The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 360 Consciousness Fusion

Yunying was also taken aback. Although Lin Pan felt a strong sense of death, she always felt that this was only the case of dying old people. Even though Lin Pan was too critical, it might just be an incurable injury left in his early years. .

Not to mention Yunying, Cui Zun also thought so when he didn't look at it carefully, but now he took a closer look, only to find that this is a dead person at all, with only a half-dead vitality hanging on his body, in fact, the whole body has been covered. The dead air is emptied by erosion.

Listening to Cui Zun vividly talking about the dead air flowing under Lin Pan's withered skin, Yun Ying only felt that the wind was gusty and creepy.

"Since the dead air has become so strong, how can he still act as usual?"

Before Lin Pan got angry at Lin Tianxiao, he got up, threw the teacup, and sat down again. His actions were all the same as ordinary people, without the slightest stiffness and stagnation of the corpse. How could this be a dead person?
"If it weren't for that, I would have noticed something was wrong right away!" Cui Zun was very sure that he saw it right, there was a living dead person in front of him!
Hey, there seems to be something wrong with this statement.

Yunying still finds it unbelievable, if the person in front of her is a pile of rotten flesh and lifeless, how on earth can he act without any risk?

"I can also see clearly." Cui Zun was very helpless. When he was in his prime, it was only a matter of a glance to see the tricks of this little monk in the Yuanyuan Realm, but tens of thousands of years have passed since his heyday. Although Fengjing controlled the Phoenix Divine Fire and tried not to disturb him, but trapped in Yunying's dantian, his gratitude to the outside world was limited after all.

"How about this." Cui Zun suddenly proposed, "I'll take a risk, enter your sea of ​​consciousness, and observe carefully through your eyes. You can't learn this magical technique now."

"Why do you need to take risks?" Yun Ying asked lightly.

Letting others enter one's most vulnerable sea of ​​consciousness clearly bears all the risks, so there is no risk for those who come in.

Cui Zun choked, and then yelled: "We are grasshoppers on the same rope now, so don't worry about it so much!"

After saying that, Yun Ying hurriedly put away her defensive consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, took a deep breath, slowly separated from Shanfan's dharma body, and ascended into Yunying's sea of ​​consciousness.

It seems that Cui Zun is not only no longer under the control of Phoenix Divine Fire, but also regained some strength.Although he was able to see all directions and hear all directions in the dantian before, he has never left Shanfan Lingyuan at will like this.

The question I asked just now was to deceive him. If it would be very troublesome for Cui Zun to leave the spiritual source, he would not be so guilty in the face of his own question. He could just say that leaving the spiritual source itself is a risk.

He didn't say it, but instead dismissed himself with his usual perfunctory, that is, there was really no risk.

Yunying thought silently, and she did not resist, she opened the sea of ​​consciousness, let Cui Zun enter it, and combined with her own spiritual consciousness.

Although this process was not painful, it put Yunying under considerable pressure.

Because letting others enter the sea of ​​consciousness is equivalent to exposing the chest to the blade in a disguised form. Although the blade may not stab it, I will still be subconsciously afraid.

Cui Zun also knew that Yunying was afraid, so he restrained his vain consciousness as much as possible, and after merging with the spiritual consciousness, he glanced outside in the shortest time, saw all the strange things about Lin Pan, and immediately left Yunying Conscious of the sea, return to Shanfan Lingyuan.

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