The auditorium was completely silent.

Breaking the moon sword technique is not a rare martial art. Among the 10,000+ people, most of them have practiced or comprehended it, but no one can practice this simple sword technique to such a level.

Although there are still some stubborn people laughing at her for wasting so much energy on this ordinary sword technique, more people are still amazed.

The ordinary Breaking Moon Saber Technique can still be studied to this extent, so how powerful will it be if you practice more subtle Saber Technique in the future?
Not only the disciples of the inner and outer sects, but even the disciples of Zhushan were shocked.

Su Minglang is a well-known inner disciple, and he is famous for his unbelievably strong physique, and secondly, his unbelievably crazy fighting spirit.

In the list of the young phoenix list, he is No.1 steadily, his score is more than double that of No.2, and the rock formation is a formation that uses heavy soil to test the physique of monks, just like the sky-reaching rank. Waiting for a moment, the pressure on his body will double. Su Minglang, a monk in the Gathering Realm, stayed in Panshi Town for a whole month before he came out. It is conceivable that the pressure he endured at the last moment was no different from that of a negative sea. Danshan.

Only that time, the scales on his body were completely shattered.

Other than that, where did his cold-shimmering scales suffer?

Now... Now that she has suffered such a big loss, one can imagine the sharpness of Yunying's saber technique.

Zhu Tianyang recalled the battle between himself and Su Minglang, and immediately became bitter.

He tried his best at that time, but it only left a mark on Su Minglang's body. If he hadn't changed his tactics in time and fought protractedly with him by relying on You Dou, relying on his stronger aura and more subtle footwork than him, he would have switched to attacking. In order to defend the whole field, he survived the limited time game abruptly, and it is really unknown who will win the game in the end.

Well, that's just a way of saving face for himself. For a lunatic like Su Minglang who is full of fighting spirit, the time limit is the biggest pressure on him. If he continues to drag on, he will definitely be defeated by Su Minglang. The bear paws fly!

However, Yunying was able to defeat his spirit in the first fight, and directly slashed someone's neck in the second round.

He's so weak in comparison...

Gao Mingyu also looked at Yun Ying without saying a word, silently correcting his thoughts just now.

Yun Ying didn't need to use all her strength to suppress him.

Su Minglang was escorted off stage by the elders, and a male cultivator who looked similar to him hurriedly carried him away.

That was his younger brother Su Mingyue, who was also the one who sighed at the bottom just now.

Strange to say, even Su Minglang felt that Yunying had the ability to break through the scales, but after breaking through the scales, he would definitely not be able to stop the knife and kill him, but this younger brother was sure of Su Minglang from the very beginning He won't die, there are two more pupils in his eyes similar to Su Minglang's, and the eyes with double pupils told him that Yunying will grasp the measure.

So he just sighed just now, and didn't worry about his brother.

Su Mingyue took her brother to leave, and the elder Duzhan asked Yunying again if she would continue to challenge.

Yun Ying was experiencing the feeling when he chopped down that one just now, and wanted to devote all his energy to comprehend, so he said that he would no longer challenge, left the center of the martial arts platform, and sat down cross-legged by the railing.

When she came, the crowd automatically parted ways. After she sat down, there was no one around for three or four feet, and she looked like a lone wolf for a moment.

The elder asked if the No. 2 monk from the bottom would challenge. He picked an inner disciple to compete, but no one paid attention to their competition. All eyes were on Yun Ying who was sitting cross-legged in meditation.

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