The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 178 Plum Tree Heart

"What's the matter?" Yun Ying asked.

Cui Zun said in a low voice: "Your father has made arrangements for your natal weapon."

Yunying raised her eyebrows slightly, suddenly remembering the night when she got the "Secrets of Artifact Refining", Cui Zun hesitated to speak several times, and suddenly understood something.

She said lightly: "This natal weapon must also be related to you."

Cui Zun said yes, and said again: "Although my body is gone, the most essential Mu Xin was preserved by your father. Do you still remember the jade flute that your mother played when you were young?"

Yun Ying's eyes are far away, her mind is drifting on the river of memories.

In the most vivid and beautiful picture scroll in her memory, her father wields a knife and her mother plays the flute, playing "Sparse Shadows", "I also teach a piece of music that goes with the waves, but complains, and mourns the jade dragon. Waiting for this time, looking for it again The delicate fragrance has entered the banner of the small window".

At that time, I didn't know what the song meant, and I lost my life for tens of thousands of years.

The feeling of bewilderment only existed for a moment before it was dispelled by Yunying. She mobilized other spiritual sources to absorb spiritual energy and repaired the damaged dantian and meridian for herself, while quietly listening to Cui Zun tell his story.

"When I met your father, he was already half dead; your father was almost the same, with only one breath left. So the two of us signed a symbiotic contract. I used my abundant wood energy to make a name for him, and he took my essence and wood The heart is alive, waiting for the opportunity to find the way of eternal life for me. But more and more things happened later, this matter had to be delayed."

When he said this, Cui Zun paused, and those glorious years seemed to come back to his eyes: "In the end we finally settled down and had a safe false identity, but your father's foundation has almost collapsed."

Yun Ying's eyes trembled slightly. The identity of his father, the eldest son of Yun, was indeed a fake, but why did the Yun family adopt his father, an outsider?
"He originally thought that if this life ended like this, he would seal my spirit and Mu Xin, and make it look like an inheritance for the descendants of the Yuanyun family to inherit in the future. But the mysteries of the world are not always predictable, and he met again. your mother."

Cui Zun laughed: "To this day, I still can't believe that an old goblin who has lived for hundreds of years, such an old thing with such a thoughtful mind, would have feelings for someone who should be just a little girl in his opinion."

Hearing what he said, Yun Ying frowned slightly: "Are you jealous?"

"Who is jealous!" Cui Zun immediately retorted, "I am an old man, how can I be interested in another old man!"

"But you're still very sour." When it comes to parents, Yun Ying is no longer indifferent, and she has to be mean to Cui Zun, "You and my father have known each other for so long, and I thought that the two of us would depend on each other for life. , and my mother appeared, and the two of them got married, and you became an outsider, you must feel very uncomfortable, right?"

Cui Zun took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that he shouldn't tell Yun Ying about this, the stinky girl is usually taciturn and looks like Geng Jiu, but she is not bad for her mother when she plays tricks!
It's a pity that it's too late to regret at this time, Yunying has already found out what he was going to say in the end.

"The jade flute that my mother played was made of your wooden heart. My father didn't seal it, but sealed you in my dantian, that is to say, he wanted me to use your wooden heart as my life Weapon, you live in it as a weapon spirit, is that right?"

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