The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 316 Race against time

The desk is complete with pen, ink, paper and inkstone, as well as seals of various colors, a piece of snow-white paper sprinkled with gold is laid flat on the side of the table, and a wolf hair brush rests on the purple jade inkstone.Because the pen was inserted like a forest, Yunying didn't think there was anything wrong with the pen when she looked at it for the first time, but now she looked at it again, and she suddenly realized that there was something wrong with this pen!

The writing brush in the pen holder is either made of fire jade, or made of heavy thunder wolf hair, or engraved with the pattern drawn by the formation master.But the pen resting on the inkstone is very ordinary, ordinary spirit bamboo pen holder, ordinary snow rabbit fur, without any extra decorations.

This is the cheapest snow bamboo pen that even monks can afford. Why does it appear among the rare treasures on this table?

Yun Ying didn't want to know why, but she subconsciously pulled out the knife that had cut the curly blade in the city gate, and slashed towards Xuezhu Pen.

Mirage, who was directing all the ghosts to besiege Feng Jing, suddenly realized something was wrong, and rushed to the house after flying past ghosts, but was blocked by a glazed rocket fired by Feng Jing who was very excited.

The little girl really found this guy's weakness!

Feng Jing was surrounded by ghost shadows, and she couldn't see the scene inside the house for a long time, but her eyes were red and black, but she was able to lock the path of the mirage ghost. Nine consecutive arrows blocked the mirage ghost's way into the house and cleared it. Just as he was about to continue, he suddenly found that the ghost energy on the mirage's body seemed to have weakened a lot, and the speed of walking among the ghosts was also much slower than before.

I don't know what's going on here, I just think Yun Ying has grasped its weakness, Feng Jing stepped up the opportunity, and handed the triple glazed rockets one after another, completely smashing the tattered shell of the mirage ghost.

It turned out to be transformed by a female nun, but it's just that it's been a long time, and the ghostly aura is so hazy that I can't see the face clearly.

Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, Feng Jing has no sympathy, aiming at her eyebrows is an arrow.

However, when the arrow shot out with glazed flames, the mirage's figure suddenly disappeared, and Yun Ying's low roar suddenly came from the darkness.

Feng Jing was taken aback, and was about to rush into the house, but was blocked by overlapping ghosts.

The room was already dark, Yunying looked at half of the pen barrel, sighing in her heart that it was still not enough.

With her ability, even if the knife just now has integrated all her perception of Haoyue's sword technique, and emptied all the spiritual sources in the dantian except the blood-colored spiritual source, the force is so great that even the soft white knife was broken into pieces. Two cuts were thrown, knocking Yunying to the ground.

But after all, the pen barrel could not be completely smashed.

He had done all this enduring the severe pain, but now that the aura is empty, and all the killing intent and combat power are concentrated in that one strike, Yun Ying knows that she has no chance.

A dark figure gradually emerged from the broken pen barrel, and she stared at Yunying with angry eyes.

The mirage originally looked like this, and it was actually considered beautiful, but it's a pity that humans and ghosts have different paths, no matter how beautiful they are, it's useless.

Seeing that it was the mirage who rushed to Feng Jing one step ahead, Yunying knew that she really had no chance to be safe.

The mirage screamed and rushed towards Yunying, but a burst of red light erupted from Yunying's body.

The red light is very mixed, half is blood red, half is fire red, the two kinds of red are intertwined, and immediately turned into a protective light, which bounced off the menacing mirage, and Yun Ying suddenly burst from the ground and rushed to the table To pinch the pen barrel with bare hands.

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