While being attracted by memories, Yunying couldn't help but be moved by Huiniang's unwillingness to die.

After all, just now, she also experienced the same unwillingness.

The despair of being gradually surrounded by death, and the unwillingness to see herself doomed to become a puppet, almost drowned her.

She was just lucky, and she didn't die for the time being.

But more people died, including Hui Niang, father and mother.

What kind of mysterious existence is life and death? Why did she separate herself from her parents so easily, and why did she rewrite her fate so easily.

I am afraid that these questions will never be answered, and she is destined to move on with this pain.

In a daze, Yunying sat up from the bed, surrounded by the familiar plum blossom paper curtain.

Mother likes plum blossoms, likes the kind of spotted bamboo, and likes a word that Yunying has never seen in Wanjuanzhai's collection.

"Nine doubts and clouds, the crying of the broken soul, the blood of lovesickness, all soaked in the green yunzhi."

Her mother's boudoir name is Qin Yao, so Yunying always suspects that she likes this sentence only because it contains her and her father's names.

"Ah Ying got up so early?" A familiar and gentle voice came from behind, Yunying seemed to be struck by Jiao Lei, she turned her head suddenly, and saw her mother lying beside her, looking at her with a smile on her face.

Just like every cold morning in winter, when my mother snoozes so much, after Yunying wakes up, she shakes her arms desperately, and then she opens her eyes with a smile.

Smile like now.

Yun Ying felt her eyes sour, and slowly stretched out her hand towards her mother's cheek, but stopped at a place that was only a minute away from touching it.

She is afraid.

I am afraid that this is an illusion that can be broken at the first poke, and I am afraid that this is a more real dream that can be poked.

Whether you can touch it or not, this is a dream, a cruel dream that she clearly understands.

Instead, Qin Yao moved his face closer, and said with a smile, "What's the matter, I'm really sleepy! Come on, mother's face will be squeezed for you!"

The fingertips were warm, Yunying couldn't help crying, she threw herself into her mother's arms and wept bitterly.

And her mother gently patted her on the back and said to her, "Aying, don't be afraid."

Don't be afraid, even if this is just a dream, after waking up, it will still be bleak and no longer have their life, don't be afraid.

The times that have existed will last forever, and no amount of suffering can wear them away.

Yunying cried so much that her whole body was trembling, and countless grievances that she couldn't tell others came to her heart. She wanted to tell her mother how painful and cold she was just now, and she almost died.

She wanted to tell her mother how bad she was in the Qin family. The family that raised her mother was not another home for her. It only brought her exclusion and encouragement.

It's all because you're not by my side...

She wanted to complain to her mother like this, but she couldn't say a word. Too much grievance and unwillingness were stuck in her throat, which made her unable to say anything.

Qin Yao didn't speak, but gently wiped away Yunying's tears, and changed Yunying's clothes with her familiar handkerchief embroidered with plum blossoms.

Her six-year-old clothes.

Yunying looked down at her mother who was tying her clothes, thinking sadly that this was a dream.

But at least Mother doesn't know that this is a dream, she is still the same as seven years ago, Yunying thought wildly.

Even if it is a dream, it should be devoted to it.Otherwise, what was she working so hard to live for?

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