For example, when Gao Mingyu and Zhu Tianyang drew their swords, the whistling sound of the white tiger and the pocket sun wheel were all a little manifestation of the sword's own meaning of the sword itself. When they realized it deeper in the future, these artistic concepts would become more powerful and more extensive, but They are still just about the artistic conception of the exercises themselves.

Yun Ying had also comprehended the artistic conception of the Moon Breaking Saber Technique before, and it was precisely by the Moon Breaking Saber that had been comprehended to the extreme that he chopped Su Minglang half to death.

But right now she is attached to her left hand, and the sword that knocked back the physique cultivator unexpectedly is not the sword of the Moon Breaking Saber Technique, but a special sword that belongs to her that she has comprehended.

Even though it is just a vague breath right now, its strength and potential are beyond doubt.

There are countless monks who use swords and other fierce weapons as weapons in the world, and there are countless people who can comprehend all kinds of swords and swords, but there are only a few who can comprehend their own unique swords.

And Yunying is still so young...

Peng Qing restrained his surprise, and smiled slowly: "Young people are awesome!"

Compared to Peng Qing's gratification and joy, Liu Changqing was not so happy.

What a ghost, a little girl with a Shanfan Dharma body, her cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and her comprehension of kung fu is so terrifying. At such a young age, she can comprehend the outline of the sword that belongs to her alone. If she grows up a few years , can I still control it?

He was thinking about this matter in his mind, and he didn't even hear Zhao Furong's provocative words again.

Seeing him lost in thought, Zhao Furong also moved his eyes slightly, looking at the suzerain very unobtrusively.

Yue Wuxia shook her head without looking sideways, and Zhao Furong stopped talking.

"This child... will be the pillar of our Mingyue Sect." Yue Wuxia looked at Yunying who was still fighting with higher monks, with a smile on his lips.

Yun Ying herself didn't know that when Peng Qing and Mo Feiying were speaking about martial arts, the blurry thing evolved from the wisp of spiritual consciousness that she took out was the sword, but she had already learned how to use it without a teacher.

All parts of the body can be turned into knives, which are unparalleled in sharpness, crushing and flying the enemy all the way.

She didn't pick all these masters off the stage, because she knew very well that doing so would make Chuposhan's disciples enter the semi-finals, interfere with the normal ordering, and attract more hostility to Chuposhan.

She wanted to help Ling Shuangrui get the name of Chupo Mountain out, and re-establish the dignity as the main mountain, so that everyone would no longer underestimate the name Chupo Mountain.Once everyone is swept away mercilessly, even though he is famous, the price is that Chupo Mountain will become even more hostile to others.

Such a one-shot defeat, but not knocking them down, is "a combination of grace and power". After all, anyone with a brain knows that Yun Ying has the ability to completely disqualify them from the promotion.

It is also for the same reason, except that when the disciples of Chupo Mountain were besieged by a group at the beginning, she rescued them with one move, and after everyone dispersed, she never deliberately protected the disciples of Chupo Mountain.

After all, it is not a battlefield of blood and blood, but a competition for combat power. It is natural to be dismissed without strength. Forcibly sending everyone into the semi-finals will make people feel unworthy. Even more contemptuous.

As for the disciples without Yunying's protection, many of them were kicked off the stage. In the end, among the disciples of Chuposhan who were still on the stage, except for Yunying, only three of the Bai family sisters and Su Maojia were left.

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