent. If I could do as Master said and spend more time concentrating on the world and human relationships, maybe I wouldn't be like this today.

Opening his eyes and looking at the densely packed evil cultivators with greedy faces, Chen Li clenched his fists slightly and mobilized the spiritual power in his dantian, hoping to use his self-destruction to open a path of blood so that some lucky junior brothers and sisters could rush out.

But as soon as he made a move, Bai Zhen, who was fighting with the evil cultivator over there, looked over. Chen Li was shocked with his cold and sharp eyes.

At the same moment, Chen Li suddenly felt that some kind of power was slowly growing in his Dantian, making the spiritual energy that had been struggling to function and stagnant come alive again.

He was extremely surprised in his heart, but his face remained calm, still maintaining a gloomy look. He only calmly summoned a ray of spiritual consciousness to enter his Dantian to check the situation.

He was surprised to find that a glistening gray light shone in his dantian, which was both dim and full of vitality.

Wherever it passed, the black poisonous gas slowly retreated and was finally forced out of the dantian, running along the meridians to the fingertips, turning into thick venom and being squeezed out drop by drop.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Chen Li was still inexplicably surprised. He wiped away the venom quietly and accelerated the circulation of spiritual energy in his body.

Only then did he realize that the gray light was not only in his Dantian, but all the disciples of the Mingyue Sect were actually bathed in this gray light.

He understood immediately and immediately sent a message to everyone.

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