The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 444 Don't You Want To

Chapter 444 Don't You Want To
Bone-forging disciples are much more powerful than blood-refining disciples, and it is difficult for low-level disciples to do as little harm as possible.

Although Yun Ying forced all her opponents to step off the stage unscathed during the chaos, she felt that she couldn't do it without hurting others in such a situation.

Because everyone is indeed very strong, if you are a little slack or soft-handed, you will be the one who gets hurt.

She was fascinated by it, and paid special attention to a few knife repairmen. Although they used relatively thick knives such as big ring knives or simple knives, their movements were not as meticulous as her own, but they had a kind of wildness, regardless of the opponent's moves. It's so exquisite, it's all cut off with one knife, and ten meetings are reduced with one force.

Thinking about it carefully, why was she not like that just now.

"What is little junior sister thinking?" Peng Qing asked aloud as if he had read what was in her mind.

Yun Ying also said casually: "I'm thinking about what the so-called Dao Gang is."

Peng Qing said with a smile: "It seems that Junior Sister has already touched the outline."

"I don't count the outline, and I don't know if it's right." Yunying stared intently at the many movements of the knife repairer, "I just think that going forward without stopping and everything ending in one knife is the way I like."

Peng Qing nodded slightly: "This is your wisdom root, little junior sister."

In fact, monks in the mortal realm are not qualified to be called swordsmen, swordsmen, poisonists, lawmen, etc., although everyone later called them the monks of the mortal realm, but in fact, at the beginning, only the promotion to the Rongyuan realm realized the embryonic form of their own way After that, he is qualified to be called sword repairer and sword repairer and many other titles.

As for the reason, Peng Qing once read in an extremely old jade slip that there was a time when the spirit of heaven and earth was extremely abundant in the cultivation world, and talents came forth in large numbers. Most of them rarely practice too much in the mortal realm, and all formal comprehension of Dao is carried out after the Yuanyuan realm.

But later, for some unknown reason, the air of heaven and earth became thinner and thinner, and the monks stayed longer and longer in the mortal realm. If they did not comprehend the Dao at this time, I am afraid that they would have missed the best time of prime of life , so more and more monks invent and evolve various moves in the mortal territory for themselves and others to comprehend.In order to distinguish it from the previous martial arts, these martial arts were renamed.

Yunying suddenly realized: "So that's the case, then the bone forging realm must be the stage where everyone concentrates on thinking about the fairy road, and they have more or less comprehended some artistic conceptions, but these are too vague, even the cultivator himself may not Can control as much as possible, so they can't control the power of their moves, right?"

"Junior Junior Sister is very smart." Peng Qing answered with a nod and a smile.

Yun Ying didn't think she was clever, but suddenly realized that she had been deeply analyzing the Moon Breaking Saber Technique, which was something everyone would do when they were in the Bone Forging Realm.

Then it's no wonder that the disciples at the blood refining level have little resistance to her.

"It's just because I took a step ahead of others." Yunying said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Peng Qing and Mo Feiying looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

"Junior sister, don't belittle yourself like this." Peng Qing said with a smile: "Do you think that everyone didn't comprehend the Dao when they were in the Meridian Realm and the Blood Refining Realm, because they didn't want to?"

Yun Ying was taken aback for a moment, then understood what he meant, and couldn't help but smile: "What the elder brother said is true."

(End of this chapter)

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