The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 422 From Love to Fear

"Of course not!" Cui Zun immediately denied, "I only knew him when he cultivated to the point of being a mirror."

"Then how do you know what happened when Daddy first awakened the power of Xuanrong?" Since Yun Yichen is also very talented, he also awakened the power of Xuanrong when the body of Xuanrong was only forged to a low-level high-grade, Then his cultivation base at that time must not be much higher than that of Yun Ying at this moment. How could he know what happened so long ago when he only knew Cui Zun who was in the Dongming Realm.

Cui Zun didn't know how to answer this question for a while.

Yunying raised her eyebrows, this probably involves some secrets between her father and Xuanming Palace, so let's just leave it alone.

Unexpectedly, Cui Zun was silent for a while, and actually answered her: "Actually... Your father probably realized that he might not be able to escape from that time, so he put his whole life experience, including that he didn't meet me You told me everything before."

Yunying was taken aback.

"He has been hiding in the Shangqing Realm of the spirit world and the demon world for many years. Although he and I have been friends who share life and death together, he has never told me his origin. The last time he was hunted down was in the Shangqing Realm At that time, he happened to get a book of secrets from a cave, which can completely reduce himself to the state of a baby, and start over again after washing the marrow of the Book of Changes."

"Geng Jiu is always crazy. In this regard, you are sometimes very similar to him, so you deliberately exposed yourself to the pursuers, pretending to blow up your dantian and die together, but in fact, you broke through the rift of time and space with your half-dead body, and came to this ultimate place. An unobtrusive mortal realm. After selecting a suitable family, use a skill he learned from the Shangqing Realm to return to the baby state."

"Then he was adopted by the head of the Yun family that I had a crush on, and he was given the name you know. He grew up again as the young master of the Yun family, cultivated to the level of blood refining, and lived with the children of several small families around him. Let's deal with the disaster of fog ghosts together..."

Having said that, he paused again: "That's when I met your mother."

Yun Ying silently rejected every word Cui Zun said, and finally understood everything that didn't make sense, and couldn't help feeling that her father was indeed an outstanding man, who had such courage and ability.

But...but in the end, there was still no escape after all.

"After being with your mother, he is indeed always uneasy, thinking that his self-willedness will eventually drag your mother down." Even after so many years, Cui Zun couldn't help laughing when he thought of Geng Jiu's murmur at that time .

Geng Jiu has never been considered a good person. If he was worried about dragging others down, why would he plot against the Patriarch of the Yun family with peace of mind? Doesn’t he know that if the Xuanming Palace really has a back trick and comes to this small world regardless of the order of time and space, the Yun family will Powerless to resist?

He knew it, but he calculated it anyway, and in the end, those poor servants of the Yun family were also implicated and died, as miserable as they could be.

However, among so many people who might be implicated by him, he only feels guilty towards Qin Yao and Yun Ying.

Feeling guilty towards Yun Ying is normal as a father, feeling guilty towards Qin because he cared.

Care from the beginning.

Because of this concern, he really changed from Geng Jiu to Yun Yi Shen.

Thinking of all the past, Cui Zun sighed deeply.

Geng Jiu is a monster that cannot be tolerated in the world, and Yun Yishen shouldn't exist. Geng Jiu himself understands better than anyone else.

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