The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 350 Knowledge Blind Spots

Looking at that beautiful face, I can see how a little child swallows suffering bit by bit, seizes every opportunity to arm himself, and finally makes himself look like this.

An unspeakable sense of admiration slowly rose in Feng Jing's heart, and he suddenly understood where his restlessness came from.

He is not a strong man like Yun Ying, who cannot let his life develop according to his own wishes, but can only drift with the waves of fate.

If Yun Ying knew Feng Jing's twists and turns, she might not be able to help but laugh.

To put it bluntly, the reason why Feng Jing admires her so much is not because she dares to directly milk goat milk.

Now that they have all come to the Lin Mansion, naturally they can't just watch the children raise their children. Yunying kept studying the jade slips that Feng Jing handed out from Master Zhuogu, carefully studied them, and observed them day by day, and quickly figured out the patrols of the Lin Mansion. Law and defensive formation, not only investigate in the loosely managed kitchen garden on the outside, but also decide to investigate the closely guarded patriarch's study and martial arts field inside, to see what secrets the Lin family hides.

Jingjing is much more interested in this kind of thing than looking after children, and once again asked Ying to help.

Yun Ying knew that his cultivation base was higher than her own, and she had stronger self-protection power, and even if the Lin family discovered her whereabouts by accident, she would not suspect herself, let alone implicate many people in Chupo Mountain. Brothers and sisters.So he agreed to let Feng Jing look around instead of him.

Feng Jing wandered around Lin's house every day, at first she was timid because she was not used to wearing clothes, but after a day or two, she became familiar with it, stealing a pot of wine, picking up a melon or two, and even sneaking into the The patriarch secretly rummaged through other people's books in the study, and took a bath in the stagnant pool dug out by the Lin family with great effort. He lived a very comfortable life.

He is quite satisfied, but for Yunying, he hasn't found out any useful news.

"Because you haven't touched the area deeply enough." You can't blame Feng Jing for not paying attention, Yun Ying has been attaching his spiritual consciousness to him these days, and she can see clearly that Feng Jing has tried her best, but the Lin family really It was eerily quiet. Even though a group of disciples were sent out every day to search for the whereabouts of the lost twins, they never saw the Patriarch of the Lin family give an order.

Feng Jing didn't feel comforted again, but was even more frustrated. He seemed to be trapped in a strange circle where he couldn't do anything well.

Resisting her frustration, Feng Jing followed Yunying's thoughts and began to think: "You are right, and I just realized that after staying in the Lin family for so long, I have been everywhere, it seems that I have never been to their ancestral hall. "

"Ancestral hall?" This is what Yunying can't understand.

What is the importance of the shrine?

It looked like he had been away from the family for a long time.

Feng Jing cursed in her heart, and explained slowly: "The larger the family, the more it needs to gather the loyalty of many children, the more attention it pays to the construction of the ancestral hall and the incense sacrifices, the more likely it is to keep the secrets of the entire family in the ancestral hall. "

"So there is such a place in their house?" Yun Ying was a little surprised, these days she watched Feng Jing go around Lin's house, but she didn't find any ancestral hall, so she never thought about it.

Feng Jing also wondered about this for a long time, but before Yunying didn't mention it, he thought that Yunying didn't think it was important, but now seeing Yunying with a surprised face, he realized that Yunying didn't realize the ancestral hall at all importance.

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