Chapter 341 Strange Power
Feng Jing couldn't detect the tolerance in Yunying's words, but he saw Yunying's calm smile and knew that she had an idea.

Sure enough, Yunying didn't mean to tease him, and immediately admitted, "I have a way."

She asked Feng Jing to unfurl the formation flag first to cover up the aura of the four of them.Even though this area is very remote, only the servants in the kitchen come back, but a little preparation is still needed first.

What if there are smart people in the Lin family.

Feng Jing did as he said, the formation banner he carried was far better than what monks of the same level could have, and his true energy itself was unique, after the formation was opened, even the spirit of the monks in the Rongyuan Realm Knowledge will be concealed.

And the highest realm in the Lin family is nothing more than a monk in the Yuanyuan realm.

After Feng Jing finished her work, she turned her head to look at Yun Ying.

Yunying smiled and said: "Bring over the firewood over there, cover it with a cloak, and make a small bed. I have to put the two sisters down so that I can free up my hands to do things."

Although it is said to be moving here, it is enough to move with aura, but Feng Jing seems to be unable to react. She really brought a bundle of firewood, picked two furry cloaks to cover the pile of firewood, and asked Yunying to put down the child .

The cloak is one piece of fiery red and one piece of indigo blue, with a soft aura fluttering with the wind. Yun Ying knew it belonged to Zhuo Yanjia at the first sight. Jia obviously didn't care about two or three pieces of clothing, so he carefully put the child on the cloak.

Under the effect of the Sleeping Talisman, the sleeping faces of the two children were very stable. Outsiders saw it, and they would never imagine how thrilling they escaped just now.

Yun Ying took out a silver needle, pricked each of the two children's hands, squeezed out a drop of blood and dripped it into the jade bottle.

Then she cut open her index finger, dripped the blood from the wound on the fingertip as before, and absorbed the dharma body breath in the two drops of blood into the dantian.

Feng Jing was amazed. He had always known that Yunying had a special power that could absorb other people's dharma bodies for his own use. He had also seen how she absorbed them through the water mirror, but Yunying absorbed dharma bodies in front of him. It was the first time.

Facing each other, Feng Jing had a panoramic view of every detail.

He could vaguely feel that when Yunying's blood was absorbing other blood, there was a power that made him feel terrified.

It is somewhat like the devouring power of the Taotie clan, but it is different. Taotie just absorbs and restrains all other powers and transforms them into its own destructive and devouring power, while Yun Ying imitates and transforms any other power of dharma body.


Feng Jing had a strange feeling, he felt that Yun Ying didn't imitate and copy again, but that she already had such potential in her body, and all other people's blood was just a shadow that awakened the potential.

When Feng Jing was thinking about it, Yunying had already inserted the two sisters' spiritual source into the dantian, and the two drops of blood were forced out and put back into the jade bottle.

The old pharmacist Zhu had ordered that the blood should not be thrown away, but should be reserved for him as research materials.

After the first-order yin-yang and five-element spiritual sources converged, Yunying's Xuanrong Dharma Physique has risen a little bit. According to Cui Zun, she was originally a low-ranking member of the Xuanrong Dharma Physique, but now she can be regarded as a lower-middle class. Yes, it has become much stronger, and there will be no problem in absorbing the first and second rank dharma body, and the third rank dharma body can also be absorbed and used a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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