Chapter 336
It turned out that the pregnant woman gave birth to triplets.

Isn't it a bit too scary that two of the triplets will be executed?Would a small place do such a cruel thing in order to control the population?Shouldn't it be, the smaller the place, the more children should be encouraged, so that one or two qualified monks can be produced to revitalize the homeland?

Feng Jing was full of confusion, and in the dark room, Granny Lin was extremely impatient with the pleas of the couple, she opened her hands slightly, and two clusters of flames lit up, intending to burn the two children to death on the spot.

"I originally wanted to bring them to the Immortal Formation to sacrifice, so that I could bully you, but since you don't want to die until the Yellow River, it's okay, I will stop this idea for you!"

Seeing that the bright flame was about to lick the tender skin of the two babies, Feng Jing only felt a buzzing in her mind, and her body was already thinking and moving.

Granny Lin was triumphant, but she didn't expect a gust of wind to whizz by, and the flames in her hands were suddenly uncontrollable, turning into two fire pythons to bind herself, and she didn't even have time to feel shocked, just before her eyes Yihei lost consciousness.

Granny Lin's arms were hanging down, and the two children were about to fall to the ground, but the father closest to Granny Lin was stunned for a moment due to shock. When he recovered, the child was about to fall heavily to the ground.

Knowing that it was too late, he still couldn't help stretching out his hand.

The next moment, a water-red satin boot embroidered with the Swastika in silver thread suddenly appeared on the uneven ground. Looking up, it was an extremely tall and handsome young man, with two children firmly held in his arms.

The couple, who were crying so loudly, were also shocked by the sudden change. They stared blankly at the boy who fell from the sky, not knowing how to react.

Feng Jing was holding the child in both arms, and only later did she realize that she had done something unwise.

He was also calm, with an unfathomable and fairy-like expression on his face: "What crime did you two commit, how did you implicate the child, and you will be burned to death as soon as you are born?"

He bit the word "burned to death" very hard, with a trembling taste.

Yun Ying could hear it clearly, but the couple couldn't notice it. The husband hurriedly knelt down on the ground: "Thank you...thank you Xianchang for saving your life!"

"I haven't said that I want to save you." As long as she's not in front of Yun Ying, Feng Jing has always been flexible, "What's going on here, explain it clearly, if you are really so evil, I'm not so nosy people."

Only then did the couple come to their senses and looked at each other. The woman on the bed smelled of blood, her face was haggard, and her temples were disheveled. At this moment, she was much braver and more decisive than her own man. She struggled out of the bed with a thin quilt, left the delivery room, and crawled to the Phoenix on her knees. At Jing's feet: "My daughter is innocent, and our husband and wife are also innocent, benefactor, save us!"

Feng Jing saw that her face was pale, and she was about to faint, but she was holding on to the corner of her clothes, marveling in her heart that the woman was just as strong as a mother, and her tone was a little soft: "Sister-in-law, you will rest on the bed, what do you want to say? Your husband and I spoke slowly."

"It's too late to talk slowly!" The woman shook her head desperately, tears rolling down, "The benefactor has great magic power, I beg the benefactor to take my children away, don't let them stay in this ghost place!"

The woman's husband also came back to his senses, grabbed his wife's hand, pulled out Feng Jing's clothes, hugged his wife back to the bed, and softly comforted her: "Don't worry, Juner, I'll tell my benefactor that he will save the child." It will definitely be saved, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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