Chapter 325 Strange Text

The more Feng Jing thought about it, the more she couldn't stop breaking out in a cold sweat. With Yun Ying's temper, if she knew that she had done such a thing, wouldn't she get up and strangle herself to relieve her hatred?

But in fact, he didn't want to take advantage of his seniority, but he really felt sorry for Yun Ying.

I also pity myself.

Yunying cried like rain in her dream, crying to death, Feng Jing couldn't help but think of herself, when she just came here, she also cried to death, as if abandoned by the whole world.

But soon he held back these meaningless crying, he didn't want to cry in front of others, he didn't want his father to know his weak appearance, so even in his dream, he tried his best to tell himself to be patient...

But just after wiping, looking at Yun Ying's weeping face, Feng Jing suddenly felt that crying whenever he wanted to was actually a very enjoyable thing, and because of this bitter cry, he got to know Yun Ying more deeply.

Why should you stop your own grief just to make others regret it? If you don’t cry out your sorrow, others won’t know it at all.

Why do such a stupid thing.

Seeing that his expression was more dull than her own, Yunying frowned slightly.

Feng Jing immediately came back to her senses, thinking that if she was in a daze again, this little girl would really guess it, so she thought of using other things to attract Yunying's attention.

Thinking of this, he pointed to the handwriting on Yun Ying's hand, and asked, "What is this word? You wrote it in a dream, do you know it yourself?"

Yun Ying followed his words and moved her eyes slightly, but she couldn't see clearly.

After all, she was lying flat on the ground, so it was really difficult to read the words at hand.

But in her current situation, it was very difficult to even move her fingertips.

Just as he was about to release his spiritual sense to take a look, suddenly his field of vision went up, bringing all those strange self into view.

Yun Ying was surprised, first she was surprised that Feng Jing actually leaned forward to help her up, and then she was surprised by Feng Jing's aura.

Feng Jing's cultivation broke through the first level and became the fifth level of blood refining, but there was a faint dangerous and contradictory aura about him. Although Yunying could sense it before, she could also sense Feng Jing's interest in that aura. strong control

But now, it seems like a sword that has been pulled out of its sheath a little bit, full of sword energy, always ready to bite back at its master.

Just now she was far away, and Yun Ying also woke up from a dream, feeling dizzy, but now that she is getting closer, she immediately sensed that something was wrong with Feng Jing.

She immediately mobilized her spiritual sense to check her dantian. This action gave her a new headache, but she still sent her spiritual sense into her dantian. Sure enough, several spiritual sources became extremely small and weak, like a few grains of dust in the ruins of her dantian Go with the flow, even the bloody spiritual source that has been troubling her before is no exception.

At the very center, the fire net woven by the hooks of the phoenix divine fire tightly trapped the life-threatening demon knife, making it unable to move an inch.

Wait, this flame...

Yunying stared again, and found that the Phoenix Divine Fire was different from before, there was always a faint black smoke lingering between the burning.

"Cui Zun, you..."

"I've seen everything, but I can't tell you now." Cui Zun replied immediately.

Although she didn't say anything, this attitude had already made Yunying guess most of it. She silently withdrew her spiritual consciousness from her dantian, her eyes swept over Feng Jing's face, and fixed the line of writing on the ground.

Because it was written in a dream, it is distorted and intermittent, but even if it is distorted to this extent, it can be seen that it is not a common script in the cultivation world, but a special tadpole script.

(End of this chapter)

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