Yunying still doesn't understand why Li's mother and daughter do these things to her, but she knows how difficult it is to survive, how difficult it is to live well and create a carefree environment for herself.

So after trying to understand that these people are also trembling for more resources, not daring to do anything beyond their capabilities, for fear that if they are not careful, even the resources they have already got now will disappear, Yunying can only feel the same sadness in her heart.

Sadness is sadness, Yunying is not willing to give up her progress just because of such a little emotion, she found that there happened to be a monk with the Chifeng Dharma Physique among the monks in the blood refinement level, so she began to pay special attention to him, drawing breath from him to continue Perfect the Chifeng spiritual source in the body, and at the same time divide the spiritual consciousness to keep an eye on the competition in the center.

Although she was still sitting by the fence of the martial arts stage, this time she was not kept away by other people like before. Many people sat around her curiously, watching her every movement.

A monk at the first level of the blood refinement realm should be at the bottom of the blood refinement realm, but she overwhelmed all the masters to become the number one. What a legend.Although it is said that the difference in combat power between the mortal realm and the same large realm is not very large, but according to common sense, a high-level monk at the blood-refinement level should be able to easily crush a low-level monk. How did this freak do it? Overwhelm the crowd?

They naturally didn't expect that when Yunying was in the Meridian Gathering Realm, every time she rose to a small realm, she followed the most difficult mode. At the end of the development, the meridians were far wider than other monks who gave up halfway. After the blood level, the movement and absorption of spiritual energy far exceeds that of others, which is already equivalent to the level of ordinary middle-level monks in the blood refining level. In addition, the amazing comprehension and outstanding sword skills are naturally worthy of the high-level blood refining monks.

Yunying watched every match very seriously, and even the two people who were fighting could feel her serious eyes, and couldn't help but be more serious than fighting for a moment—they always had an illusion, as if they were not being beaten. The little junior sister was watched by the master or some elder, the serious and slightly critical gaze was so similar to the masters!

Among the four sisters of the Bai family, Bai Yujiao has already been eliminated. In addition, Bai Yujing ranked last, No. 90 No. 90. She wanted to challenge No. 90, but when the competition for No. [-] No. [-] was about to end, he heard Until Bai Yujuan said in a low voice: "Go and challenge Yunying!"

Bai Yujing's eyes widened, and she looked at Bai Yujuan in disbelief.

Bai Yujuan was very dissatisfied with her expression: "Didn't you hear me clearly! I have to teach that bitch a lesson!"

Then why don't you go!
Bai Yujing was resentful in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it on her face: "I'm sure I can't beat her, she can only teach me a lesson."

Bai Yujuan didn't care at all: "Then you have to go, it seems to consume her energy, and then my sister and I will go again, I don't believe that the three of us can't consume her!"

Bai Yujing thought back to Yunying's easy strike against other masters, and thought to herself that she might not be able to consume anything with her little ability.

But Bai Yujuan couldn't stop urging: "Hurry up, the elder supervisor is urging!"

Bai Yuchan also turned her head and looked at her lightly.

Bai Yujing had no choice but to bite the bullet and say that she wanted to challenge Yunying.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on and off the stage fell silent, only the elder Du Zhan remained calm: "Bai Yujing, Yunying, step forward."

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