Chapter 428
"" Cui Zun was surprised by her, "Aren't you curious about their relationship at all?"

"Not curious." Yunying said simply.

"Maybe it's an interesting love-hate relationship."

"My own love-hate relationship is more interesting."

Cui Zun was choked speechless, he could only complain in his heart, you have a love-hate relationship, what a mess at such a young age!

But Yunying was not interested in Jiang Rong and Xie Lianhuan anyway, and watched the two decide their ranking amidst the uproar.

Although Xie Lianhuan did not challenge Jiang Rong, there were several people who challenged him. Although he was not killed in one blow like Yunying and Su Minglang, his swordsmanship was far superior to others. The big stick No.2 after Jiang Rong.

Although Yunying only challenged two people, anyone with eyes knows how well he performed. Although he did not participate in the final naming because he was promoted to the blood refinement level, he was still awarded a prize equal to No.1 by the suzerain.

With a wave of the war elder's hand, the top [-] remaining on the field each received storage bags of different sizes. All the disciples received the rewards and stepped down one by one.

Elder Superintendent Zhan took the opportunity to ask Yunying: "Will little friend Yun still participate in the subsequent blood refinement competition?"


Seeing Yunying's answer without hesitation, Elder Du Zhan showed a hint of approval in his eyes: "Then I will enter my name into the roster of blood refinement realm for little friend."

"Thank you, Elder." Yun Ying thanked her and stepped off the stage.

Returning to the place where the disciples of Chupo Mountain were, all of a sudden 48 eyes shot at him.

Not knowing why, Yunying looked at Ling Shuangrui.

Ling Shuangrui waved at her with a smile, and pointed to the seat beside her to ask her to sit over: "It's really hidden, just now it really shined on the family. It's not as hard as your usual practice, and you deserve it. "

Yunying didn't know what to suffer, so she could only nod her head.

"Don't be too shy, this is what you deserve." Ling Shuangrui rubbed her forehead hair with a smile, and whispered in her ear, "Eldest brother wants to have a voice transmission with you, please prepare."

Yunying let go of the sea of ​​consciousness as she said, and she really came into contact with a faint sound wave.

The sound wave is very weak, and it is different from the ordinary secret language sound transmission. You have to open up your knowledge and concentrate on accepting it to catch it.

"I'm working hard to understand the Spirit Purification Cultivation Technique that my junior sister gave me. It really has miraculous effects in increasing spiritual knowledge. As a senior, I should thank you very much."

Yun Ying wanted to say "you're welcome" back to him, but she couldn't learn this peculiar method of sound transmission, and she also knew that he deliberately used this method of sound transmission to avoid the attention of Liu Changqing who might be patrolling the audience. If I use ordinary secret language to transmit sound transmission back, it will destroy his painstaking efforts, so I have no choice but to say nothing and accept his thanks.

Peng Qing continued: "Just now when Junior Sister fought against Junior Brother Su, she was able to find a gap between his heavy palms and immediately break through the blockade. It is obvious that she has cultivated her Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes to a certain extent. Dantian?"

Yunying understood, it turned out that the senior brother wanted to test the guess at the beginning, so he nodded in a subtle way, quietly submerged the spiritual consciousness into the dantian, and entered Peng Qing's dantian along the blood from the secluded spiritual source.

Turning around in it, Yun Ying returned to her dantian, and nodded slightly again.

(End of this chapter)

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